Scariest Moment

  • August 23, 2010 12:32 PM PDT
    I think the scariest moment in life is way back when you're in bed and have to go pee really badly but you know that there's a monster (or monsters!) waiting just under the bed to grab you by the ankles the moment you set foot on the floor,... so you have to open up the window and try to pee out it from the safety of your bed, but it doesn't just pass cleanly through the window screen like you'd hoped and it winds up getting everywhere.

    Then you're all, "aw man, my wife is gonna KILL me."
  • August 23, 2010 1:49 PM PDT
    scary moment: rolling up behind a slow moving car, and only seeing blue hair and knuckles!
    • 23 posts
    August 23, 2010 2:15 PM PDT

    I think the scariest moment in life is way back when you're in bed and have to go pee really badly but you know that there's a monster (or monsters!) waiting just under the bed to grab you by the ankles the moment you set foot on the floor,... so you have to open up the window and try to pee out it from the safety of your bed, but it doesn't just pass cleanly through the window screen like you'd hoped and it winds up getting everywhere.

    Then you're all, "aw man, my wife is gonna KILL me."

    I had my scariest moment just last Wednesday. You know those shirts that men wear that states, "If you can read this, the bitch fell off." Yeah, I'm the bitch that fell off. Most wouldn't actually claim it, but if you know me, you won't be surprised.
  • August 23, 2010 2:35 PM PDT
    lcHOOT wrote...

    I think the scariest moment in life is way back when you're in bed and have to go pee really badly but you know that there's a monster (or monsters!) waiting just under the bed to grab you by the ankles the moment you set foot on the floor,... so you have to open up the window and try to pee out it from the safety of your bed, but it doesn't just pass cleanly through the window screen like you'd hoped and it winds up getting everywhere.

    Then you're all, "aw man, my wife is gonna KILL me."

    I had my scariest moment just last Wednesday. You know those shirts that men wear that states, "If you can read this, the bitch fell off." Yeah, I'm the bitch that fell off. Most wouldn't actually claim it, but if you know me, you won't be surprised.

    i used to ride with that shirt! got it a couple days after my divorce went final! along with the one that said: bikers divorce-"get off the bike bitch"
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    • 1516 posts
    August 23, 2010 3:36 PM PDT
    Yeah well I just had a scary moment.. I have a handicapped daughter and we were getting in the bathtub (nice big tub with a bench seat and all that) and my feet went out from underneath me and we both went down. I had two armfulls of her and was unable to block any kind of fall. Well she was fine, she has lots of practice as breakin her falls, I have none.. I landed like a pile of bricks and OUCH!!! oh yeah, she thought it was just funny!!! Yeah whatever!! I hope that doesn't happen again in the near of distant future!!
    • 0 posts
    August 23, 2010 7:07 PM PDT
    Well one time at Cycle Fish Camp......... Debrajo gave me these beads and..............................sorry a kid rock song came on and i got alittle teary............I miss you guys
    • 568 posts
    August 23, 2010 9:08 PM PDT
    scariest moment is when i thought i could ride no more!!!
    • 1509 posts
    August 24, 2010 12:24 AM PDT
    Had a coulpe the last few years: hearing tires screatshing and metal crashing and looking on my mirror and seeing my wife tumbling down the highway and her bike flying the other way God took care of us.

    Following a car in the left lane on a new bike at a safe distance and trying to get into the right slower lane for comfort after looking over my right sholder to check if I was clear then starting to accelerate into right lane and looking back forward to find all left lane trafic came to an emergency stop for two Q-Tips makeing an illeagl left turn Tom Petty said the restLearning to fly But I ain't got wings. Learning to land is the hardest thing. God took care of us.

    Three months later coming home from work a over zealous rider on a sport bike decided to pass 3 cars in a no passing zone and did not make it. Side swiped my car nad proceeded to roll tunble and crash for th next 250 yards (4 tellephone pole distance) . After stoping and climbing out the passengers side door to find him seriously brutailly injuried. I almost puked when he loooked at me and I could not help him. He lived ad God took care of us.

