All packed...

    • 6 posts
    May 29, 2010 6:38 PM PDT
    Well the scoot's sitting out in the driveway loaded down, ready to head out tomorrow afternoon. Really looking forward to being able to get away for a whole evening and spend some quality time with Gina, the bike, and the road. We had to change plans last minute, my fault really. I wasn't thinking how crowded our local state park campground was going to be on a holiday weekend. It'll work out for the better though. We are going to Cook Forest state park in PA, about two hours out, and taking the nice, slow, scenic route through the countryside. 80s and sunny, sure to be a great ride and a nice evening sitting by the campfire. Like I said...REALLY looking forward to this. Our last camping trip had two major problems, for one we were in a car, and two it rained all night long. This one will be a lot better lol. Will be sure to share the experience and post a few pics when we're back.

    (Btw, not taking the laptop so we'll probably be out of contact for most of Sunday and Monday
  • g
    May 29, 2010 6:52 PM PDT
    have fun ........bro ,and dont forget the photos dude .
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 29, 2010 11:49 PM PDT
    I am probably too late for this but check out Route six if you have time. There is an interesting park on in Mt Jewett, Kinzua Bridge, not too far from you. And lots of good diners on route 6.
    • 6 posts
    June 1, 2010 6:18 AM PDT
    We're back.... yeah, sorry Rex, missed your post. We ran route 66 (though not THE route 66 lol) for a little while going up; 208 most of the way. Lots of great country two lanes and cuts through the hills. We took 62 all the way home, which was even better, in fact it's one of RandMcNally's "editor's picks" for scenic roads. They just repaved a bunch of it, too. I wish that we'd had more time, we left Warren an hour later than I wanted to, had to stop for a few more bungees before we got very far (decided that we didn't trust the sleeping bags to stay put lol). So we didn't REALLY get cruising until 3:30 or so, and by the time we got to Cook Forest and got our camp set up, horseback riding and everything was closed for the day. BUT, we did enjoy some quiet time, hanging out by the fire, and a really nice ride both ways. We ran into rain about 30 - 45 minutes from home, which sucked, but we made it anyhow lol. I guess that was God's way of telling me I needed a bath!!!! We took a few pics, gotta figure out how to load them off the camera onto the computer lol. I'll post them when I figure that out.
    • 6 posts
    July 11, 2010 1:01 PM PDT
    Hey folks, as promised, I've finally gotten off my can and loaded some pics off the camera, so here's a few from our trip; sorry, didn't pull over to photograph the road, though to me that was the best part lol! Some pretty impressive forest, though. I'd definitely recommend the park to anyone looking for a sweet ride and great camping at a reasonable price. Anyhow, as "g" would say, enough of that pish, here's the pics!

    • 413 posts
    July 11, 2010 1:44 PM PDT
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    Hey folks, as promised, I've finally gotten off my can and loaded some pics off the camera, so here's a few from our trip; sorry, didn't pull over to photograph the road, though to me that was the best part lol! Some pretty impressive forest, though. I'd definitely recommend the park to anyone looking for a sweet ride and great camping at a reasonable price. Anyhow, as "g" would say, enough of that pish, here's the pics!

    Hey "Grasshopper", man it looks like you and Gina had a great time together all by yerselves. Just you two on the road with the wind in yer face, sitting by the camp fire at night doin the snugglies (lol) and being at peace with mother nature; really happy for ya'll! And man, I LOVE THAT BIKE OF YERS!!! man I love the mortar cans you rigged up on there; that is cool as a hookers butt sittin in the front row at church!! Best to you and Gina Brother!!


    • 6 posts
    July 11, 2010 1:57 PM PDT
    Thanks bro, it was a blast. Best part was the ride for sure. Just lots of nice two lanes, sunny weather and shade... couldn't have asked for a better ride. Thanks again for the compliments on the bike, I've worked pretty hard on her this past year... still have a few things in mind, but it's all gotta be one day and a little bit at a time. Now and then I think about trying to replace her with something bigger, but I just can't do it lol.

