Newbie needs opinions

    • 2 posts
    April 20, 2017 2:38 PM PDT

    So im about to buy a second bike. I mainly ride a CB500F (standard street bike if you dont know), but the girlfriend wont get on it because it "looks scary"(i say badass, tomatoes, tomatos) but she'll get on a cruiser?! So anyway, im 6'2-ish and 240, and shes all of 5ft 1 and 130-ish soaking wet. Grew up around bikes but im fairly new to it as the operator. (1yr and some change) I'm trying to decide between a 2005 Suzuki M50 with 26k on it for like $2700 or an 03 kawasaki 1600 vulcan classic. So heres my problem. I bought the 500 thinking id be conservative, and i love it. but, i should have bought an 800 or a 750 because i like to ride for a while and on the highway the little 500 is screaming with my fat A** on it, and im worried the M50 will have the same problem with both of us on it. Also im not sure about these bikes since where I am I get a mixed bag of riders but my friends don't ride cruisers and being of the 30's age group their solution is always "LITER BIKE BRO", and the older gentlemen and women all say "SCREW IT GET A HARLEY!" Is the zuki reliable past 26,000 miles? what about a kawasaki with 56k on it? And finally, Im tall and....ummm....big which would be more comfortable?(i know, i know go sit on them, but theyre both over an hour away and on craigslist and people are creepy when you buy off craigslist....sometimes....most of the time.)Oh and i live in maryland on the coast so its really highway riding with a bunch of backroads, but to get anywhere else its interstate.

  • April 21, 2017 6:13 AM PDT

    Well Brother over my riding span of 45 years I have owned several types included Rice and American. First and formost don't spend a ton of money just to look cool and be popular. Don't buy what your friends want you to buy or the older group. Buy what you can afford, and what feels good on the butt. Bikes if well maintained will last many thousands of miles, no matter what kind they are. When buying off Craigs list remember you run the risk of buying someones elses problem, that their trying to get rid of. Personally if your that big you need to match the bike. The 1600 vulcan would be a bike you might consider or a Harley solf tail maybe. Go to delears and ask questions and sit on a few different bikes. I sure don't see you on a sportster, so fit the ride. Not sure if this has helped but remember how a apple can  shine on the outside and full of worms on the inside. Some people may keep their bike clean and it looking great, but what is hidden inside is really the issue you will need to deal with.


    Night Dragon

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at April 21, 2017 6:15 AM PDT
    • 2 posts
    April 21, 2017 1:16 PM PDT
    Thanks man that's really solid advice, I was leaning towards the 1600 for the same reason, I just feel like the 800cc Suzuki would be cramped and since it's heavier I feel like it would have the same problems as my little cb. Thanks for your opinion!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 22, 2017 6:29 AM PDT

    Great advice from the Dragon.