Ride Free "Uncle Bob"

    • 9 posts
    January 28, 2016 3:46 PM PST

     Another of my street friends passed yesterday.  (01-28-16)  

    His name was Robert Shane O'neal-62, and a Vietnam Veteran.  
    I met Bob, last Spring, at an Easter Dinner for the Homeless.    

    Bob, was an awesome man.  Very humble, very polite, and very opinionated on "religion".  
    When I had the occasion to see him again two weeks ago, I asked him to go to church with me.  
    He took me up on it.  And enjoyed it so much, he wanted to go with me, again...

    Unfortunately, Bob fell from his wheelchair, this past Friday night, and apparently laid unnatended for a long period of time in the coldest weather, so far, this year...in Jax. FL.  By the time he was taken to the hospital, he had to put on life-support.

    I went yesterday to check on him.  I wasn't informed until late Sunday night, and then I got extremely ill, for two days.  When I walked into his hospital room yesterday, they had already taken him off life-support, and his family were in attendance, waiting for him to breathe his last.  They informed me, that he'd already been given his "last rites".  Bob, was raised Catholic, you see....  

    Undeterred, I asked his Mother if I could pray for Bob, and she readily agreed.  I prayed for his pain to stop. *(he was Diagnosed brain-dead), and machines were keeping him alive until just hours before I arrived.  But Bob was still "breathing", on his own.  Mind you, I want NO ONE to ever witness what happens when life support is taken away.  
    I asked GOD, to take him home, to give him, and his family peace, and to make the transition as rapid as possible.

    Bob passed into Jesus' arms between 5 & 6 PM last night.  

    My only regret, in knowing Bob, was that I didn't give him, more of what he needed, before he died.  
    I will always believe, that Jesus did.  


    • 3006 posts
    January 28, 2016 4:00 PM PST
    Please accept my condolences on your loss, and may his soul rest in peace.

    He sounded like a good person, at the least you showed up & gave your prayers.
    It was great he attended church with you,you made a difference,however small.
    Sometimes it is the little acts of kindness that resonate the strongest.

    Stay Safe & Enjoy The Ride
    • 4 posts
    January 28, 2016 5:52 PM PST
    R.I.P. Brother
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 28, 2016 10:13 PM PST
    Welcome home Bob.