I have Ridden Many Bikes...

    • 611 posts
    February 6, 2015 11:06 AM PST
     I have ridden several type/brands of motorcycles in my life. Started with a chopped Sears mini-bike. A Honda 90 Trail broke my collarbone on a badly done jump, then there was the Honda 305 Scrambler (loved that bike), a 650 Triumph I bought for a hunnerd bucks and a sheath knife. She was the first 'Bike in a Box' I built. No frame so I found one and made her a sweet, rigid chop. Right-foot shift, left-foot brake and a 12" over girder front end. Then the 750 Triumph chop another 'Bike in a Box', rigid frame with pull-backs and a 14" over Glide front end. 
    I graduated to a Harley when I bought a 57/67 Pan/Shovel... Bliss! Aman Saviour Frame with 5 degree rake neck, 14" over (homemade) springer and as fast as I've ever gone on a motorcycle... 127 mph (radar, but that's another story). I have ridden friend's sportbikes and had a BLAST on them. Ridden several dirt bikes, 125-450 cc and have abso-freekin-lutely loved every minute.
    What I will NEVER understand, is the need some riders have to put down, sneer at and laugh about other rider's bike. Baggers that appear to drag the road, sportbikes that look like a Transformer and little bitty putt-putts. They all are for riding, for the enjoyment of the rider... Perhaps it is only the need to feel 'superior' in some way... 
    My point is this... Ride what you like and understand that not everyone thinks like you do. So, ride when you can and don't judge... We get plenty of that from folks that don't ride and don't understand.
    (The motorcycle is not mine and I do not know the bearded-one standing by it. Just liked the picture!)
    • 1 posts
    February 6, 2015 10:41 PM PST
     I would like to make that claim but  I have only had street bikes.  But like you two wheels is two wheels.  Have friends that ride those sporty fast ready to do trick bikes and to be honest they look like fun! and a few tickets... and maybe a few broken old bones learning a new trick, LOL.  I have never been a label snob even though I have always owned HD… I have friends that ride Cruisers, baggers and sport bikes of all makes.   I can not say what bikes is my favorite as all that I have are as different as night and day from each other.  BUT I really enjoy my stock 66 FLH.  She has always been my dream and now I have one.  And I ride her more then some ride there brand new ones.  
  • February 7, 2015 12:51 AM PST
    Edgeman that is a very cool knuckle you have thee. Trying to figure out what's up with your kicker...is the return spring sprung?
    Love it......OLD SCHOOL Baby
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 7, 2015 2:56 AM PST
    I have always ridden Harleys, from a 350 Sprint to an Ultra Classic with Sidecar and everything in between, my choice.
    What others road never bothered me. Most of the B.S. I've received was from non Harley riders.
    • 10 posts
    February 7, 2015 4:10 AM PST
    Very well said....

    and Nice looking knuckle.

    It is hard to explain to anyone the feeling of going through the gears on a 4 spd.

    • 611 posts
    February 7, 2015 5:17 AM PST
    Thank you all for the kind words. I apologize for not telling you all that the picture is not me, nor is the bike mine. It is a 'Stock Photo' that felt right for this article.
    All the same, the message here is 'We Ride. We don't have time for put-downs. Just Ride, it's what bikers do!'
    • 9 posts
    February 7, 2015 5:36 AM PST

     Started out on a mini-bike I can no longer name.  Went to Go-Carts, and tried my best to get my Dad to sponsor me for Sprint (Dirt) racing.  He bought me a  Husqvarna 250 dirt bike instead.  Sprint racing was a bit out of his league, but I was cool with it, after the initial disappointment.  A sweet lil' 250 was an awesome choke you could tweek, and use like they do nitrous today.  I called it my secret weapon...lol  

    Back in those days, women (girls) weren't really "appreciated" for their racing skills.  Expecially when you and your bike weighed less than most of them, and their machines, and could therefore over-take them on the straight-aways...no problem.  I won my fair share of trophies, before the final transition onto a street bike.  

    A 1972 HD Sportster, basket-case.  Purchased in '79. Took me a while to learn the in's and out's of that motor.  And about a year to get it road worthy.  She ran fairly well, but liked to mark her spot.  I went through a quart of oil a week.  I decided she needed more love and money than I had to offer, and sold her to the droolin' kid down the street.  Funny thing is, I think he still has her, to this day!  And that's kewl.  At least I know someone else loved her like I did...  

