Veterans Question.....

    • 1161 posts
    June 1, 2010 12:23 PM PDT
    If you had to join or get drafted into the military would you do it the same or do something ( like joining a different branch or join before your draft card was pulled)?

    I'll go first to set the example:

    I would have done an AirAssult School right after Airborne School.  The rest I would do over again in a heartbeat up untill my accident ( I still miss Jumping out of Airplanes).
    • 1 posts
    June 1, 2010 12:36 PM PDT
    I would stay in the Marines if I had to do it all over again. After I got out I joined the National Guard seven years later, been in ever since. Joined the Marines in 1978 and joined the Guards in 1988. Airborne was never my thing, I have lots of buddies with busted knees and backs. I always tell them I'd rather walk in like a man than drop in like a Fairy. Then they commence in kicking my ass. LOL
  • June 1, 2010 12:40 PM PDT
    Dude ~ I'm sorry... if it's still running and flying, WHY THE HELL JUMP OUT OF IT??? Oh ~ by the way ~ I have acrophobia... HA HA HA! And my Dad was a pilot and I flew countless hours!!! Hmmmm ~ go figure...
  • June 1, 2010 12:51 PM PDT
    Only change would be that I would have stayed in.
    • 2072 posts
    June 1, 2010 2:16 PM PDT
    Have to agree with Scott.... Wish I would have never got out. I'd be sitting on a nice retirement check now !!!!
    • 1040 posts
    June 1, 2010 3:09 PM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Only change would be that I would have stayed in.

    I almost made that mistake once. Dec, 26th 1972 4 months out of Boot Camp the 1st shirt called me in his office to tell me my dad had died the day before in a car accident on his way back home from work. Went home on emergency leave and a good friend of mines Mom knew Senator G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery on the I think Armed Services commitee. She told me if I wanted out to come home she'd talk to him. Well, haveing just dealt with dad's death I jumped on it but I didn't think anything would come of it. I went back after leave to Camp Lejeune but never told anyone about it and actually forgot about it untill about  3 months back from leave the 1st shirt called me in again and asked If I was trying to get out and that whoever I knew had sent the paperwork for me to be discharged and go home. I was surprised and even asked him who authorized me to be discharged; he told me Sen. Montgomery. He asked me did I really want to get out and I told him I really hadn't thought seriously about it. He gave me a day to decide. I went back to the barracks and laying in the rack that night I kept thinking how proud my dad was whe he came to Parris Island to see mr graduate and how the last time I saw him when I was home on leave before he died how he gave me a big hug and as I pulled out of the driveway he had that big proud smile on his face waveing goodby; had I only known that would be the last time I would ever see him again. I went back the next day and told the 1st shirt I was stayin in; he asked why and I told him I was supposed to be here....was one of  the best decisions I made in my life.