    Only bummer on that trip was that I loaded so heavy that the luggage system put too much strain on the rear fender and bent it a little... Those can's downside is that they're already heavy before you load them, and they're so big that when you load them, well, you're carrying a lot of crap lol. Gonna trip off a few pounds before going to VA this year, won't be taking our food with us, we'll buy that there, and also will be buying our fuel for the camp-stove there. smaller emergency gas can, too. I think it'll be alright that way.
  • July 11, 2010 2:06 PM PDT
    I am so impressed that you were able to carry the amount of gear you did on your bike. I need you to teach me how to rig my bike so I can carry something on it besides myself. It looks like you and Gina had a great time.
    • 6 posts
    July 11, 2010 2:26 PM PDT
    LOL it's a gift! Not too hard, esp. if you have solid bags and tour pack. Start with the heavy solid stuff, (camp stove, cooking utensils, food, tools, tent, etc.) make all that stuff as LOW and forward as possible also, make sure that your heavy stuff is evenly distributed between the two saddlebags; pack your clothes on top and around that stuff, make sure not to bury the tools that you might carry for the bike, and your flashlight... I'd really suggest investing in a fork-bag for the tools and light, it'll keep stuff accessible if you need them. Everything else can be under stuff if needed. Our tent I took out of the store box and re-rolled it tight enough and small enough that it was IN one of my saddlebags. Leave out your tent poles for last!!! Once your bags and tour-pac are loaded, you can roll your sleeping bags and extra layers like sweat-shirt and jacket and bungee them on top. THE most important thing is to over-strap your stuff! I started off with a couple fewer bungees than I like, the stuff was moving too much. It won't just move front to back, it'll go right off the ride, too, so make sure to over-do it. If you expect to hit rain, or you're not sure, you can use heavy-mil contractor bags to protect the stuff that's loose. The tent poles, I don't know if you can tell, but I strapped those to the top cross on my crash bars. They're too long to safely go anywhere else (in my opinion).

    Really, it's about patience, test packing stuff till you find a routine that you're comfortable with. Test it out on the road with a short trip to make sure everything stays where it's supposed to be and that you actually have everything you need! Have fun, and if you have questions, feel free to ask. For that matter, I'm sure that Rex has packed a bike or two in his time, too lol!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 12, 2010 12:03 AM PDT
    Oh those were the days...To be young and adventurous. BTW those roads are great. I have been on them too. You can get route 6 next time.
    I am really glad you had a great time.

    • 6 posts
    July 14, 2010 1:38 PM PDT
    Hey Rex, haven't been on the computer to respond to ya in a couple days, all I can say is.... Yer hardly too old for it! Pack up the scoot and find some roads you haven't ridden yet, and just go! Heck, if anything, you're probably more free to do that than I am, since I've got a wife and baby at home, it's pretty hard to get out as much as I'd like to. I'm kinda envious of folks who've been around long enough to have already been where I am and passed it. Don't get me wrong, I love spending family time, and I wouldn't miss it for the world, but it's gotta be nice to be able to load up and go when you want, and be able to afford to. ANYHOW, I'd love to hit RT 6 next time I've got a day or two to kill! Now get out there and ride so the rest of us can live vicariously lol!
    • 1161 posts
    July 14, 2010 4:00 PM PDT
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    Hey Rex, haven't been on the computer to respond to ya in a couple days, all I can say is.... Yer hardly too old for it! Pack up the scoot and find some roads you haven't ridden yet, and just go! Heck, if anything, you're probably more free to do that than I am, since I've got a wife and baby at home, it's pretty hard to get out as much as I'd like to. I'm kinda envious of folks who've been around long enough to have already been where I am and passed it. Don't get me wrong, I love spending family time, and I wouldn't miss it for the world, but it's gotta be nice to be able to load up and go when you want, and be able to afford to. ANYHOW, I'd love to hit RT 6 next time I've got a day or two to kill! Now get out there and ride so the rest of us can live vicariously lol!

    • 601 posts
    July 18, 2010 7:20 AM PDT
    thats the way to travel Hawk, only way to live. Nice bike by the way. When me and the missis go on road trips we carry the same amount of gear....however my luggage usually fits in my pocket
  • July 18, 2010 7:32 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    I am so impressed that you were able to carry the amount of gear you did on your bike. I need you to teach me how to rig my bike so I can carry something on it besides myself. It looks like you and Gina had a great time.

    How the heck did you carry that table and benchs with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well it looks like you both had a good time.
  • g
    July 18, 2010 7:39 AM PDT
    great photos bro ....looks like drumnadrochit in scotland ,was at a site a few years past that looked just like that one .
    • 6 posts
    July 18, 2010 7:47 AM PDT
    Thanks guys! Most of what we took was cooking/sleeping items. Don't need to much personal stuff for a 1 night trip. Anyhow, g, that's funny, I've always wanted to go to scotland, just can't figure out how to get there... can't stand the thought of flying lol! Now I know it looks like Pennsylvania lol!
  • g
    July 18, 2010 7:57 AM PDT
    aye , looks jist like it ,it deepends were in scotland u go ,theirs some forest bits and some large mountains ,with great views .
    • 6 posts
    July 18, 2010 1:00 PM PDT
    It's on my bucket list anyhow, I'm actually 1/4 scottish, though I've never been able to trace lineage, my Dad was adopted and we really don't know more about his mom, my grandma, other than her nationality. I had a pastor one time who traced his family, knew his family crest, plaid, everything. His last name was Blair, and he even went to Blair Castle on vacation....SO cool to know all that stuff. Maybe someday I'll make it over.... have to take a boat or something lol.