
    • 202 posts
    January 19, 2011 7:44 AM PST
    Greetings from Massachusetts!  While we are burried under 2 feet of snow, ice and water... i am steadfast in my optimism... only 8 weeks til spring! 

    This weekend i get to surround myself with motorcycles and leather!   (Springfield Motorcycle Show)  It's a great 'pick-me-up' this time of year.  If you're in the area, hope you can make it there!   
    • 846 posts
    January 19, 2011 7:58 AM PST
    Well welcome to the site Pauline, I'm also a fellow snow (snowing as I type) bound Mass resident. Me and one of the guys I ride with will be going to the Springfield show this Saturday also. It does lift the sprits up. Springfield this week Boston next weekend in between shoveling and cursing.
    • 9 posts
    January 19, 2011 9:08 AM PST
    Welcome, Pauline ! A nice site here to enjoy, so poke around & see it all... I'm a former Mass. guy myself. Lived around Arlington area as a kid, When I got home from the Army in 1970 I lived out in Greenfield. Loved it, then it snowed & I moved to Fla.
    • 1066 posts
    January 19, 2011 1:15 PM PST
    Welcome Pauline, from Ohio. Yeah, cold and snow here too. Not as much snow as y'all along the coast though, Thank God.
    • 58 posts
    January 19, 2011 2:52 PM PST
    Hi Pauline! Welcome to the Family! I am almost sorry to say that I was ecstatic when Uncle SAM closed Ft Devens and sent me out to Cali (for the third time).
  • January 19, 2011 10:12 PM PST
    hi pauline i am also from this frozen part and counting the day for warm weather jack
    • 202 posts
    January 20, 2011 9:45 AM PST
    Enjoying the site... no drama! 
    • 202 posts
    January 20, 2011 9:49 AM PST
    Chaz wrote...
    Well welcome to the site Pauline, I'm also a fellow snow (snowing as I type) bound Mass resident. Me and one of the guys I ride with will be going to the Springfield show this Saturday also. It does lift the sprits up. Springfield this week Boston next weekend in between shoveling and cursing.

    I love it... it's always a great '"pick-me-up"  to get through winter!  I am needing some new riding boots, unfortunately.  i prefer older, worn gear... so it is going to suck.    Hey, here's a thought... anyone got some size 7 (mens) boots they don't need/want?  lol.    

  • January 20, 2011 11:02 AM PST
    Hi from a neighbor to the north - Maine. Was 7 degrees when I got up this morning. But at least we did get some riding in just a few weeks ago. We put the bikes on the trailer and went to visit the kids and grad kids in Florida... we are so glad they decided to move there

    At least you can hang out with us while stuck inside!
    • 910 posts
    January 20, 2011 12:51 PM PST
    Hey ya Pauline welcome to the site! I too am from Massachusetts, and like Chaz am cursing all this damn cold wet frozen white stuff that keeps turning my car into a mobile igloo (if I can even get it out of the parking lot... it doesn't do so well in these conditions). If I don't get snowed in I'll be at the bike show in Boston next Saturday. Good luck finding those worn in boots and enjoy the show in Springfield! ~buffy
    • 202 posts
    January 22, 2011 11:12 PM PST
    Oh boy, it is getting COLD! Can't even use my woodstove because it doesn't heat the basement and i am afraid my pipes will freeze! The winter to remember, i guess!
    • 566 posts
    January 22, 2011 11:44 PM PST
    Can't make the Springfield show .. and actually, don't really want to. Its too damn cold up there to even wanna make the trip. But there's a biker build off show next weekend down here in Clearwater FL. And, the weather will be MUCH warmer than y'all got up there in MA.
    • 846 posts
    January 24, 2011 3:54 AM PST
    It was -4 this morning when I left for work (no bike). There's about a foot to a foot and a half of snow still on the roof with another storm coming and I'm questioning why I'm ********** still here in the NorthEast. I could be some where in the southwest riding now. If you have a good reason why I'm still here let me know.
    • 566 posts
    January 25, 2011 10:25 AM PST
    Well, you couldn't be riding in the "sunshine state" right now. We've got tornado warning, wind shears, hail and lightning. Oh ... and its raining like hell too.
    • 202 posts
    January 26, 2011 12:42 PM PST
    i'm with ya... wondering why the hell i am still in this God forsaken state... My heart is westward.

    Oh yeah, i remember why i'm here... children and grandchildren... hmmm...
  • January 27, 2011 7:12 AM PST
    Go southwest Pauline. You can be the vacation destination for your kids and grandkids during the winter months and you get to ride year round with the rest of us, who migrated west from the east coast. Btw its 74 degrees and sunny here with a slight breeze today. I have lived here almost 20 years and i do not miss the weather at all!!!!!
    • 580 posts
    January 28, 2011 9:31 PM PST
    Welcome Pauline from Yorkshire in England. Our snow has disappeared and we're on very cold, frosty mornings. Did manage a ride out last weekend on a very unseasonable warmish day (8degrees). Looking forward to spring and thanks for reminding me it's not very many weeks away

    Hugs (o:
    • 202 posts
    January 30, 2011 1:07 AM PST
    Yes, wheels.... my heart belongs to California!
  • March 6, 2011 11:41 PM PST
    Hi all, coming soon too Western Mass this summer, BIKE NIGHT - Thursday's (5pm-11pm) @ Sterns Sq; Downtown Springfield, Ma. - GREAT out door concert's,vendor's, food & drink's... 100's of bikes ... I call it 'lil Daytona.... See ya there