• February 21, 2016 3:27 AM PST

    This past Friday while topping up my bike at the local Gas & Go I was approached by a fellow rider looking for a riding buddy, so after a brief howdy We was off, right out of the gate he started running handle bar to handle bar which is fine if I know you but this cat was making me nervous backwoods roads aren't the roads for that. AT the first stop sign we came to I firmly told him to back off or go on he laughed an set in a very tight stagger his front wheel to middle of my rear wheel ME on the high line him on the low AT my first STOP I was Done with this Jake leg after telling HIM Ride Over he went into a rant about how nobody knew how to ride their Harleys then he had the balls to ask how to get back to town my reply was (Back The Way You Came Asshole) The rest of my tank was Great ! LIFE is to short to let ASSHOLES get you down !    

    • 57 posts
    February 21, 2016 6:15 AM PST
    Chaser, its kinda like Women some are fun to be around and some not so much,Hahaha.Seriously I have a few friends that really make me nervous to ride with and I've had to let them know a couple times and others that I don't even have to look for them, you just know they are where they should be no matter what the conditions,weather or traffic congestion they are always in a good spot.I don't have time for people pissing me off so just Ride On
  • February 21, 2016 9:12 AM PST
    YEP Hunter your right I figured out real quick why that guy had no riding buddies, when tagging alone on another Man's ride you show Respect to your Road Captain or Captains depending on size of the group, He wasn't about to listen or show Respect so I had to cut him loose been a very long time since I came across a two wheel riding A-hole but I found one Friday
    • 4 posts
    February 21, 2016 1:03 PM PST
    Wow. I had mixed reactions when i read this.
    First off, I agree that im picky who I run alongside with. I have 2 old friends that ive rode with since we were 16 and its not even a concern with them. But gotta say for me I find its a question of riding styles sometimes. Back to my ol buddies...One of em is a rock, if the speed limit is 55- he will run 50-55 consistently, only over in a pass. The other is a looker and he tends to slow to 45 on that same stretch to check out the, im the prob child, i get bored and require change/stimulation....i tend to ride a lil fast.....soo over the years we developed a system that works for us....the Rock leads, the Looker follows 2nd, & the handicapped is set with the duty of Pushing the great, keeps us all occupied. We change off from staggered to side by side on whim and as for a Captain.....we dont need no stinking captains!!! No seriously, we have great planning sessions ahead of time and during breaks etc.
    I also agree that its important to follow the lead in an organized run....that being said. I avoid them like Chicago....just me. YMMV
    • 1855 posts
    February 22, 2016 1:19 AM PST
    If I don't know ya I'm not riding within 10 feet of you. I just say, "Lead the way. I'll follow". And I will follow at my own pace. If I'm not fast enough for you, it is what it is. If we're going somewhere specific I'll see ya there.........or not. Riding with the club is a different story altogether; there are consequences for not following club rules whatever they may be.
    • 5420 posts
    February 22, 2016 1:54 AM PST
    Agree. There are very few people that I feel comfortable enough to ride bar to bar with and even with them I only do it occasionally on open road on a long trip just to kind of glance at each other like to say hi. Then it is right back into a safe position. Even with friends who are great riders that I have done thousands of miles with... you just never know when there will be something on the road and one of you may need to swerve to avoid it. With someone I don't know I would never ride bar to bar or even close to them... just pure respect.
    • 467 posts
    February 22, 2016 2:09 AM PST
    With ya all the way on that one! My oldest step-son started riding with us recently and he is not as experienced as we are. In TN last year (Tail of the Dragon of all places) I had to cut him loose and tell him to move on without us. He was scarier than all the crotch rockets! A road none of us knew surrounded by riders we didn't know, I pick a pace and stick with it. Leave me in the dust, I'll get there!
  • February 22, 2016 2:28 AM PST
    Yeah Doc we of the same mind I ask once for him to Back off his laugh at my request at the stop sign an then him pressing me to first stop which was only 35 miles on roads that I know aren't suited for his style of riding that I did try to explain at the Stop to which he fired back with utter disrespect My safety becoming a issue I made the call to part ways. YES I am big into Respect I live by ( You don't have to like me But you will Respect me I in turn will do the same)
    • 4 posts
    February 22, 2016 7:25 AM PST
    Generally, if I roll up on someone I will hang back where im sure they can see me & give them the chance to adjust or change if they want before Id attempt to pass and I have never run up grip to grip with anyone i meet casually riding unless its at a stop sign or a light for the duration of the stop.
    Id never push up alongside unless I trusted you....and Id definitely not be comfortable with anyone assuming they could to me.