    I joined in June 72 after having recieved as best I remember a number 32 or either a 19 (was low enough for me) from the draft board. I decided if I had to go I was gonna pic my on poison...LOL. My dad served in the Corps and I always remembered as a little kid sneaking though his dresser drawer where he kept his ribbons, badges, and the most prized possession; the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. I remember pulling out the encyclopedia Britannica almost dailey and read the history of the U.S. Marines at Tun's Taveran, Chaupauldapeck (spelling), Boxer Rebellion, Bellaue Woods (Spelling), Iwo Jima, Tarawa, Saipan, Guadacanal, Inchon, and many, many other famous battles the Marines fought. Yep, once a Marine always a Marine.
  • June 1, 2010 3:09 PM PDT
    would have to change branch or job.. did ground radar on the E German border... no dam place for that job when i got out........ but I f I could go back in with what I know now... Hot DAAAMMMMMMmmmm......oh ya never would have married the #1 being she didn't speak English and my German was very bad .. .. but we did know BEER BED.. ahhhh at 18 I WAS in Love....she new some other things .. but won't post them here ROFL
    • 190 posts
    June 1, 2010 4:04 PM PDT
    I may be out of line on this post, but first I'd like to thank you all (not just on this post but period who have served in any branch). I have not served in the military (why I dont belong on this post) I thought about it and tried years ago in or after high school {(wanted to check out the Marines) figured I'd go for the best (in my eyes at the time)} but lets just say past heath problems prevented an easy entry, so I decided to try college. In light of Memorial day, I'd like to say, weather or not you would want to take anything back, you all did it, served our country in blood, sweat and tears or any of the above. In my present job, it didnt take long to realize, no matter what branch you serve or served in, you all do or did some thing to keep the rest of us safe as you can, so we can take our kids to the park or just have one or a few to many at a holiday party. It's our right as Americans and your the reason why. I've ended up with a lot of vets in my life in one way or another, you could say there's many things I've learned from them, and most of them are some of the best people I've ever met. I'll say i've been to the wall twice and each was a moving experience, the second time left me with a name I'll always remember.
    If i'm out of line here sorry, and you can let here here it, I meant no disrespect.
    Thank you all.
    • 1 posts
    June 1, 2010 11:08 PM PDT
    No disrespect taken here and you have a right to comment on any post here not matter what. Also, I tell my friends that didn't serve in the military and wish they had, that the military is not for everyone, but there are other ways you can serve our country. Volunteer at local VA Hospital, send packages to service members overseas, civic organizations and many many more thing, too many things to list here, but you get the picture. Oh yeah, big one is keep your representatives in DC on their toes and hold them to the fire.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 1, 2010 11:19 PM PDT
    In 1965 I enlisted in the USAF. I would do it again but some things while there would be different.
  • June 2, 2010 12:47 AM PDT
    I enlisted in 1966 in the Navy. Would love to get the schools the government now give to the Technitions now. Enjoyed every minute and all that I saw but ridding a Destroyer in the North and South Seas can be unpleasant when 30% of the time a Surface ship is under the waves. We didn't get Sub pay for it either. It is now a Navy target fish farm. I also spent some time on Aircraft Carriers but only temp duty. (Forrestal and Independance)
    I found that Motion Sickness and the Navy was not always comfortable.
    • 1780 posts
    June 2, 2010 1:34 AM PDT
    I know this response is a bit far most of my responses.....I wish I had been born during a time when I could have flown P-51's in combat . I love WWII Aircraft, and the P-51 was the King of the sky during those times. German pilots will never forget that bad ass flying over the German sky's
    • 126 posts
    June 2, 2010 2:24 AM PDT
    I would of stayed in the Air force. I would have almost 30 in. I do miss the people and the fun times we had. I was in Germany for 4 years and I couls see East germany from where I worked on the mountan in Bad Munder. They told us if we where suprised with an attack we had less the 5 min. But hay someone had to do it. I get to see c-17 everyday flying to joint bace Lewis Mcoard. I still think about it!
    • 1 posts
    June 2, 2010 3:18 PM PDT
    Joined the Navy in hopes of getting into the NAVCAD program that let prior enlisted w/ an Associates Degree strike for a Commission & a flying billet.

    Thought it could be my ticket to instant middle-class. (+ if you think motorcycles are exciting think about flying from a carrier)

    Failed for several reasons, not the least is that they eliminated the program while I was recovering from what I thought was a minor injury.

    Went back on active duty in the late 60's mostly because the Navy was the only place that still made sense to me.

    Wish I had struck for something more nautical, like an Aviation Bosun & not got all involved in data-processing & statistics
  • June 2, 2010 5:24 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    I know this response is a bit far most of my responses.....I wish I had been born during a time when I could have flown P-51's in combat . I love WWII Aircraft, and the P-51 was the King of the sky during those times. German pilots will never forget that bad ass flying over the German sky's

    Ah Dragon ~ that's not far out!

    That was during a time where it was where a pilot could hone his skills, fly by needle, ball and airspeed, and engage in a true mettle of the minds and technic. Now ~ you come into the 'zone' a couple hundred miles out, REO sights in on multiple targets, get's permission to fire, engages and leaves the arena...

    My Dad flew 51s ~ and his all time favorite was 'The Fork-Tailed Devil' ~ nothing like seeing a pilot with his hand on the boom of a P-38 at an airshow with tears in his eyes... oh, and that was 'old school' ~ U.S.A.A.C.

    Glad to hear you're a 'classic' avaition buff ~ have some picts you might get a kick out of  ~ ain't she a beauty? Oh that Packard Merlin is a sweetheart! 


    • 1161 posts
    June 2, 2010 7:27 PM PDT
    To those not a Vet your comments are welcome this was just an open option dont be shy.  And if you know of some one that served and they have talked to you and wont mind if it is shared. 
    And to those who have responded,  Thank You for your service for one,  and for two it was interesting to see what you may have done differently or wanted to try.   I love to talk to Vets and hear there stories like from my grandfather.  It was never glorifyed in any way but it just always was an intrest for me. 


