March 13, 2009 7:25 AM PDT
I am sooooooo mad 
I went to the mall today on the bike. I parked where I always do which is on the end of an isle. You know the wasted space down the end of any angled parking isle where no cars can park. I realize that that little area has stripes painted in it so you're not supposed to park there, but come on, the space is just vacant and actually me parking there saves a full spot for a car.
But NOOOOOO! Some over zelous paking cop decided to gaive me a $40 parking ticket. And what really pi$$es me off is that I didn't buy the shoes I wanted that were $49.99 because I really don't have any extra money right now.

March 13, 2009 11:09 AM PDT
That sucks! It is Friday the 13th....go back and get the damn shoes! I would!
March 17, 2009 11:12 AM PDT
That really does suck. I park in those spaces all the time (when I don't park on the sidewalk
March 18, 2009 5:32 AM PDT
that does suck!
March 21, 2009 4:06 PM PDT
And they wonder why they are called pigs!
March 24, 2009 5:45 AM PDT
I thought those were motorcycle spots!!!
December 11, 2009 5:54 AM PST
I have parked in those spots for years, and NEVER got a ticket. Your city must have really needed the revenue!
December 11, 2009 6:15 AM PST
I always park in those striped areas or up on the sidewalk near the building. Never got a ticket... yet.
December 11, 2009 6:16 AM PST
Hey, I was a cop for 26 years, till I retired. Always park in those spots, but I did get a ticket once. The cop that gave to me later came to work for me. Talk about Karma. The cop that gave to you must of be a neebie, without a clue.
December 11, 2009 10:09 AM PST
Did you park betwween the lines or across them?
December 11, 2009 10:44 AM PST
I think if they dont have the lines you can park a bike in them.I do if no lines,did get a sidewalk parking ticket one time but that was in LA so I should have known better!Sorry you go the ticket!
December 11, 2009 11:13 AM PST
Go figure I see alot of SUV's that park there all the time and no ticket but god forbid a bike do it! Besides it saves room for the cars to park there if we cant on bikes...
December 11, 2009 2:10 PM PST
"Parking at the end of parking lanes or sidewalks"...these are not true parking spaces for any vehicle. Rules on parking your bike in these spaces are based on the property owners preferences, not the city unless it's city owned property. Just know your mall, restaurant or business bldg. before you park in that area.
December 11, 2009 2:12 PM PST
BTW...I like to park in those area's too and have been lucky enough to have not gotten a ticket. However, did have a nice conversation with a security cop for a mall parking lot I was about to leave my bike in. He was gracious enough to explain and let me move my bike without a ticket.
September 8, 2010 11:08 AM PDT
I always park in those spaces. What else are they going to use the space for?
September 8, 2010 1:15 PM PDT
Here in our grand city of Tyler, TX, the city cops said park it! Aslong as ur not next to a handicap slot.
September 8, 2010 1:39 PM PDT
I always park in those spaces. What else are they going to use the space for?
He GoFast, nice to talk with ya again. On those spaces I do have another point of view.
In our overly litigious and regulated society local municipalities place all kind of requirements on any business. Width and length of parking spaces, how many handicapped spaces etc. They even have requirements for turn radius at the end of parking rows. Thus the end spots usually marked with yellow lines. Now if someone cuts the corner too sharp and hits your bike you can not hold the store or the driver liable, plus your insurance company might now have a reason to hassle your about paying for damages. If you are at one of those mega stores think about little blue hair granny taking the turn too close. It can ruin your day. And don't forget the cell phone user looking for a close spot and not seeing your ride. I usually try to park a distance away, besides the walk is good for me.
September 8, 2010 2:10 PM PDT
44 years ago I had a plug foul on an up hill stop light with no parking except around the corner and metered. All full and in front of the county courthouse. Had to push the bike on to the curb to get out of the traffic lane. Was just closing tool kit when the officer flipped the lights on and blocked the turn lane to write the ticket. I asked what was the choice and he replied not parking here. I showed the fouled plug and told him it would not run. His reply was " SO ". Next time I guess I will do it in the traffic lane....