For our CF Sisters.....PLEASE READ.... and be safe out there

    • 1780 posts
    September 4, 2010 4:58 AM PDT

    To all my Cycle Fish Sisters......

    As most of you know I work as a Commissioned Security Officer, and have worked some pretty rough areas where crime is an everyday event. I have put together a post card that I hand out to women on my beat. It has just a few ideas on how to protect you when you’re out alone either during the day or at night, as criminals have no watches. Please understand this list of ideas is not conclusive, as to how you can survive in this world as it has become. The important thing to understand is "NEVER STOP FIGHTING" until you are free from the assault. One thing I failed to list on the card is ....fingers to the eyes are very effective in escaping from the grasp of an assailant.
    Please read this as it may help save your life.

    Night Dragon

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    • 1363 posts
    September 4, 2010 5:07 AM PDT
    Very good info Dragon
  • September 4, 2010 5:25 AM PDT
    Fingers in the eyes, up the nose, whatever it takes. Another good idea is not to put yourself at risk via alcohol/drugs, known dangerous areas, people, situations. Keep your head up and show confidence, don't appear to be weak which to a preditor means victim.

    Our #1 priority is keeping our family safe and we are a vital part of our families.

    Keep safe ladies..........
    • 1161 posts
    September 4, 2010 8:02 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...

    To all my Cycle Fish Sisters......

    As most of you know I work as a Commissioned Security Officer, and have worked some pretty rough areas where crime is an everyday event. I have put together a post card that I hand out to women on my beat. It has just a few ideas on how to protect you when you’re out alone either during the day or at night, as criminals have no watches. Please understand this list of ideas is not conclusive, as to how you can survive in this world as it has become. The important thing to understand is "NEVER STOP FIGHTING" until you are free from the assault. One thing I failed to list on the card is ....fingers to the eyes are very effective in escaping from the grasp of an assailant.
    Please read this as it may help save your life.

    Night Dragon


    Also on Number 3 (if it is a newer car they have a trunk release pull tab)  and Even if you cant stick your arm out wiggling fingers or hands will work!
    • 0 posts
    September 4, 2010 8:23 AM PDT
    Good advice Mate............Sad that we need it though.
  • September 4, 2010 10:51 AM PDT
    A knee in the right area works wonders.
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    • 1516 posts
    September 4, 2010 11:05 AM PDT
    Dragon, you my CF Friend are a good person!! People come and people go, but you have stayed, and what you contribute to our community is alway very good! Hats off to you!

    I had hear that another thing about people who are looking for victims.. they look for people who look victims.. head down, now paying attention. Someone who may not even have seen there face. One thing that I hear that I had never thought of was women with their hair down. It makes it easier for them to get ahold of. I had never thought of that before, I almost always wear it down.

    Keep up the good posts dragon!!
  • September 4, 2010 11:19 AM PDT
    Hoss1584 wrote...
    A knee in the right area works wonders.

    some people that just pisses off!
  • September 4, 2010 1:46 PM PDT
    Situational awareness and a large caliber handgun will keep the zombies at bay.
    • 0 posts
    September 4, 2010 4:04 PM PDT
    Or just hang out with Marni............
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    • 19067 posts
    September 5, 2010 12:39 AM PDT

    Ya get an Offishial  ATTA BOY! for this one Kenny.

    • 1066 posts
    September 5, 2010 4:48 AM PDT
    NightDragon my Brother, I salute you for always trying to help folks out, and to keep them safe
    • 223 posts
    September 5, 2010 12:10 PM PDT
    Hoss1584 wrote...
    A knee in the right area works wonders.

    some people that just pisses off!

    Unfortunately, you're right.  When a man is on an adrenaline rush or certain drugs, he won't feel the pain.  For some men, they get off on it and it just arouses them even more.

    There are many ways women (and men) can avoid becoming victims.  A lot of people carry handguns, but don't have a clue how to use them, let alone use them properly.  Most people feel if they pull a weapon on someone, that person will back away.  Not true... most people don't have the faintest idea of how to shoot a weapon, and they simply can't fathom the idea that if they point a gun at someone, it's NOT a deterrant, it's a final decision and you'd better damn well be good and ready to squeeze that trigger and end someone's life.  If you can't do that, you do not belong carrying a gun.  There are plenty of classes to help folks learn the proper way to use a gun or other weapon and how to use it safely.

    Getting shot hurts, I know, been there three times.   Only one of those times was a domestic situation and I'm the one who walked away, because I got lucky, he didn't kill me and he put the gun down.

    I carry a gun.  I've carried one since I was a kid.  If I point it at someone, you can bet my finger's not on the side of the trigger guard, it's on the trigger and someone's going to die.  And it won't be me.