    On a liter note the scariest thin ever had to be when the first man ever had to drind milk from a cow!!
  • August 24, 2010 2:05 AM PDT
    Cruise on a four lane in traffic and felt the explosive boom of a truck tire blow-out. Looking for open lanes, flying chunks of rubber and tail lights. Luckily only hand size chunks hit me and the bike before I passed the fragmenting vehicle. The watermellon loaded truck lost a lane side rear on a dual tandem axel. The car next to the blowout moved half a lane sideways but continued without hitting it brakes. I was following four lengths back, but had cage tailgate.
  • August 24, 2010 3:07 AM PDT
    seriously, the scariest moment in my life, when i was 9 years old and riding bicycles with friends, was crossing a two lane that ran out of my home town, i was halfway across, looked up and saw a 77 oldsmobile coming over the rise at a high rate of speed, couldn't get away and she hit me. i was thrown into the windshield by the force of the bumper hitting me in the leg. flipped over the car with what i found out was less than gymnastic grace. woke up in the hospital a few days later to find my parents standing over me crying, i could not for the life of me imagine why, i thought i had dreamed it and was at home in bed, then i lifted my left arm to my head and the weight of the plaster cast cracked me in the forehead, the force of it hitting unset the bones in my forearm and i had to go back into surgery the next day to reset.i really thought i was dreaming the whole thing. what a nightmare for a 9 year old to live, half a year with my left side in plaster, then another half learning to walk again. and the rest of my life proving i still can. any of your kids want to act badass on a bicycle, let me know, i'll send pictures of what it did to me. ok, that was my once a year whine. good day all!
    • 1509 posts
    August 24, 2010 3:18 AM PDT
    Bad influence glad you are all better now.

    They say what doesn't kill us will make us strongeer.
  • August 24, 2010 3:38 AM PDT
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    Bad influence glad you are all better now.

    They say what doesn't kill us will make us strongeer.

    you know, i remember being awake through that whole ordeal, never went unconscious, till they knocked me out, in my little world, after living through that, not a whole lot really scares me anymore. and you are right, that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. took me till in my late thirties to understand i am still sucking air for a reason. i would like to think it is only because of my boys. i don't need any more grandeos reason. my family thinks i am going to cure cancer or something, i just think i am going to be a good dad. better than i had, but always trying to be better for them. gotta get some work done. somebody put one of our machines in a river upside down running. nice! there is sand in places you wouldn't imagine it being in a diesel engine. 
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    • 1516 posts
    August 24, 2010 4:06 AM PDT
    BOOF wrote...
    Well one time at Cycle Fish Camp......... Debrajo gave me these beads and..............................sorry a kid rock song came on and i got alittle teary............I miss you guys

    Ah Boof, I miss you guys too! Next year is to far away!!

    • 1509 posts
    August 24, 2010 4:09 AM PDT
    Let' all get naked and run arroun the campfire this weekend!!!

    Yea that's it that's the ticket.

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    • 19067 posts
    August 24, 2010 4:45 AM PDT

    Scary, yeah kind of...

    Here is one I will never forget. Back in the early nineties I was between marriages enjoying the single life for a bit, living in a nice private entrance apartment complex. There was this gorgeous (I mean SUPER MODEL TYPE OF BEAUTIFUL) young lady(?) living near me. Now I am not a 'pick em up easy kinda guy' but I thought what the hell give her a try. Struck up a conversation and wow we hit it off. A few dates and weeks later after a really great evening in my apartment she started acting weird. Glazed eyes and asking funny questions. Then she started arguing with me about any and everything. So now I am getting scared. I asked her to leave and she refused and went on another tirade about something then took a swing at me. Now, I won't hit a woman if I can help it, and I basically fended of her storm of punches. When she stopped swinging I asked, no demanded she leave. She started in to screaming something incoherent and swinging at me again. Now I am very scared! I wrapped her up in my arms somehow managed to carry her out my door and unceremoniously dropped her in the bushes. Ran back in and locked the door. Crackk! Tinkle !! She had punched in the window on my door. There was blood all over the door and a screaming banshee outside. She was announcing all kind of lies, accusing me of rape, etc. Now I am Really VERY scared. I phoned the police and they actually showed up very quickly. Two officers came, one took her towards their car and the other talked to me. After hearing my story the officer said, “I'll get back to you about pressing charges.” WOW he believed my side but I still had to add one more thing. I said, “she is crying rape and all sort of other crimes, we were together and there will be evidence. Where do I stand?” He got this weird kind of half smile and said, “don't worry, we know her quite well. You are not the first.” Now I am not so scared but it took a few months for me to stop looking over my shoulder. I, very thankfully, never heard from her again. Oh, and I didn't press charges. I hope she got help.


    Moral of this is “outward beauty can hide the ugly within...”

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 24, 2010 4:57 AM PDT
    Wow Mike, that is quite a story!! you are very right about the moral.. beauty can and often is, only skin deep..
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 24, 2010 4:59 AM PDT
    debrajo62 wrote...
    Wow Mike, that is quite a story!! you are very right about the moral.. beauty can and often is, only skin deep..

    Thanks DebraJo, I surely wish it were made up but it is absolutley true.