• December 20, 2016 6:14 AM PST

    I think this subject has come up before, but there are a lot of new faces on now.

    This post is NOT intended to offend anyone, and if your road name comes up it will be purely coincidental. I have been going through the members and noticing all the different Road Names out there. They range from the most simple to the very creative. I looked at your road name, your pictures, occupation, and some of your post or replys to try to form a correlation between them to see how you came up with your road name. I understand certain names are derived from how you feel about yourself like...."Hot Mama or GQ Dude", and based on your pictures sometimes those names are worthy. Some names are based on where you live like....."Country of Texas",and of course there are the southern states road names like....."You mean we didn't win".  Maybe your name has a Military theam like......" Sarge or Tank Commander". Then there are the road names of people who seemed panicked to come up with one like..."Fred".

    Whatever the case give us a hint what you were thinking when you came up with that "Road Name" as it will stick with ya forever.


    Stay safe out ther whoever you are

    Night Dragon

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 20, 2016 6:15 AM PST
    • 1855 posts
    December 20, 2016 6:48 AM PST

    As I've said previously, my online forum name of Jimmy Acorn bares no resemblence to my given Christian name, nor is it a "road name" or a handle.  My handle is "Doc" and I didn't take it.  It was given to me in 1967 in Vietnam as I was a medic (obvious by my avatar).  Upon my return my cousin continued to call me Doc and it stuck. Aside from my wife (Gypsy) he is however the only relative who calls me Doc.  I'm still "Roger" to the family and there may be a few friends who use my given name but I can count them on one hand. 

    • 611 posts
    December 20, 2016 11:46 AM PST

    Ah Dragon, I've ridden under several names over the years. All given to me by others, my Bros or friends, hell a cop even tagged me with one that stuck! bastard... lol.

    So let's see, 'Edge' I got from an incident at a bar that involved a lot of mouth from me and a well-timed rabbit punch that no one saw. After we left, he told me 'Damn Bro, you do like living on the edge don't ya?' He added 'Walker' when I was walking almost everywhere I didn't take the bus, because my bike was torn down, waiting for parts. 

    Then, there were 'Jake', 'Jack', which led to 'Jackass' (that was the cop and it stuck), 'Rich' cuz I was always broke, 'Dick' because I was one, often. 'Brains', probably because I didn't seem to have any but actually it was because I knew how to spell almost any word.

    So yeah, I've had a few 'Road Names' and I like Edgewalker the best of them all... 

  • December 20, 2016 2:27 PM PST

    [blockquote]Edgewalker54 said:

    Ah Dragon, I've ridden under several names over the years. All given to me by others, my Bros or friends, hell a cop even tagged me with one that stuck! bastard... lol.

    So let's see, 'Edge' I got from an incident at a bar that involved a lot of mouth from me and a well-timed rabbit punch that no one saw. After we left, he told me 'Damn Bro, you do like living on the edge don't ya?' He added 'Walker' when I was walking almost everywhere I didn't take the bus, because my bike was torn down, waiting for parts. 

    Then, there were 'Jake', 'Jack', which led to 'Jackass' (that was the cop and it stuck), 'Rich' cuz I was always broke, 'Dick' because I was one, often. 'Brains', probably because I didn't seem to have any but actually it was because I knew how to spell almost any word.

    So yeah, I've had a few 'Road Names' and I like Edgewalker the best of them all... 



    I like it to Brother, it just fit's ya


  • December 20, 2016 2:28 PM PST

    [blockquote]Jimmyacorn said:

    As I've said previously, my online forum name of Jimmy Acorn bares no resemblence to my given Christian name, nor is it a "road name" or a handle.  My handle is "Doc" and I didn't take it.  It was given to me in 1967 in Vietnam as I was a medic (obvious by my avatar).  Upon my return my cousin continued to call me Doc and it stuck. Aside from my wife (Gypsy) he is however the only relative who calls me Doc.  I'm still "Roger" to the family and there may be a few friends who use my given name but I can count them on one hand. 



    Jimmy my Brother you will always be known as "Doc" to me.

    Ride Proud, Ride safe


    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    December 21, 2016 12:08 PM PST

    My dad started calling me "Big Bad John" after the song, then shortened it to "Big John".

    It stuck and has followed me through life. Rev Big John came along later in life, but I'm known as "Big John" to most folks.


