February 24, 2016 1:05 PM PST
5. Pink
4. Cher
2. My Grandpa Art
1. My Dad Art
Have already had the opportunity to ride with Jay Leno, Peter Fonda, Arlen Ness and a few others. Wouldn't mind throwing in Kid Rock though.
February 28, 2016 12:55 AM PST
WOW Jimmy, Thanks!
Lucky and HDbeech (Ron and Laura) Already did that
cnciaco (Claudia and Clay) - Already did that
JimmyAcorn - anybody that likes 52 Vincent is OK with me
THE RevBigJohn - I like the way he thinks
and the only celebrity on my list (I don't like celebrities much) is Gary Sinise
March 2, 2016 4:42 PM PST
1. My Dad - used to ride a 39 Harley would enjoy seeing his expression riding a 2016 model !!!
2. All my Cyclefish friends, especially Tumbles. (yeah I know that's more than 5) LOL

3.Keith Urban - actually a really friendly guy & darn good musician who also loves riding
4.Clint Eastwood - as long as Clyde rides with us too !
5. Arlen Ness - bumped into him a few times at his shop's over the years, friendly,down to earth fellow rider.
March 2, 2016 10:12 PM PST
John Wayne
Clint EastWood
Janis Joplin
March 3, 2016 3:41 PM PST
1. Scott Parker
2. Burt Munro (deceased)
3. Dan Akroyd
4. Ron Finch
5. Randall "Tex" Cobb