1960's Biker Code of conduct

    • 1509 posts
    March 1, 2010 9:26 AM PST
    Most important thing was your brother. Without a brother (biker) you were nothing.

    Next most important thing was the club. You and a brother could form a club but a club could not bring back a lost brother.

    Next was your bike. Having a bike would not get you into a club but a club could always help you "obtain" a new bike, if you know what I mean.

    Last was your old lady. An old lady couldn't get you a bike (unless she was loaded and stupid) but a bike could always get you a new old lady.

    • 2072 posts
    March 1, 2010 9:59 AM PST
    So goes the old saying .......................... "Bros before Hos"!!!!!!
    • 190 posts
    March 2, 2010 12:28 PM PST
    Theres something floatin around the internet called The Bikers Code. Wish i could paste it up but it sez alot of what that the 'code' was and still should be. Unfortunatly we got alot of 'bikers' ridin around thinkin all it takes to be a "Biker' is an HD but im of the mond that they're wrong.
    heres my take....

    1) "Biker".....Someone who has an innate understanding and appreciation of the unspoken rules of the road.
    Someone who will always stop to help a fellow rider-regardless of whatever the rider is ridin-and offer to help in any way they can. Someone who will never abandon his brother/sister in times of trouble.
    Someone who realizes that the bike is merely an extension of oneself and not the defining end in itself. Someone who recognizes the deep uniting love and bond all bikers share with one another for our two wheeled horses and our own particular lifestyle and mindset.Someone who can feel the pain and loss when one of our brothers/sisters cashes their check and passes on. Its a language without words but only truly understood by those of us in this life.

    2) "Motorcycle Enthusiast" is someone who preps themselves up in fancy flashy name brand expensive 'RUB' type gear and only rides their bike after checkin out the weather charts. Someone who would ride past a downed brother \\sister-an unpardonable sin in my book-and not glance or pretend to not see. This freakin breaks my heart! Som eone who has no clue as to why its impoertant to maintain contact with fellow riders durin the down season when we are all suffering from acute PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) and only shows up when the weather is fine.
    Thats my opinion.Maybe im wrong but thats what i think..
    • 6 posts
    March 2, 2010 12:46 PM PST
  • March 2, 2010 12:53 PM PST
    Gotta agree with you singsing
    • 119 posts
    March 2, 2010 1:02 PM PST
  • March 2, 2010 1:04 PM PST
    This articale is a subject of much discussion lately with my friends and i.There are alot of people that think that there is only one motorcycle manufacturer out there and if you do not own one your not a rider.
    We collectively, every brand all together ,make up what rider's are and will be.How you ride and how you treat other rider's defines "The BIKER"in all of us.
    That's my opinion and some of our fellow rider's.
    • 2072 posts
    March 2, 2010 1:40 PM PST
    Gotta agree with both Sing and Patrick. Both have outstanding points.
  • March 2, 2010 3:07 PM PST
    I have to admit, thats one thing that caught my attention first time I got on this site. H-D, metric, sport, cruiser all joining in to promote riding
  • March 2, 2010 5:32 PM PST
    SingSing wrote...
    Theres something floatin around the internet called The Bikers Code. Wish i could paste it up but it sez alot of what that the 'code' was and still should be. Unfortunatly we got alot of 'bikers' ridin around thinkin all it takes to be a "Biker' is an HD but im of the mond that they're wrong.
    heres my take....

    1) "Biker".....Someone who has an innate understanding and appreciation of the unspoken rules of the road.
    Someone who will always stop to help a fellow rider-regardless of whatever the rider is ridin-and offer to help in any way they can. Someone who will never abandon his brother/sister in times of trouble.
    Someone who realizes that the bike is merely an extension of oneself and not the defining end in itself. Someone who recognizes the deep uniting love and bond all bikers share with one another for our two wheeled horses and our own particular lifestyle and mindset.Someone who can feel the pain and loss when one of our brothers/sisters cashes their check and passes on. Its a language without words but only truly understood by those of us in this life.

    2) "Motorcycle Enthusiast" is someone who preps themselves up in fancy flashy name brand expensive 'RUB' type gear and only rides their bike after checkin out the weather charts. Someone who would ride past a downed brother \\\\sister-an unpardonable sin in my book-and not glance or pretend to not see. This freakin breaks my heart! Som eone who has no clue as to why its impoertant to maintain contact with fellow riders durin the down season when we are all suffering from acute PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) and only shows up when the weather is fine.
    Thats my opinion.Maybe im wrong but thats what i think..

