Norhtwest Hills Connecticut

  • July 8, 2011 1:22 PM PDT
    Just a post to say Hello! from Connecticut. Been looking for riders in the Northwest Hills area of Connecticut? 
    • 1161 posts
    July 8, 2011 5:30 PM PDT
    If you click on the Users tab you can look and see who is from the state your at. Good luck on your search. Keep the rubber side down.
    • 1161 posts
    July 8, 2011 5:32 PM PDT
    Doing a quick search right now there is 110 just in your state currently.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 12, 2011 3:30 AM PDT
    I will say hello and that there is some of the best day trips in the NE in that little corner of Connecticut.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    July 12, 2011 4:58 AM PDT
    Hello from Pennsylvania's north coast
    • 566 posts
    July 12, 2011 5:06 AM PDT
    Greetings from the Sunshine State. Just as soon as my lotto ticket comes thru for me .. I'll be heading up to your area for a little riding. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    In reality .. I hope you get the chance to meet up with a few CF folks in your area for some riding.
  • August 7, 2011 12:16 AM PDT
    Hello from Central Connecticut. Im out in that area often on Sundays or Mondays and go to most of the local or regional events..It is a great area to ride and with fall coming soon even better..
  • September 5, 2011 1:10 PM PDT
    Hello to everyone! Hard to believe it's September already. Hope everyone is enjoying every opportunity. So much rain this year.
  • September 5, 2011 1:15 PM PDT
    Rover...You mentioned you are from Central Connecticut so I took a look at your profile & see you're from Bristol. I actually grew up in Bristol - moved out this way when I was about 19 & been here since then. I know Bristol was hit hard by Hurricane Irene - hope you and your family made it thru OK? Have fun out there - be safe - Enjoy!!
  • September 7, 2011 2:10 PM PDT
    Made it thru the storm ok...lost power a few days but no damage...if you ever go to any of the local rallies give me a shout out and i can say hello if I am going
  • September 11, 2011 12:38 PM PDT
    Thanx for the add. Beautiful bike by the way! I do hope to attend the Freespirit 10th Annual Fundraiser for the Center for Cancer Care. It's a really nice benefit and they do a nice job on the event. I've only been there once but it was a fun time. Every now and then I stop by Smileys in Thomaston on Mondays & McDonalds here in Torrington on Tuesdays but for the most part I just head out alone or I do ride a lot with my sister. We usually meet at Tunxis. If you happen to recognize me (hard to know from just a computer) but definitely say hello!
    • 0 posts
    March 29, 2012 2:04 PM PDT
    Hello All, Hope to see everyone at Motorcycle Mania in Middletown, was a lot of fun last year