We lost a Police Officer last night in my town

    • 1780 posts
    December 29, 2010 1:23 PM PST
    A Female Police Officer only 10 months out of the acadamy was shot and killed last night in Arlington Texas. Brothers and Sisters our life can be snuffed out in a mili-second, so live every day like it's your last. Never go to bed mad at your mate, and tell your better half many times a day how you love and care for that person. I will NEVER forget my Mother telling me when she was a little girl she got in a bad fight with her dad. He died in his sleep that night, and she never forgave herself.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 29, 2010 1:25 PM PST
    AMEN Kenny
  • December 29, 2010 2:23 PM PST
    Amen buddy....
  • December 30, 2010 3:38 AM PST
    Havn't heard it said any better dragon....
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    December 30, 2010 6:13 AM PST

    • 21 posts
    December 30, 2010 12:37 PM PST
    That's the truth!
  • December 30, 2010 12:42 PM PST
    well said we lost two police officers down here in tampa florida they were only in there early 30s one had two children and the other had a baby on the way
    • 1066 posts
    December 30, 2010 3:26 PM PST
    I admire those that wear the Blue, and pin the Badge on, however, that seems to be like wearing a bullseye now days. God Bless those that try to protect us, overseas and on the streets here.
  • December 31, 2010 12:13 AM PST
    well said by everyone
  • December 31, 2010 3:15 AM PST