My boredom knows no bounds.....Ughhh!

    • 9 posts
    July 30, 2011 7:40 AM PDT

    I've been doing anything and everything on God's green earth to keep myself busy this past week. I gotta tell ya, I have a whole new apprecitation, for what it must be like to be in prison, since I am currently unencumbered with transportation, and have to rely solely on others' kindnessess.  I even had someone to run me to a jobsite, and pick me up!  How professional that must look!  But in between jobs and my miniscule social itinerary, I'm bout to lose my mind....sheesh!   At one time in my life, I did watch a fair amount of tv, but not so much anymore.  And with what's on during the summer, I can tell ya, I really ain't missing much.  

    Until the "new" Harley is parked in the driveway, I'd sure like some constructive ideas from ya'll, as to just what I can do, to relieve this slow torturous death. Please keep in mind, I don't like to spend hours on the computer, I'm not into the bar scene, and I clean houses for a living...LOL!  


    Twiddling my Thumbs


  • July 30, 2011 9:24 AM PDT
    I have 4 dogs and they always keep me busy! maybe a new pet if you don't have one allready. New pets always need lots of attention and walking them is good for both you and the hound.
    • 9 posts
    July 31, 2011 7:52 AM PDT
    As you can see by the overwhelming response, everyone is out busy riding....dagnabbit. SOON, VERY SOON!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 31, 2011 7:54 AM PDT
    I just got back in from hand watering the lawn.. that took up some time..
    • 0 posts
    July 31, 2011 8:43 AM PDT
    Tweek old darlin its so bloody simple..As you know I've been off work for a while so I have become an expert at killing boredom..What I usually do is DRINK BEER;WHISKEY;SEMI ALCOHOLIC DRAIN CLEANER;and occasionally a bag of goon...My motto is"YOU CANT DRINK ALL DAY IF YOU DONT START BLOODY EARLY"..Hope this is helpful Darl..CHEERS BOOF
    • 601 posts
    July 31, 2011 10:11 AM PDT
    Just get out and walk Tweek, take in your surroundings and appreciate what you have, you don't have to see new places....just look at the old places with new eyes. Boredom is a frame of mind....failing that, Boof's solution is cool
    • 9 posts
    August 1, 2011 12:10 AM PDT
    I'm sorry Rory, what? I'm laughing so hard at BOOF'S suggestions, that I can't hear nuthin'.....buahahahahahahahaha!

    Oh, oooooooooooo, that's better!!! Now, Rory...tee-hee, ha-ha, I go again.....buahahahahahahah!
    RORY! That's a great idea, I'll go do that...I can walk to the nearest bar.....buhahahahahaha.
    (I don't drink much anymore, but BOOF makes it sound!
    RIDE FREE (and sober)
    • 0 posts
    August 1, 2011 9:02 AM PDT
    Tweek old darlin I'm sorry for your loss..I gave up drinking once when I was about 12...Bloody worst 10 minutes of my life..Went to a mates funeral yesti and lets just say old Errol liked a bloody drink..We all walked into this massive church and all was quiet and kinda somber until the PA piped up playing Alan Jacksons "pop a top" we all just started pissing ourselves laughin..Unlike up your way Darl drinkin down here is a cultural thing..Shit after all our first currency down here was rum..CHEERS BOOF

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 1, 2011 12:59 PM PDT
    Yeah, life was so dull before Boof
    • 0 posts
    August 2, 2011 8:59 AM PDT
    Thanx DJ my Darlin..Shit I miss you mob..I was sittin in the pub yesti havin a couple of medicinal schooners whilst Marni's dyna was gettin transformed..All of a sudden I thought to meself"wonder what me mates over in Yanksilvania are bloody up to".Shit for a coupla weeks there we had a friggin rippa time and made friends for life.I really wanna come over and get rat arsed drunk and play up like a 2 bob watch with my ratty mates again.Its all Marni's fault.She said we should save our money this year.Bloody grown ups...LOL Well I'm glad I can still keep in touch with y'all through the cyclefish and bookface bloody thingies..Like I said in the start bloody miss you mob heaps..LUV YA'S ALL..CHEERS BOOF
    • 9 posts
    August 3, 2011 8:35 AM PDT
    BOOF wrote...
    Thanx DJ my Darlin..Shit I miss you mob..I was sittin in the pub yesti havin a couple of medicinal schooners whilst Marni's dyna was gettin transformed..All of a sudden I thought to meself"wonder what me mates over in Yanksilvania are bloody up to".Shit for a coupla weeks there we had a friggin rippa time and made friends for life.I really wanna come over and get rat arsed drunk and play up like a 2 bob watch with my ratty mates again.Its all Marni's fault.She said we should save our money this year.Bloody grown ups...LOL Well I'm glad I can still keep in touch with y'all through the cyclefish and bookface bloody thingies..Like I said in the start bloody miss you mob heaps..LUV YA'S ALL..CHEERS BOOF

    I say we organize a mob and all go down under to visit YOU and Marni!!!  That's one trip I'd sign on for...Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 3, 2011 9:29 AM PDT
    We can hire a slow boat, and have a real good time!!
    • 1780 posts
    August 4, 2011 11:39 PM PDT
    Before the position I have now which keeps me busy, I've had some loney and boreing post for 12 hours at a wack. I take a small recorder, and pratice different accents, or Hollywood stars voice's. Then I make up a skit using different voices, and I just basically laugh my ass off at myself. Next thing I know 4 or 5 hours have past.
    • 9 posts
    August 4, 2011 11:48 PM PDT

    nightdragon wrote...

    Before the position I have now which keeps me busy, I've had some loney and boreing post for 12 hours at a wack. I take a small recorder, and pratice different accents, or Hollywood stars voice's. Then I make up a skit using different voices, and I just basically laugh my ass off at myself. Next thing I know 4 or 5 hours have past.

    ROTFLMAO....Too dang funny!  But, (you knew there'd be one, right?) Yer assuming that I CAN entertain myself...IF, and I stress IF here, that were at ALL possible?  My friend, I wouldn't have asked fer suggestions...I IS BORED WITH MYSELF!

    I spend FAAAAR to much time alone with myself, lately, for there even to be a remote chance of self gratification(???)      Ok, ya'll...get yer minds out of the gutter...even I couldn't do THAT all the time...right?                                          Ride Freeeeeeeeeeee


    • 1780 posts
    August 4, 2011 11:56 PM PDT
    Tweek wrote...

    nightdragon wrote...

    Before the position I have now which keeps me busy, I've had some loney and boreing post for 12 hours at a wack. I take a small recorder, and pratice different accents, or Hollywood stars voice's. Then I make up a skit using different voices, and I just basically laugh my ass off at myself. Next thing I know 4 or 5 hours have past.

    ROTFLMAO....Too dang funny!  But, (you knew there'd be one, right?) Yer assuming that I CAN entertain myself...IF, and I stress IF here, that were at ALL possible?  My friend, I wouldn't have asked fer suggestions...I IS BORED WITH MYSELF!

    I spend FAAAAR to much time alone with myself, lately, for there even to be a remote chance of self gratification(???)      Ok, ya'll...get yer minds out of the gutter...even I couldn't do THAT all the time...right?                                          Ride Freeeeeeeeeeee


    I'll be the first one to admit it................MY MIND WAS IN THE GUTTER!!!!!!! on that statement.