Happy New Year!!

    • 21 posts
    December 30, 2010 8:00 PM PST
    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and HEALHY New Year!  All the best, folks! 
    Got a feeling 2011 is going to kick ass!!

    Jay @ Hijinx
  • December 31, 2010 12:10 AM PST
    Happy new Year to you too and i couldnt agree more about 2011 hehehehehe
  • December 31, 2010 6:41 AM PST
      We will be bringing in the New Year at home this year. Wishing health and happiness for all.       I may not be up to see 01 01 11, 01 01 11     but I am sure that we will be up for 11 11 11, 01 01 11 and looking forward to a healthy and happy 11 11 11, 11 11 11.....Happy New Year...!!     
    • 846 posts
    December 31, 2010 7:42 AM PST
    And a Happy New Year back at everyone . May the new year bring what ever is best for you. Ride safe and keep the shiny side up.
  • December 31, 2010 8:24 AM PST
    Happy New Year to all hope we all have many more. WEBBY
    • 566 posts
    December 31, 2010 9:01 AM PST
    Y'all have a wonderfully happy New Year !!! I won't be staying up to watch the crystal ball drop. I gotta go to work early in the morning. Besides, I don't care much for driving around on Amateur Night. Y'all be safe out there.
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    December 31, 2010 11:00 AM PST
    Happy New Year to All
  • December 31, 2010 11:06 AM PST
    Happy New Year and a safe night to all.
  • December 31, 2010 11:10 AM PST
    Happy new year. I wish the best for everyone.
    • 467 posts
    December 31, 2010 12:30 PM PST
    Happy New Year to everyone! Hoping the New Year brings us all that we wished for and more than we deserve!
    • 9 posts
    December 31, 2010 2:49 PM PST
    Happy New Year to all. Let's all make it a year to remember! Have fun, keep safe, and remember to eat black eyed peas and something in the pork family. It's supposed to bring prosperity for the new year. I personally can't eat the peas, but I can munch the heck out of slow cooked roast with all the trimmings. Mmmm, can't wait for that.
    Ride Free
  • December 31, 2010 3:29 PM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    Happy New Year to all. Let's all make it a year to remember! Have fun, keep safe, and remember to eat black eyed peas and something in the pork family. It's supposed to bring prosperity for the new year. I personally can't eat the peas, but I can munch the heck out of slow cooked roast with all the trimmings. Mmmm, can't wait for that.
    Ride Free

    I love black-eyed peas.  If eating black-eyed peas and some pulled pork barbecue is what it takes to bring a little prosperity my way, count me IN.
  • December 31, 2010 4:18 PM PST
    Happy New year Everyone from Doug and I and our family to all of you and yours!
  • December 31, 2010 5:55 PM PST
    Have a massively big, fantastic and fun, Happy New Year!!! 
    Make 2011 your best ever...
  • December 31, 2010 11:55 PM PST
    hgsc90 wrote...
      We will be bringing in the New Year at home this year. Wishing health and happiness for all.       I may not be up to see 01 01 11, 01 01 11     but I am sure that we will be up for 11 11 11, 01 01 11 and looking forward to a healthy and happy 11 11 11, 11 11 11.....Happy New Year...!!     

    now why would you do that to someone on New Years knowing that all them ones will screw with my hungover a$$ AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG NOW MY EYES ARE CROSSED lmao
  • January 1, 2011 12:08 AM PST
    Hope everyone has a great 11'