December 11, 2014 8:09 AM PST
It can be worse. Try being a biker, without a bike...
Imagine, you go to the rally's and the show's...the ride's and the memorial/fund raiser's, and you pull up in a cage.
Have you any idea the amount of crap about to be thrown at you, by the Newb's??? I can, I've lived it. For more years, than I can say.
I was RAISED to ride. Started @ 5, and went from there. My dad took great delight in "dumping" me off the back of his Harley,
and laughin' whole-heartedly. "Whadya Learn"? He asked. I had no words. I put them into action...
I learned to ride.
50 years later, (minus 10-no bike), I am the lady rider who was out there, when there were very few women on bikes.
Now...they're a dime a dozen, in any color you could name. The novelty may have worn off, but the THRILL, never will...
I was a NOMAD, before patched WOMEN, came into existence. TRUTH.
IF, it bothered me to go...then I wouldn't. I wouldn't be a Chaplain of an MC, and I certainly wouldn't deal with Newbs.
BUT, there's always gonna be the HEART of me that rides, and you can't take the HEART of a BIKER.
'Nuff Said....
Ride Free