Need your opinions both guys and gals

  • December 20, 2010 5:01 AM PST
    O.K. so here goes....because I have my own bike my husbnad rides alone we know females that do not have their own bike or has had a falling out with their partners that they used to ride with and are without a ride.  I often hear "ride with so and so because he has an empty seat".  It's true he does have an empty seat but he also has a wife and a very protective wife at that.  I feel it's a little too personal for another woman to ride on the back of my husband.  I don't want to seem petty but I know how it feels to ride on the back of gives me the warm fuzzies.  I don't want any other woman getting the "warm fuzzies" from my husband.  I enjoy riding my own bike but I don't want to look like an insecure, jealous woman if I say anything.  I don't like opening doors to what could turn into something that may affect my future negatively or get me to the point where I re-act poorly.  Damn if I didn't do a good job with that last line!

    So what is the rules when women ride their own bike when they have a husband that ride too?  Get him a solo seat?  Wouldn't look very good on a touring bike.  I have a tendancy to be very outspoken and forward heading off anything that could cause a problem. 

    Just wondering what other rider's opinions are,

  • December 20, 2010 5:22 AM PST
    solo seat! He probably doesn't want anyone back there either. Unless he has a trunk, pretty sure any bike looks studly with solo seat. Check pictures of a street gluid with solor seat. Bad ass! And a great christmas present for him. Lock him in to riding solo I say!
    • 9 posts
    December 20, 2010 6:09 AM PST
    Tell HIM how you feel.. BullDog is probley right, Bet he is not wanting a rider also. But, first ya gotta talk to him....
    • 9 posts
    December 20, 2010 6:15 AM PST
    My first question is this: what does your husband say about this, and is he aware of your feelings about it??? That aside, you are absolutely NOT being petty, jealous, insecure, or in any other way, out of line. Most biker ladies out there, already go by an unwritten, unspoken, un-necessary-to-mention, set of rules. 1.) You don't assume anything. 2.) If you know or hear he has an old lady, BACK OFF. 3.) Unless specifically given permission, do not get on the bike. 4.) If you are not actually in distress, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU ARE. The ruse will come to light, sooner or later.
    5.) Treat others' old man, the way you would want yours to be treated. (Do you want rogues coming on to your old man?) ***The rules apply to all of us ladies out there. Just because you ride your own bike, doesn't mean that it's open season on your old man. By the same token, we must conduct ourselves accordingly, and that may mean letting others know, that no, you're just NOT comfortable with that. And may I just add a personal note? I've been down this exact road myself, and once I talked to my old man about it, and how it made me feel, the issue never came up, again! RIDE FREE
    • 0 posts
    December 20, 2010 6:44 AM PST
    I agree with Tweek, talk to him about it.

    For me, I don't care for a short trip occasionally, but don't want someone there for a long trip. That is why I convinced my wife to get her own bike. I also feel uneasy when I do have a female (not my wife) behind me as to where is the line of comfort that my wife expects me not to cross.
    • 5420 posts
    December 20, 2010 7:02 AM PST
    First I need to correct one thing... A touring bike CAN look very cool with the right solo seat on it!

    Now, for the real issue... It really comes down to what you feel comfortable or uncomfortable with.  You can't change the way something makes you feel just because others think its ok.  When we go to events and not everyone has a ride, I see ladies jumping on any free seat when were heading out.  But we are all friends...might be different if it is someone you don't know looking for a ride.

