Rebuilding My FLSTC Pro-Street

  • February 16, 2016 12:21 AM PST
    So I was riding with a buddy on TX-36, when all of a sudden my bike loss power... turned out all my heavy throttle action strained the cable enough, that if finally snapped... or it could be all the cheap China shit floating around the market nowadays. Either way, I took it home and removed the cable to find out what length it was. Turns out I am not only replacing the cables, but I'm also going to completely redo my bike...

    I'm feeling the need to paint, so I am going to powder coat the frame, swing arm, and some engine components black with flakes. While that is happening, I'll paint the fenders and tank jet black with cobalt blue ghost flames with heavy silver flakes.

    I will update as I make progress.   
    • 5420 posts
    February 16, 2016 12:27 AM PST
    sounds like a fun project.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 16, 2016 10:12 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    February 16, 2016 10:49 PM PST
    Looking forward to seeing the finished project
    • 1 posts
    February 18, 2016 9:52 PM PST
    love the colors you are going to use.
    • 4 posts
    January 11, 2018 7:31 PM PST

    Nice one. any new updates?