    • 58 posts
    December 21, 2016 1:26 PM PST

    A diamond after being mined is "rough cut" before final cutting and polishing.  In the rough cut, you can see what the final product will be, but it is just not there yet.  My wife for nearly 37 years has called me her diamond in the rough hence RufCut.  And, no, she hasn't yet managed to get me polished.  I continue to strive to present her with new facets to work on.  

  • December 21, 2016 5:07 PM PST

    [blockquote]RufCut said:

    A diamond after being mined is "rough cut" before final cutting and polishing.  In the rough cut, you can see what the final product will be, but it is just not there yet.  My wife for nearly 37 years has called me her diamond in the rough hence RufCut.  And, no, she hasn't yet managed to get me polished.  I continue to strive to present her with new facets to work on.  



    I get it Brother and I like it !!!


  • December 21, 2016 5:13 PM PST

    [blockquote]RevBigJohn said:

    My dad started calling me "Big Bad John" after the song, then shortened it to "Big John".

    It stuck and has followed me through life. Rev Big John came along later in life, but I'm known as "Big John" to most folks.




    Brother Big John there are people in this world I think very highly of and Brother YOU are one of them.

    Night Dragon

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    December 22, 2016 11:34 AM PST

    [blockquote]NightDragon said:

    [blockquote]RevBigJohn said:

    My dad started calling me "Big Bad John" after the song, then shortened it to "Big John".

    It stuck and has followed me through life. Rev Big John came along later in life, but I'm known as "Big John" to most folks.




    Brother Big John there are people in this world I think very highly of and Brother YOU are one of them.

    Night Dragon


    Thank you sir the feeling are mutual. 


    • 16 posts
    December 24, 2016 7:00 PM PST

    Many years ago I would buy , sell and trade for cars , trucks and just about any thing , I always

    tried to get the best deal I could , my father in law said I chiseled on prices to get it cheap !

    he started calling me chisel , I changed the spelling to chizle and the 49 is the year I was born !

    • 57 posts
    December 25, 2016 3:42 AM PST


    Hunter, is a person who seeks, pursues, or looks for something and the 55 is obviously my year of birth, so look at

    my photos carefully and decide what it is that you think I hunt, hahaha

    • 3006 posts
    December 25, 2016 2:53 PM PST

    I don't have a real handle myself,usually people always called me by different versions of ron,. one of my ol school buddys was a merry prankster n would use rinaldo in attempts to irritate me at times n mimic my mother lol the bastard !!

    As for my handle here,a combo of the words, blue/purple a play on my rides custom paint color which changes from blue to purple & black at times, plus the way riding makes me feel Buzzed/Lovable/Happy = blurplebuzz 

    Stay safe & enjoy the ride 

    • 84 posts
    December 31, 2016 5:14 PM PST

    Mine showed up about 35 years ago.  My older brother worked at the zoo in the reptile house and ever since I can remember we had snakes around the house.  As I reached my early teens I worked as a volunteer on the weekends at the reptile house, hunted snakes every chance I had and spent hours studying books learning Latin genus and specie names.  As a freshman gave senior biology classes in high school on snakes and went on field trips giving impromtu lectures when we found specimens in the field.  So, I was nicknamed Snake pretty much from the beginning.

    Then some years later as I was getting divorced my riding brothers began telling me what a snake she was behind my back.  They added Chrmr to snake and it's been that ever since.  I tell people it says more about my ex than it does to me.

    2017?  Wow, with all the crazy stuff I've done, never thought I'd last this long.

    This post was edited by Snakechrmr at December 31, 2016 5:16 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    January 6, 2017 9:59 AM PST

    Mine was given to me by my best friend, when I was 16 years old.  She started calling me Jester.  If there was a joke, I was the one telling it.  If someone made fun of me or my friends, I always had a come-back that took it to another level.  I enjoy life and believe that we all should smile and laugh more. The Jess part of my name is from my first name "Jesse."

    • 5420 posts
    January 6, 2017 10:25 AM PST

    Mine was given to me by my group of core friends I grew up with around the time you were supposed to begin acting like a 'grown up'.  I went out and got a real job, got married and bought a house when all of my friends (who were still living with their parents working just for beer money, or in jail) started calling me "Lucky".  I kind of liked the name so I didn't bother telling them it wasn't luck, it was getting your shit together.  

    This post was edited by Lucky at January 6, 2017 10:26 AM PST