day off ..

  • g
    March 6, 2011 6:30 AM PST
    spent it fooking about with my bike ,.. thought id put on my new brembo brake pads ,and noticed when i was doing this that the sroket carrier bearings were fooked , ............................PISSED AWF MANevery time i have to do a job on the bike theirs alway something else need doing .im at the stage now in life where im not sure if i can aford to keep a motorbike ,ive got a new job with a huge wage drop cause theirs no other job out their ...lifes a bitch ,the runs will be cut down also this summer due to the high rise in gas prices in scotland £1.30 per litre , we get screwed ,i live in the oil and gas capital of europe and probablay pay the most .rant over ,im off to kick the sheep.
    • 0 posts
    March 6, 2011 6:37 AM PST
    I know where ya comin from Mate..My old bike is disintegrating before my eyes...The killer here is registration 400 bucks a bike..Because these stinking friggin arabs have started a shitfight over there our petrol is $1.50 a litre...It aint gettin any bloody easier..Theres always a friggin big lotto win though aye? CHEERS BOOF
  • g
    March 6, 2011 6:45 AM PST
    aye , two years ago i almost bought a new bike ,can only dream about it now boof.
  • g
    March 6, 2011 6:46 AM PST
    ive to tax and test my bike for may ,and i need a new set of tyres ,it will be a struggle .
  • March 6, 2011 11:41 AM PST
    Ive got my 97 Dyna paid for and would love a new HD but it just isn't in the cards
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 6, 2011 1:50 PM PST
    It's always something ain't it.
    I never have let anyone clean and polish any of my Harleys, it's the best time to look for defects seeing that you touch every external part.
    The economy is rough, I was forced to sell my Ultra Glide to save the homestead, now I'm building a new Harley from stuff I've accumulated over the years.
    Bartering has always been my strong suit, be it for material goods or services.
    I've never made money off of being a Preacher, including presiding over weddings, but I have received gifts like Harley parts, Bob Dylan concert tickets, ect. when not expecting anything.
  • g
    March 11, 2011 5:45 AM PST
    spot on rev ,keep up the good work .