sissy bar bag

  • February 9, 2011 6:25 AM PST
    I just got a luggage rack installed on my 08 night train, I run leather pro saddlebags, I am in need of a sissy bar bag now. I have a few long trips planed. Any suggestions, leatherpros makes a matching truck for my bags at a cost of $400.00 but its not very big, but is comes off quickly as my bags do.

    Any help would be great,
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    February 9, 2011 7:47 AM PST
    The wife(Deener)  and  I run with the King pak and love them. Plenty of space for our long trips.... />
    • 114 posts
    February 9, 2011 8:03 AM PST
    Check out SAC luggage. They make awesome stuff! both generic and Harley Davidson licensed and branded. They make leather and nylon luggage and the sissy bar pocket can be custom fitted. Then later on if you buy a different bike, they will change the pocket to fit your new sissy bar. This luggage is amazing and liteweight. I have 2 pieces that I purchased on ebay and a friend has used their luggage for years. I packed for a weeklong trip to the beach in one of these bags. The other bag is a barrel bag with a removable PVC liner so it can be used as a cooler for ice and drinks. If you can't already tell, I highly recommend this stuff....

    • 0 posts
    February 9, 2011 10:52 AM PST
    My wife has the Tourmaster cruiser III bag and I was very impressed with it. It goes on and comes off very quickly, is solidly built, holds it's shape and held all her clothes for a three week trip. (a feat in itself) The mount can be custom fitted to your sissy bar and even comes with two stability straps if you carry a lot of heavy stuff. Normally it just slips on, one clip and you are ready to go.
    • 5420 posts
    February 9, 2011 11:54 AM PST
    I have always liked my T-Bag. My first and only T-Bag has at least 80,000 miles on it and has been tossed around, over stuffed, and even fallen off the bike at highway speed. Still not a rip or tear anywhere on it. All the buckles and zippers still working like new too.
  • February 9, 2011 12:23 PM PST
    I just got a Nelson-Riggs sissy bar bag out of motorcycle superstore. Great bag, fits really well, and expands some. Not leather, but great bag at a good price. Nice thing about it is that it attaches to their larger bags.
    • 1 posts
    March 4, 2011 4:10 AM PST
    Always used t-bags. Darn things last forever!
  • March 22, 2011 5:22 AM PDT
    Thanks for all the input, now onto the a luggage rack. My situation is that I have saddlebags with plenty of short run space, I am now getting my legs on as my kids are gone, I do not want to buy another bike, I love my train, I do need to add a rack for a sissy bar bag. I would prefer a completely removable luggage rack as I will only use it maybe 3 times a year.

    I found the below mentioned rack from a post above, any input? My issue is I have a led tail light which seems to not be adaptible to any racks so says Harley />
    • 846 posts
    March 22, 2011 6:54 AM PDT
    Have you looked at the HD catalog. They have a removable sissybar and rack for the softtail models. I know the price is nomally a issue. But I have the four point docking system for a removeable sissybar and rack (for the RK) and to me (that's me now) it was worth the money. No struggle to install and eveything is plug and play. Unless you changed the location of your tail light it shouldn't be a issue (i think) but better to check first.
    • 58 posts
    March 22, 2011 11:56 AM PDT
    Chaz, if I recall correctly, the issue is the bobtail fender on the train. HD doesn't offer a whole lot there either. They do have, if memory serves, a rack that will attach to the sissybar. It's also easily removed if you want the sissybar and not the rack.
    • 846 posts
    March 23, 2011 3:48 AM PDT
    RufCut wrote...
    Chaz, if I recall correctly, the issue is the bobtail fender on the train. HD doesn't offer a whole lot there either. They do have, if memory serves, a rack that will attach to the sissybar. It's also easily removed if you want the sissybar and not the rack.

    Man, RufCut your memory is a hell of a lot better of then mine. Your right I checked there are three racks that would mount to the sissybar that list the night train and the cross bones (which it think uses the same rear fender).
    • 834 posts
    April 16, 2011 3:48 AM PDT
    Love my t-bag. 8 years 50,000 miles and still as good as new