January 27, 2016 5:18 AM PST
Come Monday (Feb 1st) will be my 3rd year in the great state of Tennessee, and I will say without reservation this state has the nicest and most giving people of anywhere I've ever been...........That having been said the folks here do have there strange side, compaired to Texas that is. They speak a little different, drive a bit different and believe the South will rise again. This is a bit of a parody between the Texas way and the Tennessee way.
The second day I was here I was at a restaurant and the waitress came up to me and said..."Have you been with anybody yet" and I said, damn I've only been here two days, but I'm working on it. She actually ment has anybody waited on me. Doesn't matter where you eat, you are going to be called Honey, Sweetie, Sugar or something like that...trust me there not hitting on ya, just the way they are. In Texas those words is saved for the marriage.
They have there own way of driving as well, They believe they have the right to drive on there side of the road and half of the on coming traffic's side of the road, so ya gotta watch out for that. When one of there head lights burn out, they just leave it until the other one burns out then worry about it. Oh and apparently someone has failed to tell these folks the South loss the civil war, as many still drive around with FULL size Confederate Battle Flags on there trucks maybe even 3 of them. Boy and do these people ever believe in there University of Tennessee Volunteer's!!! There is Orange "T"'s on everything, and I even believe if one would stand still long enought ya might get a "T" painted on your back. I was at the Vet. one day and a guy came in with a T hat on, so I asked him if he was from Texas. I throught I was going to have to shoot my way out.
Down at the local Bar about a week here I was talking to a couple of locals. Told them just arrived from Texas and was just trying to meet people. They said....here's some advice.....If ya get invited down to the big oak tree to shoot the shit that would be a good sign, however if ya get caught down at that tree without an invite, you are probably going to get a ass whiping! To this day I have not asked where the Big Oak Tree is!
Like I said the Folks here are really great people, but there is one thing for sure.......If you were not borned in Tennessee you will never be from Tennessee. Sooooooooo I live in Tennessee and actually from Texas.
Be safe out there
Night Dragon