Would you believe it?

    • 1855 posts
    June 25, 2015 7:44 AM PDT
    For as long as I've been of the age of responsibility I've been responsible and taken responsibility.  I've had my share of failures as has most people do.  And while those times where I've succeeded were proud moments, I never gloated.  Recent dealings with corporations have made me realize a few things: I can gloat now.  I don't like not being in charge. I don't like the idea of designating tasks/responsibility to another.  I enjoy expedience; I insist on it.  Most corporations don't have a clue on how to interact with customers.  I'm too critical; an assumption based on my most recent outburst.  Undivided attention to a customer is a pipe-dream, and claiming such is a fallacy.

    Why when they say, "I'll get back with you" they don't?
    Why when the say, "You'll be the first to know" you won't?
    Why when the say, "We will get that expedited for you" they haven't?

    O.K. so this is about me and some under-writers who ask for the same documentation over and over again and having too many people in that loop where some, for one reason or another, become the knot in that loop.  Bill:"I gave the information too Jody". 

    Jody: "I haven't received any paperwork from anyone.  I'll check on it and get back with you". 
    Jody later: "Go ahead and upload that again and I'll see to it personally that Jerry gets it". 
    Me:  "Who the hell is Jerry?"  

    Jody: "He's the main administrator on the account". 

    Me:  "No, his name is Clint".  

    Jody: "We don't have a Clint. Oh wait a minute.  There is a Clint in our Dallas office". 

    Me: "So it's his fault then?" 

    Jody: "Oh no.  It's no ones fault.  Bill is actually your account administrator and he'll handle it."  

    Me: "I thought that was Jerry".  
    Me:  "Me never mind".
    • 5420 posts
    June 26, 2015 2:48 AM PDT
    Oh, I believe it. Some one had accessed my online account at a retailer and made a purchase. I contacted the retailer and spoke to no less than 6 different people who listened to my entire story before telling me they were not the one who could help me and then sent me to someone else who could not help me.
    • 1 posts
    June 26, 2015 3:50 AM PDT
    Yes I do believe it! Stupidity is rampant in corporations and America… For some issuance I carry I have to submit every year to an audit. Usually this is how many people I empoly, what pay they receive etc. As it is just me and a partner it usually is simple. But this year was different that was only the beginning of what they wanted. This year the want all my companies tax filling records (seems that do not believe that it is just me and my partner) After submitting this three times they now what different records. My words at one time was ask the NSA it will be faster. Some times to matter how hard you try you just want to smack someone, or is that just me???
    • 1855 posts
    June 26, 2015 6:51 AM PDT
    The problem with my scenario is the stress level it produces. When one is not "in charge" and has "no control" stress will create a certain degree of blind stupidity. Hell, I'm a reasonably intelligent guy but the things I could handle became lost to me and I started seeing more problems that really weren't problems at all. Blinded by the stupidity I just couldn't see the solutions. I took a ride, relaxed and things became clear. Ironic that riding was the catalyst; always has been but I was too stupid even to see that. I'm good now but that doesn't change my opinion of the folks I've been dealing with.
    "Smack someone"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me too.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    June 26, 2015 10:06 PM PDT
    We haven't been getting our Diabetes supplies for a couple of months, her needles, our testing supplies.
    (We get our meds local, and have a back-up supply of the paraphernalia)
    So Deb calls the company, they claim the insurance company is the hold-up.
    Deb calls the insurance company they say they have been paying the company.
    So the insurance company calls the supplier, now the supplier realizes it has been getting payed and blame it on the shipping department.
    So we are told our supplies will be shipped out ASAP, we'll see.
  • June 30, 2015 3:21 AM PDT
    Looks like.....Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are alive and well in modern day corporate.
    I feel the pain
    Night Dragon
    • 57 posts
    June 30, 2015 4:13 AM PDT
    Zero accountability,its always someone else's fault-not my job
    • 611 posts
    June 30, 2015 11:42 AM PDT
    Medical insurance, doctors, prescriptions, vehicle insurance, claims adjusters, government agencies that administer your account, IRS and the list grows bigger every year. Sometimes, things just slip through the system like green grass through a goose. Other times... shall we say that all I want to do is reach thru the fone and strangle the person on the other end. Personally, I have found that when I keep a log of when/who I spoke with, when problems start it helps to have that info. Also, with insurance companies the Attorney General's office has been a good resource to 'unstick' the plug. Your Senator or Congressman/woman is an advocate.
    Hope I have helped in some small way Jimmy.
    • 10 posts
    June 30, 2015 12:08 PM PDT
    I like the old phone commercial,