    Singsing....Heres a brother biker hug "at least a from me to you...It's about time someone put it into perspective....DAM...you said it well,,,aint that right ya'll?
     RandyJoe...Ride Strong...


    • 1 posts
    March 3, 2010 4:42 AM PST
    SingSing wrote...

    1) "Biker".....Someone who has an innate understanding and appreciation of the unspoken rules of the road.
    Someone who will always stop to help a fellow rider-regardless of whatever the rider is ridin-and offer to help in any way they can. Someone who will never abandon his brother/sister in times of trouble

    Appreciate that, long ago was riding my Honda Hawk thru the toolies someplace around Sudbury, ON where sunlight had yet to reach & my shifter fell off (my fault, used Duco, should have staked it - Loctite not yet invented).  - Figured I was toast, nobody to call, no money for a wrecker & damn little sign of civilization period. - Biker picked me up & took me to Sudbury - Found a Honda dealer & after much arguing/temper tantrums found a shifter on a wrecked Scrambler & I was on the road again

    After something like that about all you can do is pay it forward
  • March 3, 2010 4:50 AM PST
  • March 3, 2010 5:06 AM PST
    Perfectly stated Hambone!!
    • 601 posts
    March 3, 2010 6:44 AM PST
    Biking is a simple equation. Mind over matter..... We don't mind and they don't matter.

    To me biking is a state of mind, its a general attitude towards other bikers. We are the most vulnerable users of the road, so we are O.K towards each other, because we never know when we may, if ever meet again. Its not about clothes, image or speed. Its about a comradeship, a fellowship of the road, you pass in the rain and wave " yeah man, I know " you pass in the sun and wave " great isn't it". You meet at a filling station and share a smoke an' joke without ever a name passing, just a handshake and a "see ya later".
    Its an understanding, between guys/gals , we hit the road and face the same feelings, the feelings that only a dog with his head out the window of a car knows about, its the wind in your hair, or the rain for that matter, its the feeling of freedom, of control of your destiny. Its a feeling of sharing a can of beer at a campsite and talking shyte. But most of all to me its " you laugh at me 'cos I'm different....well i laugh at you, 'cos your all the fckin same"
  • March 3, 2010 8:32 AM PST
    Dead right Sing!Well said brother...thanks
  • March 3, 2010 8:42 AM PST
    A Biker is safest to the pubic when he is on the street riding. If the bike is parked, he is up to no good. Hence the popularity of this web site. All of the non-riding public should thank Lucky for it, has probably save a few bar mirrors, and a few cherries. Gotta keep them Bikers busy when they aren't riding.

    Maybe the Army of One slogan kind of fits here. I never met a Biker who didn't believe on some level that he was the only one that was a TRUE Biker. By the way, they are all full of shit! I am the only True Biker!
    • 190 posts
    March 3, 2010 10:31 AM PST
    rory1 wrote...
    Biking is a simple equation. Mind over matter..... We don't mind and they don't matter.

    To me biking is a state of mind, its a general attitude towards other bikers. We are the most vulnerable users of the road, so we are O.K towards each other, because we never know when we may, if ever meet again. Its not about clothes, image or speed. Its about a comradeship, a fellowship of the road, you pass in the rain and wave " yeah man, I know " you pass in the sun and wave " great isn't it". You meet at a filling station and share a smoke an' joke without ever a name passing, just a handshake and a "see ya later".
    Its an understanding, between guys/gals , we hit the road and face the same feelings, the feelings that only a dog with his head out the window of a car knows about, its the wind in your hair, or the rain for that matter, its the feeling of freedom, of control of your destiny. Its a feeling of sharing a can of beer at a campsite and talking shyte. But most of all to me its " you laugh at me 'cos I'm different....well i laugh at you, 'cos your all the fckin same"

    Rory...you said it all in a nutshell and very eloquently too. Bump to you,bro..
    • 1 posts
    March 3, 2010 11:57 AM PST
    Very well said SingSing and Rory!!!!
  • March 3, 2010 12:58 PM PST
    I was driving to work one day when I had an office in downtown Columbus, OH. I saw a lot of smoke in front of me and traffic swerved all over the place. After a couple minutes, we started moving and as I came abreast of the wreck, I saw a bagger against the jersey barrier and a guy in leathers and blood laying on the highway. There were at least half a dozen people standing there just looking at him. I got out and as I got to him I saw that his hip was badly dislocated or broken and he was laying on the smokin hot asphalt in the summer sun.

