August 24, 2010 10:31 AM PDT
“Cause the Taco, the Tamale and little Nacho are the Sh*T…..
We went back to my hometown of Ironton, Ohio this past weekend for the first time in a couple years. It was tense at first thought because there have been strains on the family ties that have caused us to stay away for a bit to let things simmer down. Along with a refreshing reunion with the family came a new friendship, once again, fostered by the CycleFish website.
When we walked into Frogtown, a decidedly biker-ish type of establishment complete with bikini clad “beer girl” and a blowout pit, we walked back to the pin striping tent operated by Taco, a.k.a Kevin, and met face to face with a gleaming smile and warm welcome. Much like the recent meetings with fellow CF members, a strong hug and complimentary “beer-in-the-hand” welcome was the immediate ice-breaker and once again we felt in the company of new “old friends”.
Everyone knows I can go on forever when emotionally charged, so I’ll try to keep this brief, but I can tell you Taco and family invited us in like they made the trip just for us and I cannot say enough for the warm, fun-loving and general ease they opened themselves to me and the Mrs. From bumping other bikes to get his pin striping on our scoots, to offering their personal truck when the rain was keeping us from meeting up with family on the other side of town, they showed the true meaning of friendship being about what you offer and not what you expect to receive. I hope we are soon in the position of reciprocating the hospitality these friends showed us during our return to Ironton and can say , once again, they are welcome in our home and in our lives whenever we have the chance to get together again.
Thank you, Taco and Tamale. I look forward to having you guys counted in those I care about……

August 25, 2010 3:47 AM PDT
Awwwww man thanx!!! speechless...... and the same goes here as well brother.....we are so glad to get to spend the time and meeting you and HDMomma.....i just hope it made your trip back a good one. you and your family are truly family to us and your more than welcome to stay with us anytime...i'll even keep the light on for ya, with cold by god beer in the the way...i forgot to tell ya about this one....
August 28, 2010 2:48 PM PDT
Nice Taco! That still mean you buy every one a beer? lol
August 29, 2010 11:29 PM PDT
Nice Taco! That still mean you buy every one a beer? lol

and by god if ya happen to be commin threw this way, give me a shout cause i have plenty of cold and free beer!!