April 23, 2010 1:30 AM PDT
Like everyone else I'm happy you are OK. But don't make an on the spot decision that you may very well regret later. Always realise that every other vehicle on the road including the odd low flying aeroplane is your enemy, some get ya, some don't, some days you're the dog, somedays you're the tree. It is sometimes an achievement in itself to just get home alive, but don't let them beat ya, fight on, and you will be proud of that sense of achievement. You have tasted the joy of motorcycling, picture yourself from now on turning your head whenever you hear that beautiful roar coming down the road...and thinking "that should be me" that's a thought I couldn't live with.
Over 30 years I've had numerous smashes, some my fault, some caused by the "enemy", I have a few bits and pieces in my body that God never put there, after each and every spill, I've said " that's it, I'm going to buy a car"...but I will hear that roar of an oncoming missile or the thump of a cruiser...and it's " Ah shit, I'm different to them", Don't become one of the bland, boring buttheads, keep your individuality retain your freedom, mess your hair, get your clothes wet, feel the numbness in your fingers and your ass, feel the elements that were put on this earth for you to feel...look thru the windscreen of a car.....yeah, may as well watch discovery channel. As we say in Ireland " suck it and see"
That clown in the pick-up probably laughed cos' you were "different" well laugh back because they are all the same, think twice, what will you gain....a steering wheel and traffic jams and air conditioning....what will you lose....comradeship and real air conditioning, the kind that you will always have as a biker. Get up Kris, throw your leg over, kick that machine into life, feel the buzz..............and shag 'em if they can't take a joke !
April 23, 2010 1:37 AM PDT
Really sorry to hear about your accident, but so glad to here you are ok, for the most part, and wish you a spedy recovery. Glad you are going to continue to hang around us, and whether you decide to ride again or not is something you will decide, but you know we all support you either way.
April 23, 2010 1:46 AM PDT
dear girl, i am glad you are ok, you did come through in good fashion all things considered. we all have or will have at one time or another hit pavement. anyone who brags about never wrecking a bike just hasn't done it yet. i recently was put in the ditch at hwy speed by a dumbass passing a school bus in a curve, might have been the cousin to the person who jumped in front of you. these people, these uptight, anal retentive, self absorbed idiots on this earth will never understand the joy we get from even just riding to the corner store for a pack of smokes, or a soda, or out to dinner with a friend. so they don't care. don't let them steal your joy! make that jackass replace your baby! then if you feel you can, get re-acquainted with all the chrome and steel and see if you still love it as much. bet you will. if you can't shake the fear, there is no shame in that. it is your decision, but i couldn't not give you my thoughts. take your time, heal mind body and soul.

April 23, 2010 2:19 AM PDT
Kris~ Prayers are out there for your speedy recovery. My heart sank to read of your experience and how you are feeling about riding now because of the crash. Darling angel, if your spirit needs to feel the wind and feel the freedom, please don't let anyone take that from you. Your physical wounds will heal. It sounds like the call to the open road is still in you. Plenty of good people here to help you nurture your spirit and keep you strong. Please update on how you are doing.
April 23, 2010 3:20 AM PDT
Kris, I have to add my two cents worth of support in your recovery and hope you will give your decision to not ride a serious reconsideration. God is there to support and comfort you and to help make decisions about your future. Trust in Him and yourself. Support is obviuosly here for you as well. God's speed in your recovery!
April 23, 2010 3:57 AM PDT
Just saw this and man I am so sorry to hear it! Glad you are going to be ok:-) and happy to see you will be sticking around too. Heal fast and remember we are here for you!
April 23, 2010 5:22 AM PDT
id say the best thing u could do is get back on ,best of luck .
April 23, 2010 10:37 AM PDT
Ride, don't ride, you are still the same person. Those that love you will still love you those that hate you - ditto.
The imprtant thing is that you got thru it & are still mobile. Say a small prayer of gratitude & go live YOUR life.
April 23, 2010 8:54 PM PDT
I'm glad your ok....I don't understand some of these people...Last Thursday I was at a four way stop, and the guy waved for me to go. as I pulled out he started coming right at me. I couldn't believe it. I was lucky and got around him, but what the heck? The important think is that you are ok. I hope you ride again...