  • December 20, 2010 7:15 AM PST
    I'm on the fence on this one....I don't see anything wrong with a short trip as long as all parties keep their morels intact "Hope they have some:)"
    ON the other hand My wife has made it clear that that back seat is hers n hers only with the ezception of  our gradaughters......Have  I always been true to that?  I aint tellin...however I have ALWAYS been true to my wife and our marriage
    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
  • December 20, 2010 8:48 AM PST
    I think my husband would be unfortable with another women on the back of his bike. I think if it were a friend of both of ours that maybe, just maybe short trips might be O.K. Depending on who it is. Definately not a stranger. I've been around the block with single renters using my husband as their personal handyman. And I agree with Tweek, there is an unspoken rule about relationships in general and where not to cross the line. If a woman gives me the respect of being my husband's ol'lady then all is well. However I have run into more than my share of women who really don't care if a guy is married or not. On that note I will address this issue with my husband so we can be on the same page.
  • December 20, 2010 9:12 AM PST
    My husband dont ride, But if he did no way in Hell is another chick going to ride on his back. Im not the jealous type, but aint no women going to hang on to my man! If it is an emergency thats different, help out! I agree with Tweek, there are rules, mine are simple, if I dont want it done to me, I dont do it to others.
    • 1 posts
    December 20, 2010 9:15 AM PST
    My wife MDBikerGal also has her own bike and we on occassion have gotten into the same situation you have. She says the back of my bike is made for her ass and her ass only PERIOD.
  • December 20, 2010 10:05 AM PST
    I don't think you need to run out and get a solo seat, after all don't you like riding with him occasionally on the back of his bike. I think riding with another woman on the back of my back is fine if it is just for a short trip around the block or so just to let them see what it is like to ride on a bike. Im not sure my wife would want me to ride all day long with another lady on the back but we have never talked about it either. One thing I know is that I would get a knock upside my head if I said something like I'm riding so and so today and your staying home. lol
  • December 20, 2010 10:21 AM PST
    Tweek you impressed me. Awesome answer! Went a little deeper...

    Most bikers i have ran into are good people. If biking is in their heart not just their garage... However, shit happenes sometimes. Let me paint a picture. You voluntarily go to a rally. It was advertised as a rockin yee haw full on party. Then alcohol flows, then someone gets amorous, then someone gets pissed, then someone gets slapped. Where it goes from there is what separates real bikers from dabblers. Get a grip! If it's too much, don't go there. If you can laugh about it in the morning then cool! But if you have a crack in your amore (pun intended) DONT GO THERE!

    But we're talking about a seat. I just have a feeling that a solo seat would solve it! It also send a submilinial message to anyone riding with or near you. MINE! STAY OFF! And its no big deal to slap the two up seat back on if you want...

    Just my opinion
  • December 20, 2010 10:42 AM PST
    This is Jim's Ole Lady Terri. I had a situation when I could not go but Jim did (Not ususally a problem) then found out he was put in a situation where he gave some other gal a ride some where. Well if you ride your own bike or are not there Damn it made me jealous. What the gwarf how could it not!!!
  • December 20, 2010 11:22 AM PST
    I do alot of riding by my self due to wifey's bad back and we discuss this very thing when i first got my bike and came to an agreement that no way in hell would another woman be on my bike for any reason. YOU REALLY NEED TO TALK TO YOUR HUBBY. he probably feels the same as you do. just my 2 cents
    • 223 posts
    December 20, 2010 12:01 PM PST
    My husband and I have an understanding.... we trust each other. He respects me enough to ask if I mind if another female rides with him. I trust him so I don't care. If the woman gets out of line, then I will contend with her when they return and believe me, he will tell me if she does. When I have my own bike again, the type of seat he has will be up to him. I would never ask him to get a solo seat, because I love it when kids ask for a ride. I don't mind other women asking, most of them don't know any better but I do educate them in the fact that when a man is with his woman, especially when his wedding ring is very obvious, it's not in good taste to ask him for a ride on his bike.   And they all know he's married, because he tells them.

    Having said that, I've also had women mention that he's a biker and will f*ck anything and when that happens, the REAL education begins. I've found that the majority of biker men are more than respectful to their women, they're faithful and treat them like ladies. Just another one of those crappy stereotypes that we put up with and dispel as we can.

    I just talked to Ron about this topic and the way he put it is, if a woman gets out of line on the bike with him, he'd stop the bike and put her out right then and there and she could walk back.  She'd still have to deal with me though...

  • December 20, 2010 8:32 PM PST
    another way to look at is is would you ride on the back of another mans bike
  • December 20, 2010 10:59 PM PST
    razncain wrote...
    My husband and I have an understanding.... we trust each other. He respects me enough to ask if I mind if another female rides with him. I trust him so I don't care. If the woman gets out of line, then I will contend with her when they return and believe me, he will tell me if she does. When I have my own bike again, the type of seat he has will be up to him. I would never ask him to get a solo seat, because I love it when kids ask for a ride. I don't mind other women asking, most of them don't know any better but I do educate them in the fact that when a man is with his woman, especially when his wedding ring is very obvious, it's not in good taste to ask him for a ride on his bike.   And they all know he's married, because he tells them.

