New member in Northern California

  • March 18, 2015 6:46 AM PDT
    Hi everyone, we are new here and we are in the North Bay.

    My wife and I ride on an old sportster.  We enjoy remote rides through the old logging areas, Vineyards,Creeks and Forests that are not allways on the map. We also enjoy finding Mom and Pop Bars, BBQ joints, Diner's and other relics along the way.

    We are signed up for the Hollister Freedom rally this year and look forward to meeting folks and becoming friends.
    • 10 posts
    March 18, 2015 7:02 AM PDT
    Hello from Chicago. Looks like you have some nice riding up in the hills.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    March 18, 2015 11:41 AM PDT
    Hello from the frozen but slowly melting Lake Erie shores of Pennsylvania.
  • March 19, 2015 12:17 PM PDT
    welcome from oregon
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 20, 2015 2:04 AM PDT
    Welcome from the At Large member (currently in Terlingua, TX) to the Best Damned Family Friendly Biker site on the entire web.
    • 3006 posts
    March 20, 2015 3:47 AM PDT
    Hi from SF -east bay area- & Welcome to the best motorcycle board on the web.
    Hope you are enjoying the awesome weather!!!

    Stay Safe & Enjoy The Ride
    • 5 posts
    April 12, 2015 8:03 AM PDT
    Welcome from Washington State
    • 5420 posts
    April 13, 2015 3:01 AM PDT
    Welcome from So Cal!!! Isee you are in Santa Rosa. You should head up to the Redwood Run in June... it is a fun party and there will be LOTS of CycleFish people there!
  • April 13, 2015 3:38 PM PDT
    Well thanks for all of the kind welcomes.
    I'm enjoying checking in on the events, cool people and what's going on with the Cyclefish folks.

    Funny you should bring up the Redwood Run Lucky, we were just talking about that schedule. We are taking a ride up there at the end of the month.

    You know, back in the day the Piercy/Legget north area was referred to as "Hoterville" this was before Hooter's was selling chicken wings and suds, the name came from the controversy over the Northern Spotted Owl being listed on the Federal Endangered Species act. I'm glad to hear that Hooterville is still alive with thunder in the canyons, albeit now, from the rumble of V- twin's and the gathering of the heard, instead of the Jake brake of a 400 Cummins slowing down a loaded set of bunks.

    It's gorgeous country up there, Redwood and Fir trees up to the clouds, rolling hills, steep ravines and the Eel river flowing through the basin. The area rivals Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada mountain range in it's natural beauty.

    Once we get the schedule figured out, I'll give you a shout. Hangin' out with the Cyclefish folks up in Hootervile sounds like an awesome time