    Skiers rules, if yer coming up behind someone it's your responsibility to make sure you dont run into them....kinda applies.

    Gots to be carefull out there...
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 23, 2016 5:55 AM PST
    A few years back on A.B.A.T.E. of PA.'s Readshaw's ride to Gettysburg (we rode down from the Erie area) one of the regulars brought a friend with him.
    This happens regularly and is all good. Not this time, this guy was a total screw up, by the second stop I told him to shut up and ride like the rest of us or I was going to knock him out and leave him right there.
    He looked around at all the other riders glaring at him. then he fell in line with no problems with him the rest of the weekend. It takes me a lot to get to that point and I don't act that way very often.
    • 3006 posts
    February 27, 2016 2:48 PM PST
    Life s too short & riding too sweet to lose any sleep over that rider. You will find them here n there, riders, who no matter the scenario will find a way to rub folks wrong. It is some thing we all encounter at one point or another while riding w/ others.
    When I ride in any size group I usually leave plenty of distance between me n the guy ahead. I still do some group riding every so often, even with a considerable amount of experience, still cautious as hell !!! One hand over the front brake always. I have only done bar to bar riding with buddys of mine I know & trust totally. I would have been ticked off w/a complete stranger doing that!!! You did right to drop him off, I have rode w/many other people & none of them ever behaved like that clown you describe.

    stay safe & enjoy the ride
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 28, 2016 12:39 AM PST
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    A few years back on A.B.A.T.E. of PA.'s Readshaw's ride to Gettysburg (we rode down from the Erie area) one of the regulars brought a friend with him.
    This happens regularly and is all good. Not this time, this guy was a total screw up, by the second stop I told him to shut up and ride like the rest of us or I was going to knock him out and leave him right there.
    He looked around at all the other riders glaring at him. then he fell in line with no problems with him the rest of the weekend. It takes me a lot to get to that point and I don't act that way very often.

    Been there Rev! ATTA BOY!

    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 29, 2016 1:31 PM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    A few years back on A.B.A.T.E. of PA.'s Readshaw's ride to Gettysburg (we rode down from the Erie area) one of the regulars brought a friend with him.
    This happens regularly and is all good. Not this time, this guy was a total screw up, by the second stop I told him to shut up and ride like the rest of us or I was going to knock him out and leave him right there.
    He looked around at all the other riders glaring at him. then he fell in line with no problems with him the rest of the weekend. It takes me a lot to get to that point and I don't act that way very often.

    Been there Rev! ATTA BOY!

    Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. 

    • 611 posts
    May 16, 2016 8:34 AM PDT
    Was having a brew (just the one) at my fav 'Biker Dive' before heading home. Struck up a conversation with a rider I had met before, he's about my age (old lol) & when I was headed out he said he didn't have anything else to do, could he ride along?
    I said sure and off we went. I took point and he fell in behind just fine thru town. When we got out onto SR530, he rolled up side-by and off we went. 530 is a 2-lane road with good shoulders and fairly wide lanes and since I have a lot of miles riding that way, it didn't bother me. I don't normally ride side-by with someone I've never ridden with, so I was watching him close. We passed slow cars several times and each time he would drop back until I made my move and then he was right there, perfect everytime. It felt really good to ride like that again, with someone that obviously knew what he doing and had experience with 'Club Riding'.
    We made it safely to my house and when I walked out of the garage I grinned and said "You've ridden with the clubs, haven't you?"
    He grinned back at me and said "Once or twice." Found out from him later, he's a Road Captain for a Christian club in our area. He's been clean & sober for years and he told me "You ride pretty good, a little fast but ya done alright."
    So, ya just never know... ya know?
    Edge 'Riding' Walker
    • 1161 posts
    June 24, 2017 7:05 PM PDT

    [blockquote]cnciaco said: With ya all the way on that one! My oldest step-son started riding with us recently and he is not as experienced as we are. In TN last year (Tail of the Dragon of all places) I had to cut him loose and tell him to move on without us. He was scarier than all the crotch rockets! A road none of us knew surrounded by riders we didn't know, I pick a pace and stick with it. Leave me in the dust, I'll get there![/blockquote]

    Ya I was a bit watchful when my dad started riding with me as well.  He in his cage flys, on the bike he is good.  I think part of it is because it is only on my 1980 CM400T bike.  Yes he is sitting on the back seat.  Lol

    This post was edited by Seakers at June 24, 2017 7:05 PM PDT
    • 1 posts
    July 31, 2017 4:38 AM PDT
    Definitely not cool. I'm surprised you agreed to ride with him in the first place though. I've met too many strange characters to be that trusting.