• 0 posts
    August 3, 2011 11:19 AM PDT
    Gday you mob..About this time last yeah Marni and I took a trip that would change our lives forever..We came to the good ol US of A for the Sturgis rally not knowing what an affect it would have on us and how it would influence our lives forever..We had planned this trip for about 8 months prior to Sturgis and were bloody keen to get there.About a month before we were set to leave I had a crash which left me with a broken neck a fractured hip and a really messed up right hand and arm.We were both devistated ,My first words to the paramedics were "mate my arm cant be broken I gotta ride to Sturgis".After a couple of bloody operations and alot of Jack Daniels it was decided the bike hire would have to be cancelled and a mini van road trip was the next best thing..The flight to the USofA was shit and being Marni's first big trip overseas was a big dissapointment due to us being seated seperatly for 18 hours thanx to the basdtards at Delta airlines. Anyways Im bloody rambling.This is about the people we met...

    So here we go....

    Lucky..Once you get through the gruff exterior Lucky is a bloody good little bloke who hold his liqour as good as any bloke in the camp.I consider this little bloke a bloody good mate ...

    HDBeech..Well this lady is all class and a bloody sweetheart.She cant hold her liqour as good as Lucky but she sure as shit is a ball to be around when she's had a skin full..This lady is just a bloody rippa sheila and we love her dearly..

    DebraJo...SHIAT ! This sheila is my partner in crime..DJ can hold her liqour and is a bloody dynamo that just keeps partyin bloody hard and can keep up with me all day and night..We love DJ so much and she is a bloody must at any campsite BOOB stop..

    AdventureGirl...Bloody hell where do I start? Marni and I spent alot of time with this little sheila and took her on as an apprentice Aussie for the rally..Everyone who knows this little bugger loves her cuz shes a bloody good fun girl...She can party like a little Aussie but dont have alot of luck pickin dates for Kid Rock concerts ..BOO HOO..

    Deener...THis is one cool sheila..She is Awesome and looked after all of us at the cyclefish camp like kings..Deener can party like an Aussie too and can usually be found with the band...  This lady just blew us away making us feel so welcome and at ease from the minute we met her...We just love Deener so much....

    Motomalissa.. Well Mal is a pain in the arse shit stirrer but we still love her..LOL..Poor Mal didnt know what had hit here when she rocked up to cyclefish camp..Mal is not much of a drinker but is still funny anyways..Mal knows we love her and will most probably have a dig back at me avbout my questionable hygiene issues or something..Mal and I take the piss outta each other on facebook most days and are bloody great mates..

    msphyllis...What a great lady...She's a great sport and was prolly one of the most photographed sheila's at the chip....We had a ball with phyllis and her very raunchy wardrobe..It was a funny thing always seemed to be alot more blokes in cam,p just before phyl;lis got ready toleave for a concert...

    highrisk....WELL WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT THIS BLOKE? This KISS mad bloke is one of the nicest blokes I have ever met and I fair dinkum consider him a bloody good mate...We had a ball with my mate highrisk and he is a bloody rippa bloke to party with..Always gotta smile on his face and is just bloody good company..

    wolfhound...Well this bloke is a bloody nice bloke too..When he arrived in camp with his missus Mal he struggled to get a word in..After a while we all got to yraning and he gave me some good advice on my injuries and we all had a bloody good drink together..This long suffering bloke is a champion bloke and has alot to putup with when he gets home from working bloody hard interstate....Love ya mate LOIL

    Rexbo...Well this old bloke is a bloody good bloke and has some rippa yarns and wisdom..Could sit and listen to his yarns for hours..Found myself sittin there like a little kid listenin to yarns of his many adventures over the years..Rexbo is a bloody rippa old bloke..

    CHILLI........My Mexican amigo..This bloke did his best to get us all wasted on his bloody rocket fuel tequilla...This is one funny bloke who is just a rippa to party with..The bigdog riding lunatic can drink like an Aussie all day everyday and rides like a demon...Bloody good mate who keeps in touch most days...

    Raywood...Well Ray is a friggin legend..If ya dont love this bloke you are a friggin nark..So much fun to be around and a true hard riding biker..On the other hand a bloody good mate who all the ladies love to bits...Just pone of natures gentlemen...

    KaptinAmerika....BLOODY HELL..Last but definately nowhere near least..This bloke is one of my good mates and truly a must have at any biker party/rally..My big mate Moose is one of the nicest gentle giants you could ever want to meet..We had a bloody ball playing pranks on people and at the belly flop comp ...I miss my big mate heaps and cant wait to get back and party with the bloody big lump...