    Having said that, I've also had women mention that he's a biker and will f*ck anything and when that happens, the REAL education begins. I've found that the majority of biker men are more than respectful to their women, they're faithful and treat them like ladies. Just another one of those crappy stereotypes that we put up with and dispel as we can.

    I just talked to Ron about this topic and the way he put it is, if a woman gets out of line on the bike with him, he'd stop the bike and put her out right then and there and she could walk back.  She'd still have to deal with me though...

    Thank you Beki for your response, espically bout ""I've also had women mention that he's a biker and will f*ck anything"" when Gail n I met 24years ago her friends told her that as well....

    She had never dated a biker before so we did have a little challenge getting through that issue but with time I proved that I'm not that way and since she has met all my biker friends she has learned that 99% of the biker men "Married or not " have values n morels....

    N I'm beting my left boot that raceangel has nothing to worry about n by the by? I don't lose many left boots

    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

    • 58 posts
    December 21, 2010 5:40 AM PST
    Good question RaceAngel! One I had never really seriously thought about since my wife does not even ride behind me, so I called and asked her.  Her reply was: "As a general rule I don't mind, but if the woman is going to start any S^^t with you, I will finish it! (My wife does not swear!)  And if you think a woman will start something, you better not let her on or your A$$ will be in a sling as well!"  That said, if we don't know you, don't bother asking because you are not getting a ride. Passengers are limited to emergencies, family, and some (not all) friends.  I'm not comfortable with more.
  • December 21, 2010 6:53 AM PST
    Another side of this is the other woman you give a ride might not be into blasting through a corner-or at least at a respectable speed. My brother passed on years ago but both my wife and myself are friends with his former wife.One day she asked if I would take her for a ride,which I did.I have a highway I like to ride because it has a few good curves.I dive into the 1st corner and my passenger screams and grabs my arms right in the middle of a curve,not a good thing.She claimed she had rode on the back of HD's for a long time,not so much.
  • December 21, 2010 7:35 AM PST
    Hmmm....good question and I tend to agree with all the responses. I don't need to ask the wife what she thinks, and she dosen't ride either (I'm workin' on that), cause the answer is "no emergency? Don't know the lady? No way...No How!" I won't go into the stereo types cause they are there and probably always will be. Discuss it with him and I agree that you will most likely find that he feels the same.
    • 1 posts
    December 22, 2010 12:35 AM PST
    Have ridden w/ people of the female persuasion in back & my wife I aware that I was going to do it but the 15 hours of random questions that follow confines that practice mostly to old friends. - Was going to do smart-ass reply concerning how I was successfully & voluntarily p'whipped but thought for 15 sec. -

    For reasons jake noted anybody in back of me has to be someone willing to hang on to my waist when the the twisties hit & someone I am willing to have touch me. - Do not want random people touching me, saved a fortune on lap dances.
    I do not want anyone in back of me that is not either:
    a. Someone I respect & that respects me - or
    b. Someone I hope will soon develop respect for me
    Respect & affection are not synonyms but are not mutually exclusive either.
    If the woman in back is someone you both respect - Sure why not?
    If she is someone you have yet to develop respect for - Avoid the situation like leprosy
  • December 22, 2010 12:01 PM PST
    I dont have my own bike but ride with friends all the time but only the ones that are not married . I would never ask for a ride from my married friends its just not good.
    If the person wants to ride you could always say she can ride with you instead and see what she says.
    • 10 posts
    December 22, 2010 1:00 PM PST
    Some random woman on the back of tim's bike (if he didn't have a solo seat) is not going to happen. There are probably 2 friends of mine I wouldn't mind riding behind him, if they had to. I know them and trust them, plus they have husbands. He would rather ride solo anyway. The only time someone is on the back is when we play rodeo games. I have to sit my ass on the fender. I figure a woman wanting to grab a ride and not consider how his woman feels has no class.
  • December 22, 2010 4:17 PM PST
    My point of view... My back seat is my ol' ladies seat. The only way another woman gets on that seat is if she invites her to ride on it, or if it is our daughter wants to go for a ride.

    I expect that in the case of an emergency I might break that rule, but it would have to be a real emergency, not just a matter of inconvenience for someone.

    Every couple has to have an understanding about this. It is between the two of you to come to this decision.

    Ride safe.