what a day

  • April 24, 2011 2:19 PM PDT
    ....most excellent Easter Sunday....woke up to temps in the 30,s.. . ...but quickly warmed up to a ...balmy high 40 degrees and sunny...
    after multiple pots of coffee to try and cut through the fog from hanging out with.."The Captain"...last night...I whipped Chili up some of my buttermilk Blueberry pancakes....some fresh sausage we bought Saturday in the Big City....real Maple syrup....oj.....and we had breakfast for the first time this spring on the deck ...being seranaded by a bevy of song birds.....after breakfast we messed around on the puters before I put on some Roy Orbison....we got a hot shower and I got the bike out...warmed her up....we turned our Gerbings up to high and took off to explore some bodacious back roads....and if its one thing Northern Michigan has an abundance of...its bodacious back roads....we rode up by Bellaire...turned off on a dead end road...hung out for a spell right on the shores of Lake Bellaire...took some shots with the camera....then headed off in search of more wind.....we rode for a spell, before stopping at Torch Lake....stopped there for a bit....took some more photos.....then saddled up and headed off for home...

    ....stopped at the local super market and picked up a six pack of Killians....got home and put em in the freezer....set the timer for 17 minutes and fired up the grille ! I made some of my legendary BABZZZ......Big Azz Burgers....grilled up a nice vadalia and portabello shroom ..both sauteed in olive oil...melted some provolone on the now medium rare burgers....smothed em in vadalia...shrooms and some bacon Chili fried up....and proceeded to feast !

    .....after our...."Easter Burger"....I fired up the fire pit and we sat around for the rest of the evening reliving our adventuresof the day....and finished off the rest of the ...Ice Friggin CCCCoooolllddddddd Killians. .....what a way to end the day !!

    ......needless to say....it was an awesome day.....hope the rest of you enjoyed your Easter Also ! ..
  • April 24, 2011 11:01 PM PDT
    Very nice............... Lets see the pics
  • April 24, 2011 11:53 PM PDT
    Sounds great and the burgers sound amazing!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 26, 2011 12:42 AM PDT
    Great day ya had. Cool.
    • 9 posts
    April 26, 2011 3:58 AM PDT
    I'm more than a bit envious! I'm from Toledo, Ohio, so I know Michigan well. And you are on the money about the bodacious back roads. I cut my teeth as a youngin' up yonder of Hillsdale, and thereabouts. I highly recommend the riding to anyone who enjoys long, curvy, tree-lined, awesome, picturesque roads! And the people along the way, just make it that much sweeter. And put Sugarloaf and Bear Dunes on your itinerary if you're going anywhere near Traverse City. They throw a killer 4th of July party, also. Ride Free
    • 580 posts
    April 26, 2011 4:09 AM PDT
    Well Timbrwolf I understood most of that and what a superb day you had. I had a great day riding too - bimbling along many a country lane with the kind of views that stay on the inside of your eyelids when you close them lol

    However - what are Gerbings? Oh and by the way - let's see the pics.  Some of mine are here

    • 0 posts
    April 26, 2011 8:07 AM PDT
    Sounds like a great day to me!
  • April 26, 2011 2:13 PM PDT
    . .....oooohhhh Yeeeaahhhh.. . ...Piczzzzzzzzz

    .....well...didnt take em..religiously like I usually do. ...but. ...did manage a few...

    . ....like I said...breakfast was fine...I make some bodacious blueberry buttermilk pancakes...Chili was freekin...goin on how she just woke up...
    ...but that dont stop me..

    ....she took a few of me...and half way through she goes...you know.....you,re hair is stickin up all over the place....to which I answered....
    ....Yeeeeaaahhhh...well...I just gotta bed too...its sposed to be !

    ....we did eventually hit the road though....first stop....Bellaire Lake....this is what I love about living way up in the Northern Woods....winters are long..brutal...
    ...but that just lets you appreciate spring all the more...and spring up here are magnificent....air so clean and sweet...wanted to live like this all my life..only thing I can think of that is a..little better....is being on a long road trip..

    .....take a deep breath.....ooohhhh yeeeeaahhhhh..

    .....next stop....Torch Lake...we rode down this dead end road...parked the bike....and came to the conclusion that we had been here before...de ja vu....but it was a nice little...out of the way place...to hang out for a while...

    ....saddling up again...we made our way to the other end of the lake and got a few last piczzz...

    ....The Black Pearl.....she just turned 10 years old in March....83 thousand miles and still makes em tremble at red lights...

    ...it was a beautiful day....sunny and high 60,s.....we hung out for a spell..soaking up the sun and nice breeze off the lake...Chili strolled out to the end of the Dock..

    ....Chili in a tree...

    ....finally made our way home...fired up the grille and put a 6 of Killians on Ice.....Im kind of "known"....for my burgers....matter of fact we have a Q every Memorial Day and invite our friends over ...its a dish to pass affair....line the street up with bikes and we all have a good time....love watching the local Sheriff slowly drive by.....eyeing all that sleek chrome..our neighbor in the back told us we already have a reputation for....that biker party..

    ....afterwards...I fired up the fire pit...and we sat back and enjoyed the rising moon...along with the rest of those Ice cold Killians..

    ........now I ask ya....aint life grand ?
  • April 26, 2011 2:25 PM PDT
    . ....Zactly Tweek. . ..when I said we got the sausage at...The Big City....thats where I was talken bout....we live about 50 miles from it...right down Rt 72......and yer right...SLeeping Bear Dunes is awesome...we ride that are often in the summer...I have some really cool pics of the dunes I,ll hafta post..

    ....Chocmintz....Gerbings are heated under garments that wire up to your bike...thermostat controlled....we have the jacket liners...I used to laugh at my friends that had em...until Chili bought me the liner one Christmas....tell ya....the phrase.....warm as toast....comes to mind when ya use em !

    .....Google em on line....and check em out...if you do much riding in the cold...(lotsa folks are fair weather riders)...you,ll definitely dig em !
    • 601 posts
    April 27, 2011 8:58 AM PDT
    Great Easter here too Timberwolf, in Ireland its celebrated as our Independance Day.
  • April 28, 2011 11:23 AM PDT
    ...Happy Independence Day Rory !

    ...hope you and your family had a great Day bro. ....would love to explore your country one day !

    ...Take care and be safe in the wind my friend.