    "Reach out and touch someone"

    Use your phone or ........... ?
    • 1855 posts
    June 30, 2015 12:48 PM PDT
    Another example happened to us today. Three years ago we had two front picture windows put in. Five months ago Gypsy noticed some foreign material between the panes of glass in the corners. Guarantee on the windows and a guy comes out and, "Yep, we'll replace them. No charge". Only one slider on each window needed replaced. Two months go by and the guy shows up with the wrong side, the opposite slider. The guy says, "Since we have the opposite side we'll go ahead and replace the whole thing. I order the other slider and it won't take as long this time". Three months go by and a different guy shows up with the same two sliders. Now he's a different guy and can't figure out what's going on. I look at the last order slip and it reads, "Replace the right side slider". So I ask the guy, "Who does the ordering?" Answer: The women in the office.

    Now here's the obvious: The installer (work order) says "right side". So is he looking out or looking in? Apparently the office thought he was looking out because what they brought us was the locking side.

    I wouldn't let the guy put the windows in. "If you can't do it all then don't bother. Let's just wait until you get it right. And, BTW, I sold my house. We close in a week and I'm on my way to Alabama. You need to cut 3 months down to 7 days or get in touch with the new owner because you're obligated to replace these windows".

    Hell, it wasn't his fault but he should never have been the one to come to the house when he didn't know what was going on. The installer who placed the order would've seen the mistake to begin with. They did that "designated responsibility" thing. We shook hands. He apologized and I said, "Enjoy the winter". I guarantee it will take at least 4 months to get these windows replaced.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 1, 2015 1:16 AM PDT
    Company ineptitude, ah the joy...Years ago (before PCs) I was a computer company Tech Rep. Got a call to go to a customer in another city with a problem. When I got there I discovered that the company had put a new system in as a beta test. I had no clue how to even turn it on since I had never seen that system. Really gave the customer a good feeling and I was embarrassed to say the least. But after a few dumb questions (like, "hey Ms. customer, can you turn this on for me?) I was able to fix that problem.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    July 1, 2015 5:05 AM PDT
    The Peter Principle:
    "in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence,"
    • 2685 posts
    July 1, 2015 5:12 AM PDT
    I work for one of those corporate Medicare Insurance companies in the pharmacy side and I hate to tell you but it is almost just as bad from the inside as it is from the out. I'm constantly trying to track down "the person" who is supposed to be handling a specific issue.
    And I agree, it is much easier when you can just do whatever it is by yourself and right now.
    • 9 posts
    July 1, 2015 9:53 AM PDT
    No one is "accountable" anymore. They pass the buck as fast as it touches their "hot little hands" and blame no one, as that faux pas could cost them their jobs. And maybe that's the root of the problem. No job security anywhere...anymore...for anyone,

    Not sayin' it's right, because certainly that isn't the way I do business.
    I just wonder where folk's consciences went.

    If I screwed someone over, I couldn't look myself in a mirror. I think you may be right Rev.,
    the employee's have "risen" to their bosses level's.

    It's a dog-eat-dog world, and it's only getting worse.
    Me? I'm lookin' out for me and mine.

    And doin' my best not to hurt anyone else, in the process.
    Can't believe that's how it is...now. Sheesh.

    Ride Free