Jacksonville to Daytona

    • 9 posts
    October 23, 2010 5:39 AM PDT
     Hey Ya'll,

    Looking for riders who like to ride sober and have fun without chemical enhancement. I've been down that road, and decided I'd like to remember the trips, this time. I've got nuthin' against personal choice, I just choose to do it sober. I'm looking for like-minded peeps, that are into serious riding. I like to day-trip on the weekends, and am always looking for someone to ride along with. If you can relate, and want to send me a kite, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Til then, Ride Free. 
    • 566 posts
    October 23, 2010 6:10 AM PDT
    Too bad I live so far away from you, or I'd join in. But its practically a day's ride just to go from my town to Jax.
    But I hope you get a few responses that work out for you.
    Ride safe.
    • 580 posts
    October 23, 2010 6:36 AM PDT
    Hi Tweek - I ALWAYS ride sober because to me it's about being responsible. Can't meet you I'm afraid cos England is too far away but look forward to sharing your adventures on line and really hope you find some cool guys to ride with

    Ride safe and big hugs

    Choc n Shaun
  • October 31, 2010 5:02 AM PDT
    welcome to the site.have you been to buffalo.s bike nite on wed's.pretty good as i remember.i am in ocala fla but i work there in jacksonville.yes i know i am nuts lol.always looking for othres to ride with.espically on the weekends.ride safe
  • November 17, 2010 11:53 AM PST
    have you find any riders yet.gettin a little colder now.ride safe.
    • 9 posts
    November 19, 2010 5:59 AM PST
    30days wrote...
    have you find any riders yet.gettin a little colder now.ride safe.
    Actually, no. But the timing is off right now, anyway. I have had to move and start looking for more "gainful" employment. I've got a few things in the pipeline, so I'm not worried, just yet. But as to riding, right now, I'm sorry to say that the priorities have changes...drastically. I will be riding more for the above reason, than for pleasure. I HATE when that happens, don't you? Oh well, nobody ever said we were gonna get our way, all the time. (Well, except for the die-hard 1%'s). And we'll just have to do what we have to do. Til, then...RIDE FREE

  • January 28, 2011 4:06 AM PST
    I live in Palm Coast and I am looking for riders who like to ride SOBER. If interested send me a line.