i have been reading the comments back and forth from the good people who made the run to kentucky, and i see the freindships that have gone into full bloom from the meet and greet. people, from various backgrounds and walks of life made this trip out of the desire to meet the friends they made here. and what comes to mind for me isn't about biker/ non-biker, wealthy/ poor. what comes to mind is the kindred spirit. there were no big named music acts, no vendors selling the latest greatest gadget to make your scoot so unique, just people who met on here and wanted to put faces with names. and once that happened, once the faces were attached to the names, they became family. never mind the distances that were traveled, fxr's run in with the rain and then the hellish heat, or deb and rexs trip home that is still ongoing on the back of a tow-truck for the second time. and buffy letting us know what is going on, and fxr's phone call from deb to say they are fine, and bulldog wondering should he gas up and roll north. these things acquaintances don't do. family do. i wish the fates would have let me make this run, just wasn't in the cards for many of us. but i have a feeling it will be for the next one. i am grateful to be part of this family that began by looking up a biker site with a somewhat odd name, now i can't think of any other people i would rather be associated with. the cyclefish family. you are welcome at my table anytime.

Couldn't have said it any better Brother....Not a damn bit...As g would say....Spot On!!!
whats on the menu bro .............................
aye!!...........................spot on ....lol
whats on the menu bro .............................
well, i do some badass bbq, if it will fit on the pit, it gets ate!
aye!!...........................spot on ....lol
g, he's from down in Tejas Bro....Hog balls and Chicken Tounges could be the menu of the day

no worse than haggis then ...lol
aye!!...........................spot on ....lol
g, he's from down in Tejas Bro....Hog balls and Chicken Tounges could be the menu of the day

not hog, mountain oysters have been done before, deep fried are the best! snake lips, turkey trots, salmon throats, not too many cats runnin loose here...
wee sell the cats..................to the chinkys ..lol
tell you what G, you show up over here, and drag fxr's wrinkled ass out here, i'll fill the pit with my best, pork ribs, and chicken halves, you will not be disappointed!
sounds like a plan .........dude get ur ass up to badinflunces ..lol
wee sell the cats..................to the chinkys ..lol
sorry dragon ...............at this point i never read ur post about ur cat ...........gezzzzz ma big gob .
July 1, 2010 10:21 PM PDT
bad....like blaine said... "Couldn't have said it any better Brother....Not a damn bit" as a newbee......i meet more and some of the nicest and caring people on here then i have in any other forums or sites. I LOVE IT IN HERE!! i still wished i could have went to bowling green to get to meet everyone......that way i can figure out who's names goes with what boob pics?....thanx everyone on CF for being such great and caring peeps!!...and if anybody is traveling in the north eastern part of ky down 64...give me a shout...cause my doors will be open for ya if you need a place to rest for the night....