Here's your sign

  • February 14, 2015 10:29 AM PST
     I saw panhead george's picture and made me think of this............I think it was Jeff Foxworthy that coined the phrase "Here's your sign" for people who would say stupid things.........
    Let's come up with a Here's your sign post....Hell maybe we already have......age and memory....You know how it is.

    I was riding the Dragon Bike one day in Fort Wort Texas and it started to cut out pretty bad so I pulled over on a off ramp to investigate.
    I pulled the seat off to look for loose wires.......Now I clearly have the seat laying on the ground along with several tools and my head is down in the wires.
    This guy and his chick on an old rat bike pulled up and said....."Broke Down?"

    Without even looking up I said........Nope was riding down the freeway and started wondering what the hell is located under my seat, so I pulled over to see.............."Here's your Sign"!

    Night Dragon

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    • 19067 posts
    February 14, 2015 11:58 PM PST
     Close Kenny, It was Bill Engvall, also a star on Blue Collar Comedy...
    Standing in a church, waiting for the Bride. loaded with a professional camera mounted on a frame with a flash unit that has a six inch reflector, and of course this dude asks...are you the photographer? Here's your sign!

    Similar to this...

    • 1 posts
    February 15, 2015 12:25 AM PST
    Woke one morning on a bike about in New Mexico (during the summer) was loading up the Submarine for the days ride. Very young couple came up and asked if the ACC button was for the air conditioning? "Why yes it is!"

    I know I am short and people have a hard time believing that my tour bikes are mine but… After stopping for gas some where in Louisiana had a guy who had followed me into gas station ask if that really was my bike? Nope I stoled it from the guy next door.

    Have a lot more but today is double time at work and Hi Ho Hi Ho back to work I go.
    • 1855 posts
    February 15, 2015 2:33 AM PST
    Pulled in under a gas station canopy, getting out the rain gear, and yep you guessed it, a dude asked "getting ready for the rain"? Nah, thought I might ride it thru the car wash"

    Here's your sign..........
    • 5420 posts
    February 15, 2015 2:53 AM PST
    I had a flat tire on the truck. Sitting there at the shopping center parking lot with the tire as flat as can be - rim to the ground - and some guy says "you get a flat tire". NO I let the air out to see what would happen... Here's you sign.
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    • 16869 posts
    February 15, 2015 11:14 AM PST
    A "sign" to all who said to my wife sitting in the sidecar "better not make him mad of he'll pull the pin on you going down the road".
    • 9 posts
    April 16, 2015 12:01 AM PDT
    Had to take a flight to Texas in January, for my brother's funeral. Hadn't been on a plane since 1978, when on a puddle jumper, "turbulence" made my head and the airplane's ceilin' meet up close and personal. I swore I'd never get on another plane, after that, but for my brother's send off...I HAD to.

    So I get's on the plane, trying to keep my anxiousness in check, and strap in.

    Well...planes move onehelluva lot faster than they did, 37 years ago, and I was totally freaked out.
    By the speed, and by the turbulence I encountered almost immediately upon the wheels leavin' the ground.
    *(by the way...never sit over the wings)

    I can't even explain the utter terror, panic, and heart-pounding anxiety I was havin' ...
    I was callin' out the name of Jesus out loud!!! Over and over....Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!

    When the guy next to me says, "First time flyin', huh?"

    He obviously couldn't know, but all I could think to say was...

    "Oh no! But I think I should'a taken the IMMODIUM before I got on the plane!"

    Here's Your

    Ride Free

    • 611 posts
    April 28, 2015 8:10 AM PDT
    Back when I smoked cigarettes, folks would come up to me while I was smoking. "You smoke?" "Nope, but this cig does." here's yer sign.
    Park the bike & step off. It has HD badges on the tank and the bags. Guy walks up "Is that a Harley?" "Nope it's a Henweigh." sez I. "What's a Henweigh?" sez he. "Oh, about seven pounds." sez I. here's yer sign.
    Walking through a store, in chaps and leather jacket carrying my helmet. "Out riding today?" sez he. "Nope, I wear this stuff so when I fall down, I don't hurt myself." sez I... here's yer sign.
    Where the hell do these folks come from??? lol
    Edge 'Signman' Walker