    He was probably a 1%'er, big hairy, sweaty, bloody, tattooed up with prison ink instead of your std boutique art. Not only were they just staring at him with that "better you than me" look, but they couldn't even stand close enough to create some shade for him. I bloodied up some damn expensive threads that day doing what I could to make him comfortable until the bus arrived and was glad of it so I didn't look like the rest of the clones standing around commenting on his misfortune a looking on like they were traumatized by this BIKER making them late for work.

    I don't get into the old school code, my kids and my wife come before my life. But, I totally understand why we feel connected. Strongly. There is a personal code that wouldn't let most of us stand and just watch another biker suffer
    • 6 posts
    March 3, 2010 1:12 PM PST
    DEFCON wrote...
    I was driving to work one day when I had an office in downtown Columbus, OH. I saw a lot of smoke in front of me and traffic swerved all over the place. After a couple minutes, we started moving and as I came abreast of the wreck, I saw a bagger against the jersey barrier and a guy in leathers and blood laying on the highway. There were at least half a dozen people standing there just looking at him. I got out and as I got to him I saw that his hip was badly dislocated or broken and he was laying on the smokin hot asphalt in the summer sun.

    He was probably a 1%'er, big hairy, sweaty, bloody, tattooed up with prison ink instead of your std boutique art. Not only were they just staring at him with that "better you than me" look, but they couldn't even stand close enough to create some shade for him. I bloodied up some damn expensive threads that day doing what I could to make him comfortable until the bus arrived and was glad of it so I didn't look like the rest of the clones standing around commenting on his misfortune a looking on like they were traumatized by this BIKER making them late for work.

    I don't get into the old school code, my kids and my wife come before my life. But, I totally understand why we feel connected. Strongly. There is a personal code that wouldn't let most of us stand and just watch another biker suffer

    That's what it's all about! You never know if you might be the one who's down, and I know that I hope another brother or sister is the first one to stop if/when that's me. Hat's off to you for doing the right thing.
    • 2072 posts
    March 3, 2010 1:26 PM PST
    Defcon................You did what any self respecting biker would do.... And my hats off to you !!! GOOD JOB !!!
    • 1066 posts
    March 3, 2010 2:53 PM PST
    Defcon, wish you had come along after i went down. But as i lay in the ditch, some guy was raining hell from his car, because my bike was in pieces in the road and he could'nt get through.
  • March 3, 2010 3:12 PM PST
    Hollywood wrote...
    Defcon, wish you had come along after i went down. But as i lay in the ditch, some guy was raining hell from his car, because my bike was in pieces in the road and he could'nt get through.

    The suppression of natural selection from decades of "civilized" justice results in people like that making it to adulthood......Ooooopps, thinking outloud again....
  • March 3, 2010 10:10 PM PST
    Ya know I wave at all riders even the squids and stop for anyone on the side of the road. Even meant some cool people under overpasses just trying to stay dry. One of the first times I started to thing about there being something bigger than me was back in the late 70's I was on my way home from work in my car, and for a number of events I dident take the normal way home. As I sat at a stop sigh I looked to my right just in time to see a guy on a bike get hit head on. He and the bike went up in the air did a flip and he came down on his head. His helmet flew off his head and scalped him. The bike was right next to him with gas flowing all over the place. I was the first one there and was able to use my lab coat as a compress to his head. I dident want to move him One of the first to show up was a cop and he just stood there in shock. I had to tell at him to move the bike before the gas cough on fire. Long story short the guy did live had a broken leg and pelvis and brain trauma. The thing about this story is that is what got me thinking that just maybe there is a God and he wanted me there at that point in time.
    • 601 posts
    March 4, 2010 6:48 AM PST
    I'd like to add one more point to this topic, pillions. My wife Liz don't ride bikes, but has probably put 200,000 miles under her ass as my pillion/navigator/speed cop over the years. When driving she always has an eye open for a bike coming up, and will always leave him room to pass safely, if she sees a biker broke down at the side of the road, she will always pull over to assist, no matter how rough he looks. She says " I've been there and done that" ...so maybe the "code" spreads.