June 16, 2010 3:20 PM PDT
Twists and turns are endless... and I am grateful for them. I have been out of touch and I dearly appreciate the messages I receive that have left me to feel connected here and connected to my spirit that hears the open road calling. Sometimes I feel I don't know how to do it, how do get through this life in a way to make sense of it. I can't anymore. I must admit, I believe we are not meant to understand... just live as well as we can and be the best and as good as we can. I have had the most unbelievable past seven months of my life and meeting some of you here has been a very important part of that. I have yet to find the words to express my deep appreciation for the kindness, truth, and love, yes Love, that I have been fortunate to receive. Love comes in many forms. I am blessed to have found it here. For me and for others. It's here all the time.
My children's father, 52 years old, died suddenly of a massive heart attack. He was buried on Saturday passed. I have never known the depth of sorrow that I felt in my being,when I first found out of my children's loss. I was out of town and nearly out of range completely. I couldn't hold them. I wept for days until I finally returned to the States. I wasn't meant to be here. My kids are 19, 21, and 24. They are my breath, my blood, my hopes, my dreams. I am so very proud of them. And they are hurting...and they are laughing, and smiling, and weeping, and ever faithful and beautiful throughout their grief. I am in wonder of my children.
The four of us... are all at major turning points. I have this sense of awe as it feels as though the four of us have reached this point... as if we are just nearly standing on top of the world and just looking out and taking it all in...before we all decide to take the leap. Our lives...more importantly...their lives, have been so hard. Filled with disappointments too numerous to count. It has been so f'd up...over and over and over. I have let them down, others have let them down.
When do these kids ever catch a break? Well...maybe it's here. I wish to honor their father for them. Only through the Grace of God will I be able to do this.
If you have read so far, thanks. Just wanted to let you know I'm alive and haven't totally fallen off the planet. God Bless you all. Lord knows I think about some of you quite a bit and I hope you know that eventhough I have been incommunicado...it's because so much is going on. It's deep, it's real. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry like a fool, and sometimes I isolate. And sometimes I'm just tired. And sometimes I just want to know why so much has had to be so damn hard and when does it really change?????
Peace and Love fellow road warriors, from my heart, from my spirit. Ride hard. Ride free. Hopefully I'll meet some of you one of these days. Until then, ".May the sunshine warm your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields..." Ride with heart.

~ Ingrid