
    • 1855 posts
    November 14, 2015 9:18 AM PST
     So let's just close them all and reintroduce the draft.
    • 10 posts
    November 14, 2015 11:27 AM PST
    I'll second that
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 15, 2015 5:13 AM PST
    The lines to get 4F status would be miles long.
    • 1855 posts
    November 15, 2015 9:43 AM PST
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    The lines to get 4F status would be miles long.

    I hear that.  Maybe we just start the line at a Canadian border crossing.  My little rant isn't about student demands for free tuition or forgiving loans.  It's  about their ideas concerning the First Amendment (Free Speech) and the idea that they can dictate what people say or do not say or that they can actually define free speech. Create a non-free speech zone?  Really?  Free speech is a mirror to a person's character.  It's one of the best ways to recognize an a@@hole.  To silence anyone because he or she doesn't think like you is more than just absurd; it's a pitiful excuse used to shadow ignorance.  I guess I just don't get it. Ssshhhh, I better watch it.  Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm more than just a pretty face.

    • 10 posts
    November 16, 2015 1:07 AM PST
    My thoughts were more on this generation learning some respect and appreciation living in the USA. Last I heard, almost all countries in Europe, the youth are required to do at least 2 years of some sort of service to the community. This country has nothing similar. I don't think the youth in America have any real bond or respect for our country.
  • November 16, 2015 2:12 AM PST
    WE have a great Country, OUR leadership Sucks they have broke the middle class (the class that pays most of the bills) killed the Dream for most with no jobs high insurance taxes an the list goes on The youth are government programed as far as RESPECT GOES it is earned never given and Our leadership hasn't earned no RESPECT
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 16, 2015 7:10 AM PST
    I had a niece tell me I wasn't tolerant enough, I asked her if she was, she said yes, I said you can't be, she said why, I said because she wasn't tolerant of of my intolerance. :-)
    • 57 posts
    November 17, 2015 10:03 AM PST
    I'm just going keep my mouth shut and have another Drink because We The People created this and I'm pretty sure the 1st amendment would not protect me.
    • 84 posts
    November 17, 2015 12:42 PM PST
    panheadgeorge wrote...
    Last I heard, almost all countries in Europe, the youth are required to do at least 2 years of some sort of service to the community. This country has nothing similar. I don't think the youth in America have any real bond or respect for our country.

    Actually, only about 12 of the 56+/- countries making up Europe require some sort of public service of their youth either before or after college.  What European countries do have over the US is a universal pride in their culture.  If a foreigner wants to move there he has 2 choices.  Either speak the language and blend into their society and culture or move into a small contained English speaking neighborhood.  Demanding a country in Europe change their schools, laws or heritage to fit where you came from will at the least get you laughed at.  At the most it will get you deported. 

    I agree with the lack of bonding and respect for the country and believe the cause lies with each adult generation for at least the past 70-80 years and possible longer.  We as a group have been electing people to run the country, pass laws and manage our finances for all the wrong reasons.  The business of politics is more about furthering an agenda than serving the people or country.  I also believe as papers are declassified, the internet makes searches easier and the truth comes out about things our govt has done (Cuban missile crisis, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, etc) to other countries and our own people many are becoming disillusioned and skeptical of the country's true direction. 

    I have worked and traveled throughout West Africa and Europe most of the past 25 years and have lived in Europe the past 8..  Never have I ever heard in any non-English speaking country to, "Press 1 for English."   You either blend, adapt or go home. 

    In return for my accepting to blend into a new language and culture I've found a place where there is little crime, the police are deservedly respected, cars stop so elderly and children can cross the street, I don't have to carry a gun to feel safe, meth and serious drug use is virtually non existent, neighbors look out for each other and neighborhood pastelerias abound where people have a coffee and pastry while talking with friends.  In short I've found the America I grew up in 60 years ago. 

    Oh yeah, and one of the greatest rockabilly bands I've seen in decades.  Most of the band doesn't understand any English but they sure do justice to early Perkins, Cash and Presley.