Giant hailstone breaks US Record

  • July 30, 2010 12:28 PM PDT
    184 miles East of Sturgis...

    The cantaloupe-size chunk of ice that landed in Vivian, SD, measures 8 inches in diameter, 18.625 inches in circumference and weighs 1 pound, 15 ounces... />
    Y'all be kefful out there now, heah?

    • 2072 posts
    July 30, 2010 12:56 PM PDT
    Not the kind of storm ya want to get caught in on a bike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • July 31, 2010 12:09 AM PDT
    Lets just hope that crap stays away for at least in next to weeks, last years hail storm is Sturgis was nasty
    • 467 posts
    July 31, 2010 1:31 AM PDT
    I'm sittin' here this morning waiting on the isurance adjuster to show up to assess my hail damage from that storm. We only got golf ball size hail, but right down the road they got softball size and it completely stripped siding off the houses and killed livestock!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    July 31, 2010 2:12 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    I'm sittin' here this morning waiting on the isurance adjuster to show up to assess my hail damage from that storm. We only got golf ball size hail, but right down the road they got softball size and it completely stripped siding off the houses and killed livestock!

    Sorry to hear this... Hope you damage was minimal...

    • 2072 posts
    July 31, 2010 2:45 AM PDT
    jlhOils wrote...
    Lets just hope that crap stays away for at least in next to weeks, last years hail storm is Sturgis was nasty

    Good friends were at Sturgis last year when that hail storm hit. Their insurance totaled their 5th wheel because of the hail damage. Broke EVERY piece of glass on the trailer and the skylights. Of course, with the windows & skylights broken, the rain just poured in doing a lot of water damage.

    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    July 31, 2010 3:27 AM PDT

    • 910 posts
    July 31, 2010 5:37 AM PDT
    Ooh man! I'm tempted to walk around camp dressed in full safety gear just in case
  • July 31, 2010 6:03 AM PDT
    Have some friends who live about an hour out of Sturgis ~ Mark and Bonnie said their gardens, trees... everything got trashed. This is the end of July for pete's sake!!!
    • 467 posts
    July 31, 2010 9:12 AM PDT
    Well, so far it is totaling $12,000. But I still have to hear from the car insurance about the truck and horse trailer.
    And I feel for your friends with the garden! The only thing that survived in mine was the garlic and I had 6 new trees that are now leafless stubbs!
    And I too was in Sturgis for the hailstorm last year and it did $13,000 in damage just to my camper, not including the truck and of course my bike-cuz my hubby's bike didn't get a scratch! There was not a roof vent to be had withing 300 miles after that one!
    • 566 posts
    July 31, 2010 10:11 AM PDT
    I'm not going to Sturgis .. although its one the list of "Things To Do Someday".
    Still, I feel for y'all having to deal with weather like that. I hope it doesn't happen in August.
  • July 31, 2010 1:34 PM PDT
    We have had really rough t-storms up here for the last week too. Really unusual for late July. I hope this crap stays away for Sturgis week. Been a weird summer.....
  • July 31, 2010 2:26 PM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    Well, so far it is totaling $12,000. But I still have to hear from the car insurance about the truck and horse trailer.
    And I feel for your friends with the garden! The only thing that survived in mine was the garlic and I had 6 new trees that are now leafless stubbs!
    And I too was in Sturgis for the hailstorm last year and it did $13,000 in damage just to my camper, not including the truck and of course my bike-cuz my hubby's bike didn't get a scratch! There was not a roof vent to be had withing 300 miles after that one!

    OUCH! Sorry to hear that Sister! Hope there is good insurance coverage!

  • July 31, 2010 2:29 PM PDT
    Geeee Whiz! I feel cheated we had hail the other day but it was only dime size. But seriously, I am sorry for all who had bad damage done to you property. Sucks when Mother Nature gets a bit angry. Hope you trip to Sturgis is a safe and weather torrent free one.
  • July 31, 2010 3:08 PM PDT
    Pray to the weather gods to be kind cause someone must have pissed em off!Sorry to hear about the damages, we just lost a bunch of branches.
  • August 1, 2010 1:41 AM PDT
    About mid June there was softball sized hail about 40 miles south of us at Sunray, tX.. Completely wiped out the wheat crop, when they replanted, it stunk so bad from the dead rabbits in the fields. Unbelievable. The same storm dumped up to 17 inches of Rain in Hansford county TX.