    Self defense is the first step at protecting one's self (in my opinion) simply because most women don't carry a gun.  Had a guy try to rape me once so when I had the chance, I told him to take it easy on me because I was having a Herpes breakout and my hoo-ha was a little sore from my earlier trick.  Granted, that won't always work, but it did for me.  A friend of mine was accosted once and she started kissing her attacker and grabbing his crotch, telling him since she got AIDS, she hadn't had a good hard lay in years.  It worked for her.

    Attackers go on the principals of surprise and fear, they love the control.  So, turn the tables on them and take control yourself.  I also have no problem biting someone's ear or d*ck off and as a nurse, I know a variety of places to hurt someone where they won't get up for awhile and when they do, they're going to be too embarrassed to seek medical help.

    Thank you so much for posting this, more women need to be aware!!!

  • September 5, 2010 12:24 PM PDT
    Keep up the good work Kenny,as always, happy to have you lookin out for the family.
    • 1780 posts
    September 5, 2010 3:49 PM PDT
    razncain wrote...
    Hoss1584 wrote...
    A knee in the right area works wonders.

    some people that just pisses off!

    Unfortunately, you're right.  When a man is on an adrenaline rush or certain drugs, he won't feel the pain.  For some men, they get off on it and it just arouses them even more.

    There are many ways women (and men) can avoid becoming victims.  A lot of people carry handguns, but don't have a clue how to use them, let alone use them properly.  Most people feel if they pull a weapon on someone, that person will back away.  Not true... most people don't have the faintest idea of how to shoot a weapon, and they simply can't fathom the idea that if they point a gun at someone, it's NOT a deterrant, it's a final decision and you'd better damn well be good and ready to squeeze that trigger and end someone's life.  If you can't do that, you do not belong carrying a gun.  There are plenty of classes to help folks learn the proper way to use a gun or other weapon and how to use it safely.

    Getting shot hurts, I know, been there three times.   Only one of those times was a domestic situation and I'm the one who walked away, because I got lucky, he didn't kill me and he put the gun down.

    I carry a gun.  I've carried one since I was a kid.  If I point it at someone, you can bet my finger's not on the side of the trigger guard, it's on the trigger and someone's going to die.  And it won't be me.

    Self defense is the first step at protecting one's self (in my opinion) simply because most women don't carry a gun.  Had a guy try to rape me once so when I had the chance, I told him to take it easy on me because I was having a Herpes breakout and my hoo-ha was a little sore from my earlier trick.  Granted, that won't always work, but it did for me.  A friend of mine was accosted once and she started kissing her attacker and grabbing his crotch, telling him since she got AIDS, she hadn't had a good hard lay in years.  It worked for her.

    Attackers go on the principals of surprise and fear, they love the control.  So, turn the tables on them and take control yourself.  I also have no problem biting someone's ear or d*ck off and as a nurse, I know a variety of places to hurt someone where they won't get up for awhile and when they do, they're going to be too embarrassed to seek medical help.

    Thank you so much for posting this, more women need to be aware!!!

    I love your spirit, and will to survive. Thanks for your input on the post, very well put.
    Night Dragon

  • September 5, 2010 4:54 PM PDT
    Thanks for the reminder. I do alot of riding by myself and am very aware of my surroundings at all times.
  • September 6, 2010 12:07 AM PDT
    There are many things in life that we need to be cautious about...I have been on my own and in the streets since I was 12, and I must say that those that seek to hurt others, dont seem to have a rhyme or reason, as a young girl child, I endured more abuse from others than I wish to mention. I do think people are only victims if they let there self be...the actions that another commits towards you, are not your own to bear, I dont know about the laws in other states, but I know here, you better be careful defending yourself, because you may end up a victim of the state. It amazes me, we just had a young couple that was driving in a rougher area, and the male was snatched from the car and beat half to death and the female was snatched and thrown on the roof of the car and gang raped by 8 guys, in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, and not a soul that saw it helped. Tragic !!! Of course, there were arrest made, and they were released on bond, the guy that was attacked, decided to take justice in his own hands, after healing, he went back to the hood and found two of the men that attacked, and put a couple of caps in their ass...he was arrested and is facing attempted murder charges. Granted I do understand we cant go around taking care of things ourselves, yet I do have the mind step on my toes, I'll break your foot !!! I just find the state of "people" and the things they will do to each other so, so ,so sad. My attitude, life has taught me well and jaded me true...only the strongest nothing you hear and only half of what you see.
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    • 1516 posts
    September 11, 2010 5:58 AM PDT
    BOOF wrote...
    Or just hang out with Marni............

     all in favor of hanging out with Marni asy OI

  • September 16, 2010 7:15 AM PDT
    thanks for the info... it is so wonderful to have you all looking out for us and thinking about us
  • October 15, 2010 6:19 AM PDT
    Thanks Dragon, some very good tips!