Riding with a group

  • December 2, 2009 6:16 PM PST
    Riding with a group

    Ok,...this subject is a "in general subject"  for all to post on riding with a group of riders.

    But I started this post because of a question I have.

    In Oct of this year 2009....I successflully raised money for a child with cancer by holding a first poker run.

    I do not ride for a MC club or organization
    I am new to all this

    As we left registartion at Leather Headquarters.....( I and my 8 volunteers that rode bikes ) went to check stop 1 ....I noticed a MC Club physically stood out in traffic and stopped traffic to let us go on our journey.

    They did not do that for other bikers leaving the registration point.

    Then later at another stop.......( where a poker card was to be drawn ) we were leaving that stop to continue to the 3rd stop to see how things were going with our volunteers ( plus we wanted to ride the poker run route )

    Well many of the bikers I have never met ...I got to talk wiith over the course of the day and the stops......But  when leaving this stop there were a group of bikers ( a MC Club ...patched ) talking to each other about needing fuel..

    Being that it was my Poker run for a child and I wanted everyone to enjoy the ride...I informed the club of the gas station not even 2 blocks away.....then onto the next stop.

    Well they all rode off.........I and my 8 helpers rode off keeping a bit of a distance from them......( they were a MC club....we were individual riders ) ( giving them respect )

    I was leading our "individual riders " but behind the MC Club.

    The Mc club had one single rider that would speed up to each light or stop sign and stop ALL TRAFFIC for the riders to continue on without stopping .....( he had a fast HD  it seemed ) 

    Well he waited for us at the first stop and motioned for us to COME ON .

    We did........ ( was thinking ...how cool )

    I thought it was just a jesture to ....get away from the ...ummm bar.....
    But he did it again at the following stop lights.

    I know this is a long post....but my questions are:
    1...do MC clubs normally have road guards like this ...and stop traffic
    2... why do you think they let us ...kinda be included ....in this function of riding with them....when we were not a part of them.

    So many things I need to learn.

    Thank you for reading this

    If I misspelled stuff ...sorry...

    And this post is not only for my question.....basically  for

    Ride Safe
  • December 2, 2009 11:08 PM PST
    First off, I am not a patch holder. I do know a few, but anything I say is just supposition. On an organized run it is common practice to hold traffic until the entire pack is through simply for the safety factor. As for including your group in on it, they could have been extending a courtesy or they knew you were the organizer of the poker run and wanted to show you that they thought what you were doing was a good thing. Or I could be completely wrong. The only way to know for sure is the next time it happens, go up to them respectfully, introduce yourself to them, and ask. They may be big bad bikers but they are still people and will not take your head off as long as you treat them with respect. That is the key...respect given is respect earned.

    Keep up the good work and keep your knees in the breeze!

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 2, 2009 11:24 PM PST
    yeah, what fartking said...RESPECT
    • 1040 posts
    December 3, 2009 4:54 AM PST
    Ditto to fartking and Rex....Good story there; guess it solidifies that saying ta "Never judge a book by it's cover"
  • MJ
    • 35 posts
    December 3, 2009 7:16 AM PST
    I love how no matter who or what you ride there is a total connection on the rode for us bikers. I am sure it was out of repect and brotherlyhood
  • December 5, 2009 7:15 AM PST
    They showed respect and you did not shine them on from their invitation to keep together. Good job enjoy the brotherhood.
  • December 7, 2009 2:22 PM PST
    thank you BobA
  • December 7, 2009 2:34 PM PST
    fartking69 -----

    That post you made was really cool

    I do not have any problem talking to anyone and I do always give respect.

    As my ole man always said ...just as many of us has heard and learned from past experiences.
    "NEVER BURN A BRIDGE YOU SOMEDAY MAY NEED TO CROSS" ( or dont know you may need to cross )

    Plus Having a good time and making a friends with another biker ...learning from...telling stories...and possibly gaining another ridin buddy, or a person who has your back in time of need

    Hell Yeah
    Respect !!!

    (Ride for Life )
  • December 7, 2009 2:41 PM PST

    your post also is Spot On
    I have learned that just because people have
    ride bikes
    pretty lookin
    ugly lookin
    ride American
    or ride Metric ( I ride metric ) heheheh
    does not mean that you cant get to know the person for what they are truely about.

    I would rather say hello to 10 people and gain 1 friend....

    than say to not say hello to 10 people and gain 10 enemies

    (Ride for Life)
  • December 7, 2009 11:02 PM PST
    I would rather say hello to 10 people and gain 1 friend....

    than say to not say hello to 10 people and gain 10 enemies

    Amen my friend, amen.

  • January 18, 2013 12:58 PM PST
    I realize this is a very old post, but still wanted to reply to it. Just joined the site today.
    Met many Harley Riders over the years. Many that looked rough and tumble, many with badges and patches, MC Clubs of all sorts. But regardless of what they looked like or wore, they all were "Bikers". Great people all around. And when it comes to charity and giving and being there in masses - hats off to Harley people! There are more charitable runs, rides, events of all sorts then you can shake a stick at and regardless of their "colors" Harley people are there giving freely and looking out for one another.