    P.S. I was told at one point that there is no such thing as a Former Marine or and Ex Marine.     Just like you are never Ex Airborne once you earn the title it stays with you forever.   
    • 1780 posts
    June 2, 2010 9:04 PM PDT
    Blackpearl wrote...
    nightdragon wrote...
    I know this response is a bit far most of my responses.....I wish I had been born during a time when I could have flown P-51's in combat . I love WWII Aircraft, and the P-51 was the King of the sky during those times. German pilots will never forget that bad ass flying over the German sky's

    Ah Dragon ~ that's not far out!

    That was during a time where it was where a pilot could hone his skills, fly by needle, ball and airspeed, and engage in a true mettle of the minds and technic. Now ~ you come into the 'zone' a couple hundred miles out, REO sights in on multiple targets, get's permission to fire, engages and leaves the arena...

    My Dad flew 51s ~ and his all time favorite was 'The Fork-Tailed Devil' ~ nothing like seeing a pilot with his hand on the boom of a P-38 at an airshow with tears in his eyes... oh, and that was 'old school' ~ U.S.A.A.C.

    Glad to hear you're a 'classic' avaition buff ~ have some picts you might get a kick out of  ~ ain't she a beauty? Oh that Packard Merlin is a sweetheart! 



    Went to the Reno Air Races last year........oh baby the sights and sounds of those WWII era aircraft will make goose bumps on your ass.
  • June 3, 2010 10:56 PM PDT
    If I had it to do over again I would of stayed in the Navy. I would of changed rates though.
  • June 4, 2010 4:02 AM PDT
    I would like to have served...I enlisted in the Army just outa High School in 73....Three weeks before shipping out to boot I came down with a kidney disease called Goodpastures Syndrome...At the time no known cure...Long story short, the Army gave me a year to either beat it recieve a medical honorable.

    Well ? It took three years to beat....however I couldn't re-enlist because ot the disease...

    It's great to be alive... however... I really wanted to serve...Sooooooo heres to all that did serve.......

    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
    • 1780 posts
    June 4, 2010 7:04 AM PDT
    RandyJoe wrote...
    I would like to have served...I enlisted in the Army just outa High School in 73....Three weeks before shipping out to boot I came down with a kidney disease called Goodpastures Syndrome...At the time no known cure...Long story short, the Army gave me a year to either beat it recieve a medical honorable.

    Well ? It took three years to beat....however I couldn't re-enlist because ot the disease...

    It's great to be alive... however... I really wanted to serve...Sooooooo heres to all that did serve.......

    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

    Hey Brother your heart was in the right place, just bad luck, or was it.....all things happen for a reason.
    Ride hard...Ride Safe

    • 1161 posts
    June 4, 2010 6:53 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    RandyJoe wrote...
    I would like to have served...I enlisted in the Army just outa High School in 73....Three weeks before shipping out to boot I came down with a kidney disease called Goodpastures Syndrome...At the time no known cure...Long story short, the Army gave me a year to either beat it recieve a medical honorable.

    Well ? It took three years to beat....however I couldn't re-enlist because ot the disease...

    It's great to be alive... however... I really wanted to serve...Sooooooo heres to all that did serve.......

    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

    Hey Brother your heart was in the right place, just bad luck, or was it.....all things happen for a reason.
    Ride hard...Ride Safe


  • June 4, 2010 9:34 PM PDT
    United States Marine Corps. Joined at 17 in 1964, Vietnam 66-67 Honorable Discharge 1970. Would not change one minute, one experience, one poor choice or good one. Would do it all again without hesitation. My son is fifth generation military, third generation Marine. Semper Fi.
    • 1161 posts
    June 6, 2010 10:41 AM PDT
    Leatherneck wrote...
    United States Marine Corps. Joined at 17 in 1964, Vietnam 66-67 Honorable Discharge 1970. Would not change one minute, one experience, one poor choice or good one. Would do it all again without hesitation. My son is fifth generation military, third generation Marine. Semper Fi.

    Right on, I was also 3rd gen U.S. Army   
    • 212 posts
    June 6, 2010 1:41 PM PDT
    Not a veteran but thank you to all of you who are.
  • June 7, 2010 2:41 AM PDT
    Blackpearl wrote...
    Dude ~ I'm sorry... if it's still running and flying, WHY THE HELL JUMP OUT OF IT??? Oh ~ by the way ~ I have acrophobia... HA HA HA! And my Dad was a pilot and I flew countless hours!!! Hmmmm ~ go figure...

      I agree with the pearl why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good plane? LOL! Never ben in the service But I thank you who have for making my life better and living with no fear is awesome. Thank you for being there.