New (kinda) Harley Engines

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    August 28, 2016 4:32 PM PDT

    "So it'll be very interesting to see how the market reacts to this new American V-Twin, the Milwaukee Eight"

    Indeed :-)

  • August 30, 2016 2:37 PM PDT

    i just got my tech sheet on these new mills put this way my 16 roadglide is up for sell i want a milky 8 single cam is BACK !

    • 58 posts
    August 31, 2016 6:16 PM PDT

    We are going to check them out come Saturday

  • September 3, 2016 7:32 PM PDT

    ok friday i was invited to test the new 107 the owner of my local HD shop have become friends so Mike called an said he had two demo models in Street Glide an Road Glide an wanted to know if i was up for a private ride before Saturdays Demo Day (yes I VIP LOL) he said the last 20 units sold had my Name attached to them so this was sort of a Thank you ride an his words ( i want to ride with the the Backroads King) SO I put the closed sign out at the shop an to dealership i went  When Tori my gf an I ARRIVED there sat the two Demos both in Sun GLO RED owning a ROAD GLIDE I chose it to be my horse of the day FIRST off the stand side it felt lighter the new chassis an supension set up gives it a even better balance point it felt like a much smaller bike then I just bummed the starter an there was LIFE from my tech sheet I know they put a slightly bigger more volts starter on the Milky 8's at idle the shake was still there but it has been toned or refined by way of interal counter balancers As we pulled out i noticed a Slik smooth clutch even Tractoring off she was smooth We had to run a bit of four lane so after letting her come to temp I was playing with the power in different gears she pulls hard thru full power band at 2500 rpm roll on power in 6th is Nice an Strong but click it down one an roll that power on for a Face full of Grin for box stock its PLENTY STRONG an that single cam exhaust note is some what back even with stock cans it had a deep throaty sound I wonder whats left in the motor that a hi flo air kit programmer an exhaust would bring out Next up was BACKROAD time so i exited on 203 to Lutts TN 203 is 40 miles of switchbacks S curves an fast sweepers all mixed up i was rocking the gear box from 2nd to 4th screw mpg i was burning curves back to my improved balanced point this also makes this bike very Flipable or nimble this sucker burns curves bike always had that planted feel never once did it feel dancey entering or exiting curves this thing just fell into them an powered out AWESOME ! so did i traded not yet there's no add goodies yet but they a coming an then I will have a Milky 8 under my ARSE ! 

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    September 4, 2016 7:27 AM PDT

    Cool review!


  • September 4, 2016 9:07 AM PDT

    thanks REX as a tech an seasoned rider i just wanted to share my view with all but i did forget to tell about the RG's stock handle bars still dont like those bars it needs a bar upgrade i like 14 inch apes set at a slight tilt back to the rider but I guess that a personal liking was a awesome day with good friends food an GREAT BIKES !


    • 58 posts
    September 4, 2016 9:17 PM PDT

    My thoughts EXACTLY, Sunchaser!  We went to Maverick HD in Dallas for the Demo Daze.  Like you, since I ride an EGlide, first bike I demo'd was the new E-Glide.  Your review is spot on.  This new bike is head and shoulders above my 2011 FLHTK.  I also rode a 2017 Fat Boy and Fat Bob.   Believe it when I say the E-Glide outperformed both of the other two in every way.  All I can say now is I wish I could afford to upgrade.  And, yes, the bars need another 2 inches for me.

    This post was edited by RufCut at September 4, 2016 9:25 PM PDT
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    September 5, 2016 4:09 AM PDT

    To both Rufcut and Sunchaser, apes do seem to be preferred by many of us seasoned (ha) riders. I first put a set of stock 12 1/2" Wide Glide bars on my 04 King (withing a week of buying it) and a couple years later went with 16" chubby apes.  A much more comfortable all day ride.

  • September 27, 2016 8:17 AM PDT

  • September 27, 2016 8:18 AM PDT

    got my milky 8 cvo street glide Gents it dont get no better

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    September 28, 2016 2:15 AM PDT

    • 3006 posts
    September 30, 2016 8:06 PM PDT

    Sweet news. Thanks for posting this!!! Looks like Harley is not waiting around for the competition to one up them anymore.The motor looks clean, I like it.

    Sunchaser, you scored a really sweet ride.Really like the look and color scheme.

    Stay safe & enjoy the ride

  • October 1, 2016 6:27 AM PDT

    thanks the only bad thing is, my shop is just behind my house so i cant even ride to work lol an with the drop in temps lately everyone is coming in for some sort of service which is not a bad thing, but i have managed to roll up 600 miles so far, The street glide lives up to its name plate it just glides thru the curves an with the 117 big bore kit i got plenty of power on tap! WELL I got to head for TN. to see about makin some Fast Cash. stay safe b cool an live well Everybody !

  • October 12, 2016 5:31 PM PDT

    UPDATE: The CVO is well over the thousand mile mark now 1,932 to be exact as of this post, Gents an Ladies I love this BIKE its great on the big road a real mile eater, but what I love most this thing is just as happy on a backroad kicking about in 3 to 4th gear eating twisties, Now I DIDNT really need the Big BORE KIT she does tend to sip more dinosuar but at 190 miles i ready to break anyway the Grin per mile out weights MPG any DAY !

                    Stay Safe B COOL an Live WELL !