    So there ya go...These are the people I have met in person and hold dear as bloody good mates...Until we clink glasses again CHEERS MY MATES
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 3, 2011 11:43 AM PDT

    No wukkin furries Mate, you will be back with us and with more stories in what 11 short months..Better start planning now, cuz we got birthdays, concerts, rides, and drinkin to do when you two get here!!

    You really gotta watch Boof... anything could happen at any time!!
    • 5420 posts
    August 4, 2011 1:38 AM PDT
    Yep Boof, its amazing how you can meet someone, spend a short time with them and then not see them again but once a year, or even once every two years, and still know that you have a friend for life.  Thats how we feel 'bout you and Marni.  We are so glad you came wandering in to camp that day asking "hey, you the CycleFish guys?"  What a great week with you guys and all those you mentioned above.

    Can't wait 'til the mob is together again!!!

    Maybe we can do it in your area one day...  Always wanted to ride a bike upside down...

    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    August 4, 2011 3:28 AM PDT
    Thank you very much Boof, I've said it before and I'll say it again. CycleFish people are Real people having Real fun. You could be the poster child for that. What you see is what you get. You and Marni have touched Deener and I. Thank you. Can't wait to get together again....
    • 9 posts
    August 4, 2011 7:26 AM PDT
    I am so "bloody" jealous right now!!! I know we ain't supposed to covet what our "neighbors" have, but I'll risk this sin, to say: I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET ALL YA'LL!!! And BOOF, I'm gonna have to give ya run fer money on the female drinkin' buddy thing...RIDE FREE (*** I only drink when I know I aint ridin,!!!)
    • 1780 posts
    August 4, 2011 7:38 AM PDT
    Boof my crazy down under Brother If it takes the rest of my life I WILL Hook up with you someday ... it's our desitiny BRO!
    IN my mind you already are a legand among the CF Family. Stay with us and keep that crazy down under life style coming.
    You kill me Bro
    The Dragon
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 4, 2011 8:23 AM PDT
    Well mate, sorry ya can't get here this year. There is always next year and with that Aussie determination you will make it. Just no more freakin broken bones ya bone head...
    • 0 posts
    September 11, 2011 10:14 AM PDT
    Just watching my little mate Grant Denyer in NY talking to a bunch of firemen at a pub..Made me think about all my mates over there and how much we miss y'all..Funny thing down here is one of my club mates is a Yank called Sideshow Bob..Ex marine,ex cop(but we dont hold that against him) and all round bloody rippa bloke.When I need a yank fix I just catch up with my mate Bob..He;s a bloody legend..CHEERS BOOF
  • September 12, 2011 10:16 AM PDT
    I think Boof just professed his love for me! lol lol Well I love him too and can't wait to see him again. This time i will not be on my best behavior. I realize it just isn't necessary or admired!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    September 12, 2011 2:21 PM PDT
    Motomalissa wrote...
    I think Boof just professed his love for me! lol lol Well I love him too and can't wait to see him again. This time i will not be on my best behavior. I realize it just isn't necessary or admired!

    Yes he did, Best behavior can be left at home next time,, we have some time to make up for!!

  • September 23, 2011 5:46 AM PDT
    Hey mate! You and me are a lot alike except for the part where I am the responsible one lol. Sorry took me so long to get here. I have almost no computer access in the oil patch but Mal keeps me up to date on what my evil twin is up to lol! See next year mate! We miss you crazy lot!
    • Moderator
    • 277 posts
    September 23, 2011 7:43 AM PDT
    You made me cry.

    Love you and Marni so much and miss you!

    BTW....where the F is my scarf??????????????????
    • 0 posts
    September 23, 2011 8:30 AM PDT
    Its gonna be riding again shortly darling..Oh and I have used it as a makeshift mankini when I got caught short without a swimsuit..I'll send the pics..CHEERS BOOF
    • 5420 posts
    September 23, 2011 4:58 PM PDT
    Some things are just better kept to yourself.
    • 580 posts
    September 24, 2011 4:06 AM PDT
    Still waiting for them pics Boof (taps foot on floor and fingers on table whilst STILL waiting lol)
  • September 24, 2011 6:25 AM PDT
    HDBeech wrote...
    You made me cry.

    Love you and Marni so much and miss you!

    BTW....where the F is my scarf??????????????????
     LOL! We might just have to save up for a trip down under...your lot will never be the same lol!