April 21, 2016 3:22 PM PDT
I won't EVER change my mind...Kenny!!!
Open carry was the "law of the land", and it worked, til those that came to "power" in gov't
decided, "we" couldn't be trusted....
How's that for paranoia? EH?
If you ain't F' Kin UP? You a'int got nuthin' to worry about, eh?
Thems WAS the RULES...or used to be. RIGHT?
This country ain't what it used to be, and we ALL know WHY.
Their "paranoia" may be well earned...(God'll show the LIGHT into their darkness).
Cause if this SHIT keeps up?
We're gonna DO, what has to be done, then... EH?
We will do what our FOUNDING FATHERS said...
Ride Free - FOREVER

April 22, 2016 12:26 AM PDT
I like the set up Night Dragon, and have thought about doing a pop up target pratice range at the family farm. But never seem to have enough time it actually do it.
Please tell me the pink ear protectors are your wife?
April 22, 2016 2:36 AM PDT
Very cool Dragon. I miss free outdoor target shooting. The area I live is so congested now there is nowhere to shoot except indoor ranges without having to drive for hours. They are okay for pure working, but sometimes you just want to shoot a can or milk jug.
April 23, 2016 12:03 AM PDT
I like the set up Night Dragon, and have thought about doing a pop up target pratice range at the family farm. But never seem to have enough time it actually do it.
Please tell me the pink ear protectors are your wife?
Yes the pink ones belong to the Misses
April 23, 2016 12:23 AM PDT
If you notice in the first picture there is a 1/2" thick round steel plate with a X on it.
This is the guns and there results that I have shot that plate with.
9mm......couldn't even find the mark
45 ACP could find the mark but no penetration
223 Colt M-16 ....could see small dimple but no penetration
30-30 Winchester...could see the mark but no penetration.....less than the M-16
S&W Model 29 44 Mag...about 1/16" of penetration
Now the one that was the most impressive with 1/4" penetration.....Ruger Mini-30...7.62x39
Now you know why the AK-47 is so popular with Terrorist. 7.62x39 is one hard hitting round.
Be safe out there and check 6 often
Night Dragon
April 23, 2016 9:25 PM PDT
I carry S&W M&P 9mm full size as my EDC. I'm looking at a possible .38 Special+ as my backup. Just picked up an Remington 870 Express last year and converted it for home defence. I think everyone should get range time in and practice shooting it is a perishable skill. Just wish I could find a place that was free to go to here.
Carried a 45 acp 1911 for years. Dependable and easy to shoot. Then it was a 357 Ruger w/4" barrel. Now I carry a S&W Chief 9mm. I had to drop the heavier pieces/calibers because of my inability to absorb the recoil. What I used to be able to shoot easily, now causes so much pain that it would be 'detrimental' in a confrontation. I still practice regularly at the gravel pit, walking or jogging and standing still. Close and far (2-8 ft and 12-20 ft) and everywhere in between.
That's a nice range you've set up! Staying sharp I see.
I agree with you on 'open carry', I prefer to carry concealed. I have done both and think that for some things, stealth is important. Also, I agree with SunChaser... If I shoot someone (especially away from home) I expect to be arrested. Even if they release me later for a 'justified shooting', I have no doubt what the police will do. Even in my home, I would expect them to 'take me in for questioning'. A good rule of thumb "There can be no holes in the back of the intruder". It shows you didn't shoot defensively if there are holes in his back! lol
Thanks for the post, it's good to share ideas and info with like-minded folks.
Edge 'Stealth' Walker
October 21, 2016 11:25 AM PDT
AsphaltCowboy. My husband Scott says the same thing!