
    • 44 posts
    February 22, 2011 1:36 PM PST
    Anyone used a Dunlop sportmaxx tire on their bike if so do you like it
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    February 23, 2011 12:36 AM PST
    I took the H-D Dunlops off as soon as I could. Went to Avon Venoms, Love these tires, Great handling, wet or dry
    • 1 posts
    February 23, 2011 2:04 AM PST
    Have not tried one, but the Dunlop rep at the shop I contract to left us a bunch of literature on it. It is Dunlops answer to the performance tires of the other manufacturers. The Dunlop-Harley factory tire has for a long time been one of the best all around riding tires - good performance under normal riding conditions, and lasted. But many people wanted a little more performance and were going to Avon, Metzler, etc. So this is their answer.

    If I see a bike come in with them, I'll be sure to ask the owner how he likes them.
    • 44 posts
    February 23, 2011 11:57 AM PST
    I will let you know how I like It I ordered one today
  • February 24, 2011 12:42 AM PST
    Be way careful changing just one tire. You ought to replace both. Two different tire styles/compounds can be a real problem.
  • February 24, 2011 2:41 PM PST
    Yes I agree w what Jim said:-)
    • 844 posts
    May 13, 2011 2:58 AM PDT
    Hey Speed, How is that sportmaxx working out?
    • 44 posts
    May 15, 2011 7:45 AM PDT
    went out last weekend put about 200 miles on it seems to be prety good rides real well very smooth
    • 3006 posts
    July 12, 2011 4:20 AM PDT
    speedyre wrote...
    went out last weekend put about 200 miles on it seems to be prety good rides real well very smooth

    how is the tire doing now that you have had more time with it? who did you end up using to get the tire ? was it a front or rear?
    stay safe n enjoy the ride

  • September 11, 2011 7:47 AM PDT
    How many miles and the type of performance you get from any tire depends completely on how you ride, how much weight is put on the bike, tire pressure, balance, front end and rear shock condition and quite a few other things, indeed, match both tires and avoid replacing just one leaving the other worn. Once again, as I said before, if you don't know your bikes then you sure as hell better know your mechanic. OK, just to prve a point, on a VT750DC Honda the average milage on the OEM Bridgestone G-515 is +-12K. I've got over 24K on mine. Know ur mechnc or pay dearly, biker.
    • 0 posts
    September 11, 2011 9:38 AM PDT
    Im running pirelli nightdragons on the ironhead and the front of the dyna.They are working bloody awesome.Their sticky wear well and are'nt too bloody expensive.On the back of the dyna Im running a pirelli angel 180/60/17 street bike tyre.The angel makes the dyna stick like shit on a blanket through the twisties and wears well too. With the buell I run pirelli angels front and back..The way I look at it tyres are cheap insurance to having your bike hang onto the bloody road..I change tyres when they start to feel shit whether they are worn or not..Last time I checked tyre companies werent giving out bloody freebies or medals for who gets the most mileage outta a set of hoops.The original dunlops that came on the dyna were a bloody heap of shit and handled terrible..I wouldnt give dunlop hoops to a jap on ANZAC day they are shit as far as Im concerned..The pirelli's suit the kinda riding we do and still tour alright..Tyres are cheap ride with the best you can get..Theres my two bobs worth....CHEERS BOOF
  • September 11, 2011 7:41 PM PDT
    I'm running Dunlops on my bike and have had no complaints about their tires. I would suggest to anyone who needs new tires to order them thru Dennis Kirk online. The price is less than half what the dealerships want and they ship them for free in about 4to5 days. They sell alot of tires and have always been fresh when they shipped them too my house. I had the dealership put a new tire on my bike once because I had the road hazard warranty, that back tire lasted only about 6k miles. When I had it replaced by the shop I deal with all the time they told me the tire was allready 4years old when they put it on my bike. Whatever tires you choose just make sure they are fresh and have not been sitting on the shelf drieing out for a number of years.
    • 58 posts
    February 19, 2013 8:08 AM PST
    I got 12K and 14K with the rear Dunlops and 36K on the front. Replaced rear and now also the front with Michelin Commander II's. Already have 10K on the rear and it still looks healthy. This is a triple compound tire that's hard in the center and softer on the shoulders. Handles good on my RK and the cost is the same as the Dunlop 402's at my local non-Harley shop.
    • 284 posts
    February 19, 2013 8:28 AM PST
    Yea but you guys are not listing the bikes you ride. 04 Sporty, as you can tell.

    I got dunlop on mine, and around town they are fine but I notice when HWY driving if I run threw or over damaged road there is a definite shift from side to side. I am guessing the lite weight of the bike. Other than that, never ridden rain, they handle well and for the 6 months I have had them they show little wear.

    Plus tires are rated for wear, braking, and the higher the Speed rating the softer the tire and sooner they wear out. Touring tires are harder and wear less than sport tires. I run middle of the line, H rated. On a car you can get Z rated which are for the 200+ mph cars, same with cycles.
  • February 23, 2013 12:04 PM PST
    Michelin Commander II Cruiser Rear Tire, good tires and have long life