Recent Article on KOTA news-Rally related

    • 467 posts
    August 16, 2011 4:54 AM PDT

    So this article popped up on my fb today and I just wondered what you all thought. I left my response there for all to see--and I base this on my personal experience of what I saw a lot of this year.

    • 5420 posts
    August 16, 2011 5:06 AM PDT
    Wow, can't believe there was no mention of any alcohol related incidents.
    • 130 posts
    August 16, 2011 5:38 AM PDT
    Harry Hurt's findings for single-vehicle motorcycle accidents reflect the article's.
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    • 19067 posts
    August 16, 2011 10:13 AM PDT
    Looking purely at the numbers, only 56 reported is amazingly low. If it was even a modest turnout this year and there were only 100,000 in attendance that works out to .056%
    • 467 posts
    August 17, 2011 1:45 AM PDT
    Yeah, and we had less then half of the bike related deaths this year too. Just 4. One was hit from behind by a car with a "possibly" drunk driver.
  • August 17, 2011 2:59 AM PDT
    100k in attendance, thats all wow. I can remember being there, when there seemed to be that many on Main street alone. I guess the economy and the lack of disposable income has reached Sturgis in a big way. Hey lets all go next year and have the largest meet and greet in CF history!!!
    • 834 posts
    August 17, 2011 4:34 AM PDT
    I got to believe the 100k is a very low estimate. That would be considered a disaster for Sturgis.
  • August 18, 2011 2:05 AM PDT
    Last year they guessed there was between 600K and 700K in attendance.

    STURGIS, S.D. (AP) — Officials say attendance at the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally that ended Sunday was likely down from last year's 70th anniversary event.

    But rally officials and vendors tell the Rapid City Journal ( that the drop is probably no more than usual for a year after a big anniversary.

    Official crowd estimates will be released later this month after the city of Sturgis receives vendor sales tax revenue figures from the state Department of Revenue.

    But some indicators showed decreases from last year.

    Traffic counts into and out of Sturgis by the State Department of Transportation were down nearly 12 percent through Thursday.

    And reservations for campgrounds and hotel and motel rooms booked by Black Hills Central Reservations were down about 6 percent.

    Read more: />
    I believe that a lot of the crashes are caused by inexperience, "group" riding is a whole different game. Riding at an event as large as Sturgis you are riding with people on the road, you have never ridin with and don't know how they ride. You have the hot dogs that white line and weave in and out of other riders. riders that like to crowd you on the road. Most of all,some folks are riding outside of there comfort zone trying to keep up with there new friends. There is alot to look at riding in SD. Looking away for a brief second and your in trouble. Always ride within your own personal limits. you can always meet up with you friends later in the day.

    • 467 posts
    August 18, 2011 2:20 AM PDT
    jlhOils wrote...
    . Most of all,some folks are riding outside of there comfort zone trying to keep up with there new friends. There is alot to look at riding in SD. Looking away for a brief second and your in trouble. Always ride within your own personal limits. you can always meet up with you friends later in the day.


    This right here is what I saw a lot of this year.  I never felt crowded in any way by the riders around me and the weaving was defo limited, but seeing those obvious "newbies" trying to go through the canyons, hitting the brakes in turns, taking a turn too wide or too fast was the scary part.
    As far as the numbers go, it is always down the first year after a 5 year anniversary year, but I do not believe that it was as low as 100,000. The "Rally Tally" is not out yet, so we will see. My campground was full almost to capacity when I got there, but cleared out quite well by Wednesday.
    Too many people think that they can get there a week early, skip all the crowds and get out of there midweek for light traffic on the way home--but it seems that they all have the same idea! Now it is really crowded the week before and the first 3 days and then empty from Wed. on! All they are really doing is effectively moving the dates of the Rally up a week! Too funny. But it makes for nice riding for those of us that stick it out for the whole week. 

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    • 19067 posts
    August 18, 2011 2:35 AM PDT
    I do agree about the crowds limiting the riding experience. My first (and so far only) actual rally time in '98 was unpleasant for the riding aspect. Far too many other riders (who's habits I am unfamiliar with) on the roads to allow proper viewing of what I consider the Most Beautiful Riding location of this Great country. If I do go again during the rally it will not be to ride, just for the friends and events. June is the BEST month to enjoy the roads and scenery.
    Unskilled riders on some of those class five roads can be a disaster in the making.
    As for my figure of 100k, 'twas merely an easy number for figuring the percentage, I know it was much higher.
    • 467 posts
    August 18, 2011 8:58 AM PDT
    Ya know Mike, like I mentioned earlier: the last half of rally week is very enjoyable as the crowds are really small. From a week before rally til Wed. during the rally it is crowded and a bit scary on the road, but from Wed afternoon on there were no huge groups on the roads, no bumper to bumper traffic and it was rather enjoyable. I typically don't go to the rally to ride either--I like to just hang out at the campground with new and old friends, but I did get to take the Irish boys on a bit of a ride (and I didn't even get them lost) and it was really nice! We even took a couple unfamiliar roads and it was great!
    • 0 posts
    August 18, 2011 9:29 AM PDT
    Rightio my 2 bobs worth..Ok last year I was a bloody mess and couldnt ride at the rally..Next year I will be able to ride and I sure as shit wont be doing much of it during the rally..I saw some bloody scary shit from somwe real dickheads last year..We ride with our club here and everyone knows how the others ride.Riding with strangers with questionable ability and common sense aint my cuppa tea..Too many weekend warriors who ride beyond their limits and jusy plain friggin dangerous...Marni and I will ride there with whoever wants to ride with us but we wanna see the scenery and not bust our arses on the way..Im at the age now that Im looking for nourishment not punishment..A nice cruise to The Black Hills and beyond is just what the Doctor ordered..CHEERS BOOF
    • 467 posts
    August 19, 2011 5:33 AM PDT
    Well Boof, you and Marni are welcome to come on up any time you want and cruise the hills with us. Just using our house as a home base, we can ride 8 hours a day for more than a week and never see the same stuff and hardly even cross the same roads!