EPA vs Harley Davidson (BIKERS LOSE)

  • August 18, 2016 1:57 PM PDT

    Its seems good ol uncle sam thinks that a well tuned Harley is putting to much toxic air out an sent his HELL HOUND (EPA) straight to Harleys DOOR , it seems uncle asshole thinks Super Tuners are defeat devices a more powerful bike must make more bad emissions an slapped harley with a 12 million dollar fine an harley must destory remaining Super tuners in their stores by AUG. 23 to which Harley paid the fine but they are allowed to sell Super Turners in Europe People this is not about Bad AIR these Super TUNERS help emissions by burning the most fuel thus making more horsepower equaling a CLEANER Burn i own a DYNO i can prove my facts. This is yet again a act of cry babies (LIBERALS) need another thing to Bitch about its mostly likely cause Cynthia Giles an John Cruden have NO LIFE they are head knockers of EPA or they just dont like listening to loud Harleys when their tryin to figure out what bathroom to use. SO if you see these two Jack Wagons out in about please Thump a BOOGER on their Windsheild an yell thats from Chaser !


    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 19, 2016 6:00 AM PDT

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    August 19, 2016 12:16 PM PDT

    Some days it's better to sleep in, stay home, sharpen the knives and clean the guns.

    As I look to my right I see my Dad's flag my Honorable discharge and wonder W.T.F. will it take to fix our broken country.

    I'm in the fight knowing I'm fighting aginst morons with too much power.

    Dad once told me "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups".

  • August 19, 2016 1:17 PM PDT

    Well Rev we Let it happen an WE THE PEOPLE are still letting it happen only when WE learn to use Our Voice will WE be heard, THAT DAY WILL COME but I FEAR on that DAY it wll be to late

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    August 20, 2016 1:19 PM PDT

    Once again we vote for the least worse of the canidates, come this presidental election folks better do their homework because freedoms are on the chopping block.

  • August 21, 2016 5:59 AM PDT

    It's the same thing with Helmets.....We all know it's probably safer wearing helmets, we just don't want the Government TELLING us we need to wear them. I'm knocking on the door of 68 years old, and I have seen a lot of changles over the years in the area of culture, tectnology, racial unrest,disrespect for law enforcement and teachers, dis-trust with our Government. Hell even the climate has gone crazy...There has been tornadors appear in areas of the United States that has never seen a twister, rise in temps during months that should be cooler, cooler in months that should be warmer. (During the end of last December we had 70 degree temps here in Tennessee) Fires, hard freezes like we have never seen before. 

    I will have to say the hardest pill I have to swallow is how outwardly corrupt our Government is. I am ashamed to say I worked for that same Government for 39 years.

    All one has to do is read Revelations, and I think you will see what is happing and what is coming.

    Be safe out there and check your 6 often

    Night Dragon

  • August 21, 2016 7:44 AM PDT

    Dragon, never be ashamed of providing for your Family its what Dogs do, yes Our Goverment is corrupt but within the system are still good people sadly they are the Indians instead of the Chiefs

    • 3006 posts
    August 21, 2016 10:35 PM PDT

    I think you have a valid point, ?are the super tuners, comparable to what a person could buy aftermarket for an exhaust change on a fuel injected motor? Are there other manufacturers of these tuners? I am not clear on what the tuner is, a new fuel map for the ECM ?  software upgrade? Is this for upgrading the exhaust system?

    As for the state of the country, we can praise the rose's or complain about the thorns.We must be the change we seek in the world,go help ur neighbors,go visit some one in prison,write a letter, go to a homeless person n just hand em some money,easy to do out here in Calif.hah..be polite to folks in spite of their ugly behavior,wait an extra second to hold a door or make space in traffic for a person.Be an example of what real charity is.

    There is no greater country on earth we are living the dream in a sense,especially the motorcycle community.The rides are faster,stronger,cleaner running then ever and beautiful to behold, and it is only getting better.Just ask any Indian rider lol 

    stay safe & enjoy the ride



  • August 22, 2016 4:34 AM PDT

    [blockquote]blurplebuzz said:

    I think you have a valid point, ?are the super tuners, comparable to what a person could buy aftermarket for an exhaust change on a fuel injected motor? Are there other manufacturers of these tuners? I am not clear on what the tuner is, a new fuel map for the ECM ?  software upgrade? Is this for upgrading the exhaust system?

    As for the state of the country, we can praise the rose's or complain about the thorns.We must be the change we seek in the world,go help ur neighbors,go visit some one in prison,write a letter, go to a homeless person n just hand em some money,easy to do out here in Calif.hah..be polite to folks in spite of their ugly behavior,wait an extra second to hold a door or make space in traffic for a person.Be an example of what real charity is.

    There is no greater country on earth we are living the dream in a sense,especially the motorcycle community.The rides are faster,stronger,cleaner running then ever and beautiful to behold, and it is only getting better.Just ask any Indian rider lol 

    stay safe & enjoy the ride


    Ron you are dead on target when it comes to Ramdom Acts of Kindness......It's good for the sole and good for the country

    Be safe...Night Dragon




  • August 22, 2016 7:23 AM PDT

    yes Ron a super tuner is what you use for a exhaust change an yes it remaps the ECM  an they are the same as the aftermarket tuners the aftermarket tuners are also on Uncle Sams list how he plans to round up all these defeat devices i havent heard but Uncle is going after all tuners which will spend a bunch of money more govrment waste for nothing cause people will always tune their bikes cause theres guys out there like me that will find away just like guns when guns are banned only outlaws will have guns an ME

    • 3006 posts
    August 23, 2016 8:12 PM PDT

    I would imagine the amount of exhaust  coming from every sort of motorcycle on the road in our country would not be equivilent to the amount of exhaust fumes & CMonoxide put out by any single fleet of commerical airplanes that regularly spew filth across the skies,by the ton!!! The real way to defeat the gov't isn't by complaining about it, it is geting the focus on the real polluters where it belongs.Apparently the folks we put in office at the epa need their priority to be realigned with reality,in other words stop going after the soft target.No more special favors to their corporate masters,no more companies getting out of paying taxes or shipping jobs oversea's to avoid paying to keep the environment fit to live in.Is that unreasonable? The right to live in a state where the common good & welfare of our living conditions are protected against greed & deceitful business practices?? Close the loopholes, enforce the pollution controls,stop killing the planet and them grinning all the way to the bank.No more subsidies!!!

    As for the guns, I seriously doubt any one person or party will ever act to abolish the right to bear arms,last I read there are over 9 guns for every man woman & child in the country.Laws on the books are worth little in light of the slaughter going on daily. What I find sad is the reluctance of the gun people to devise means to include the options like fingerprint/palmprint recognition of the correct owner,before it is operable.Optional ammunitions such as sleep slugs,sticky gluespray,electro chemical compounds. I am sure the number of alternatives for ammo that would be non lethal would be extensive w/any real research.I am still waiting on my star trek phaser here LOL I broke my original one 40 + years ago.

    stay safe & enjoy the ride

    • 58 posts
    August 31, 2016 10:15 AM PDT

    Motorcycles, especially H-D, like guns, are easy targets.  We are a misunderstood super minority that doesn't go with the flow.  At 0400, my perfectly stock FLHP idling out of the driveway and down the street was too load for some of the neighbors....  On the other hand, a blip of the throttle can wake someone up who is encroaching on my lane.