Now there's a ride......

  • July 12, 2010 6:03 AM PDT
    One of my Victory brethren pulled this off last month.  Nice ride report. />
  • July 12, 2010 7:24 AM PDT
    That is impressive!......and daunting. 1183mi in one day. That is painful to think about!
    • 352 posts
    July 12, 2010 7:58 AM PDT
    I pulled a trip of just about 1100 miles ("Run for the Sun" - Long Island to Daytona Beach) ages ago on a chopper in 1 long ass day - I would NEVER try that again, especially at my age now - the bathroom stops alone would kill most of that time now

    Kudos to your buddy!
  • July 12, 2010 8:10 AM PDT
    i rode from pa to texas took me two full days almost non stop my ass was hurting 4 hours of sleep and alot of bad weather went through hail / up to 80 mph winds and talk about tornados. i just kept moving and glad i did but like i said it hurt took two days to recover i didnt figure what the mileage was but i was there three days and turned around and did it again lol im a glutton for punishment i guess just was glad to be home to hit the bed one of my longest straight runs almost non stop
  • July 12, 2010 8:29 AM PDT
    I would like to do something like he did, but make it about a month.  That way you could spend a little more time in neat some national parks for instance.  I've made a few longish runs in the last few years but nothing like this. ........ Rode to Galveston Texas, Grove Oklahoma, Perry, Missouri, Cherokee NC, Virginia and several Pa runs and such.  I just bought a cargo trailer for my bike...looking to do the West coast next year. 

    I've never done a thousand mile day though, came close a couple weeks ago but got home before 1K........

    Way home from Missouri.................Close but no cigar........

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 12, 2010 9:29 AM PDT
    1100 miles in one day, whew. Never did that, my best so far is 662 from Tallahasse to Nacogdoches TX.

    Ride for Sophie
    I am proud to say, and might be bragging a bit, I did 12989 miles, all lower 48 (some more than once) in 38 days last summer on Rex. Mostly on my own with a few riders here and there. Lucky was one of the riders, as well as a gracious host -->>Laura too.
    In doing this my family and I were able to raise $4200 in donations that was given to Make-A-Wish foundation.

    A ride I will never forget and a Granddaughter that will always be with Grand-pop Mike when he rides.
  • July 12, 2010 10:20 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    1100 miles in one day, whew. Never did that, my best so far is 662 from Tallahasse to Nacogdoches TX.

    Ride for Sophie
    I am proud to say, and might be bragging a bit, I did 12989 miles, all lower 48 (some more than once) in 38 days last summer on Rex. Mostly on my own with a few riders here and there. Lucky was one of the riders, as well as a gracious host -->>Laura too.
    In doing this my family and I were able to raise $4200 in donations that was given to Make-A-Wish foundation.

    A ride I will never forget and a Granddaughter that will always be with Grand-pop Mike when he rides.

    Very cool, Rex !!          


    • 352 posts
    July 12, 2010 10:29 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    1100 miles in one day, whew. Never did that, my best so far is 662 from Tallahasse to Nacogdoches TX.

    Ride for Sophie
    I am proud to say, and might be bragging a bit, I did 12989 miles, all lower 48 (some more than once) in 38 days last summer on Rex. Mostly on my own with a few riders here and there. Lucky was one of the riders, as well as a gracious host -->>Laura too.
    In doing this my family and I were able to raise $4200 in donations that was given to Make-A-Wish foundation.

    A ride I will never forget and a Granddaughter that will always be with Grand-pop Mike when he rides.

    that's a helluva good month of riding and a great cause!

    I do look froward to getting a touring set-up for the more comfortable longer runs...old age in some of them bones don't take the abuse they once did...
    • 19 posts
    July 12, 2010 10:37 AM PDT
    ok,1100 miles in 1 day,that's 24 hrs righ? ummmm,1100 into 24 i'm bad with math but that was going about 155 miles an hour right? you my new hero!
    • 19 posts
    July 12, 2010 10:43 AM PDT
    ok i just got back from west palm beach to atco new jersey ,1143 miles pulling a trailer with my truck 21 hrs.stright ave.speed was 70 ok so my math was off a little, i would have liked to do that ride with you,let me know when the next ride is
    • 352 posts
    July 12, 2010 11:39 AM PDT
    ok - well if you are talking about the Run for the Sun - last I heard they stopped the runs back in the mid-late 80's - we did it in the late 70's. and according to current mapquest: Total Travel Estimate: 17 hours 53 minutes / 1097.03 miles + gas, piss & beer stops (yes we took the beer to go - bad boy I know)

    BTW - I don't think radar was around back then if I remember right and yea we rode them like we stole them

    Jeez - I just got an age check on that I feel old again