
    • 202 posts
    April 19, 2011 9:34 AM PDT
    Well, i am relocating to Connecticut.  I know, it's not year round riding... but hey, no helmets!   And i know, it is not that far from Massachusetts where i presently am... but it is an easy transition.  You know how it is anyway with children and grandchildren... hard to go too far! 

    Went out for a ride on Sunday.  Sweet.  Boy, like an old friend, climbing on the bike (her name is RC) lol.  Don't realize how much you miss riding until you go for a ride!  Can't wait for some more nice weather!   Presently we're having rain and more rain... along with cold! 

    There is an event on June 25 at the Back Door Cafe in Chaplin CT hosted by BAAC (Bikers Against Animal Cruelty).  They are a great group who put on great events, if anyone is interested.

    Take Care! 
    • 9 posts
    April 19, 2011 2:38 PM PDT
    I'll pray that your move is a smooth, uneventful, and above So glad you got a ride in. Makes you jones for more though, doesn't it. Summer is looming. Connecticut has some of the most beautiful riding that can be had. Just outside of "burbia". Congrats. I'm sure the decision is a good one! Ride Free
    • 202 posts
    April 19, 2011 4:11 PM PDT
    It sure does, Tweek! Having lived by the line, i ride there often...

    I sure hope it is a good move... these preceeding labor pains are quite intense! lol

    Bottom line is, the family is STILL together... dogs, cat and son!
    • 846 posts
    April 20, 2011 8:23 AM PDT
    I know what you mean about the weather here, it's the same in the northern border of Ma too. We're about a half to a month behind normal weather and temps. But it is good to be on two wheels again even if it's off and on.
    Good luck with the move I'm sure it will go well. Sorry to see you leave the state, but what are borders anyway.
    I'll keep your ride recommendation in mind it's a 2 hour ride from my neck of the woods but I've been know to travel longer and farther for less.