Rencetly my "show car"/daily driver was stolen and totalled,and with a limted budget bought a 82' honda goldwing 1100.
I went into the harley davidson dealer to see & seek advice on what type of bike i should get as a starter (first),I should note i'm 6'ft 5 320+ pounds.
They immediately showed me Touring/Cruisers and said i'd be more conformtable dailying compared to an crotch rocket. Doing some research every website and expert had multiple warnings about not starting off with anything more than 500cc's.Will there be any serious disadvantages of not starting with a smaller engine.I really dont mind if this bike gets scuffed or droped i only paid a few hundred for it,also any advice or additional information from experience with learning to drive would be appreciated.
Thanks guys
Take a certified motorcycle riders training course. They are available in about every area and normally not that expensive!!!
You can probably find one in your area here...
This post was edited by EventMan at March 27, 2019 12:57 PM PDT
ABSOLUTELY take the course!!!!
Like the others have mentioned definately take a course. Some have bikes that you use and others let you bring your own bike. I think there is a fear about buying to much of a bike to start with. Honestly if you take your time and slowly work at it you shouldn't have an issue. If you take small trips around your neighborhood you can get the feel of it rather quickly.
If you went with a smaller bike you might regret not getting the one you wanted. If your not really worried about trying to resell your starter bike then get a starter and move up to the one that fits you.
Good luck.
Welcome to the CF board
The Goldwing will be an excellent choice for a daily driver.Check out Youtube for instructional video's for riding tips and exercise's to sharpen your riding skills.See if you have any riding class's locally and get signed up.Out here in Calif we have lots to choose from, for every level of riding ability on or offroad.
I met a Goldwing rider who had over 250,000 on the Odometer,it was loaded down with lots of aftermarket eye candy.He said all he ever did was change the fluids regularly n put in the gas.Another rider I met who rode an old Beemer also said he had over 250,000 another dependable ride,yet way more expensive than a Goldwing.
Hello, everyone. I am new here and can not to create a new please forgive me and help .
Last weekend, when I was riding my bike, my tablet was thrown out because the bracket was not fixed properly. It was still working when I found it. Later, I couldn't charge it after navigating back home. So I want to ask for help:
1. Has anyone used this brand? Is there a repair shop in California? I usually use it well, and I want to find an original factory repair or replacement parts. The Amazon doesn't have this. The nameplate says K8 Active, designed by AOZORA.
2. Do you have any other navigation apps or devices to recommend? My phone uses Google Maps for navigation, but it is not very convenient. It is blurry and not very clear during the day, and the screen is too small, and the voice playback cannot be heard while riding.
Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you in advance.