June 9, 2015 12:04 AM PDT
I enjoyed it but totally understand how tireing peoples whining and complaining can get.
My Dad used to say "they would bitch if ya hung them with a new rope". :-)
Rev, I am just curious is that a nylon/polyester rope or a proper rope made of all natural hemp fibers?
The contest fever needs to get going here,maybe change up the rules a bit? Or include other subject matter? I vote for the best beach shot of the summer

June 10, 2015 6:15 PM PDT
Rev, I am just curious is that a nylon/polyester rope or a proper rope made of all natural hemp fibers?
The contest fever needs to get going here,maybe change up the rules a bit? Or include other subject matter? I vote for the best beach shot of the summer

Hemp, I'm big on hemp products.
I also liked the "Bike of the Month" days, but also understand the need to cease fire on that, however maybe with a new title we could continue.
Not make it a contest persay just title the idea something like.......1. My Baby......2. The other half....3. My stress reducer...........
Well you get the idea........
Ride safe.........Night Dragon
How about 'Best Ride' Photo? Meaning a photo of the bike somewhere on a ride.
This post was edited by RexTheRoadDog at May 7, 2017 6:19 AM PDT
I like the Ride Photo idea but maybe not as a contest, just you pick the best photo from your ride and share it with everyone.