    Then, when I finally had the do-ray-me, I bought a brand new Custom XLH 1200 Sportster.  A 1991 Beauty, with a cold hand, but a warm heart.  She was persnickity about startin' but once she had her mornin' "cup", she would go like nobody's business.  I made some minor adjustments, but mostly I left her stock.  She ran awesomely well, never marked a spot, and never had any mechanical malfunctions, in the nine years I had her.  Man...I miss that bike.  

    A lay off from my machinist's job, during the holidays, with no other income, meant I had to let her go, in order to keep a roof over my son's head, and food in his stomach.  I never cried so hard, as the day she was loaded on a flat-bed trailer, and driven out of sight.  

    I've had the opportunity to ride on several occasions since then.  Had an ex I co-owned with.  Even rented one once. But I haven't had the opportunity in quite a while to own again.  And God has me busy doin' other things, right now. My prayer is to have another Harley, one day.  And God willing, it'll be before I get too old to ride.... 

    Ride Free  

  • February 7, 2015 6:31 AM PST
    am 61 yrs. been riding all my life. dad got us started on a european moped in the early 60's...have ridden many a brand...dirt and street. didn't graduate to harleys until mid 70's....ridden them ever since. my baby these days (and my last) is my '82 shovel...flh80 classic. I would ride her anywhere. Nightdragon, that kicker is an old school kick stand...I still do that with mine when working on the primary side...lol... Tweek...you'll never be too old to ride...never. you guys ride safe...ride free....
    • 3006 posts
    February 7, 2015 8:43 AM PST
    Totally agree with you,and for me the worse part is people who do not ride bad mouthing others choice in rides?!?
    I mean wtf is up with that? I was raised ol school I guess,out here we all rode whatever was available & fun to ride.No one took airs on about it till the 80's came along & lots of people were yanking folks chains over what they rode.I could give a rats ass about that, I rode with a code in my heart,I did not need or desire to have some one else dictate to me what I rode or did not ride or what I liked or disliked about any given brand.

    When I was shopping for my ride, a few buddies were constantly telling me what model Harley to buy & not to buy,how to buy it (all cash) and when (early spring) !!! and what ever I decided never ever get that ugly 883 Hugger !!! Or a Sportster it was really justa glorified sissy ride!!! I know I never scored any points with them when I told them I bought my Honda VTX ) Though they did compliment me on the color, & it still catches folks eyes. I feel blessed in my choice of rides,and some day I may finally pick up another scoot,preferably a old Indian. I always loved the lines on those machines.

    stay safe & enjoy the ride
    • 1855 posts
    February 7, 2015 9:55 AM PST
    I never had anyone give me sheite about my rides.  And I don't give sheite to anyone else over their rides either.   I kind of mind my own business and hope everyone minds theres as they enjoy their jouneys in the wind. 

    First was the triumph and the rest in no particular order. I'm riding the 2012 Heritage now and I still have that '78 FXE for sale though I'm probably going to change my mind about that.   I've probably uploaded too many pics here.  Sorry.  There were quite a few other bikes I've owned.

    I chopped the Trump and then it got stolen in 1975; God rest his soul.  A couple of the shovels blew up when I didn't know what I was doing.  LOL One I sold and bought a wideglide.

    The purple and black one I lost in a divorce settlement and only had it 3 or 4 months.  The Electraglide totalled when some jerk ran me off the side of a mountain in Ky.   The Roadking was a great bike and I was stupid to get rid of it to buy a Switchback, which I absolutely thought was the worst bike ever. 

    • 14 posts
    February 8, 2015 2:57 AM PST
    Like most I started young with a mini=bike, over the past 40+ years there has been too many to list. Some old, some new, some fast and some slow and while I do get a chuckle out of seeing a guy on the upside of 350 lbs on a scooter. Just get out and RIDE. It's a passion we all share that comes from our souls.
    • 1161 posts
    February 11, 2015 10:48 AM PST
    I have only owned my current bike It is a Honda CM400T. I grew up around bikes (dirt bikes, and bikers) but never owned any of the bikes. I have always wanted a harley. But I will keep my honda My dad want's to use it as a starter bike as well. Then I want to restore it back to original.
    • 9 posts
    February 12, 2015 12:02 PM PST
    Every year, bout this time, I start goin' all nostalgic. Every Harley I hear...turns my head. Still. Always.
    But, I've come to a place of acceptance. I know, that if God wills it, I'll ride again.

    But, I've taken it down from a higher than God place. Feel me?
    When I idolize something, or "covet" it, more than God, then I know...I'm on the wrong track.
    That's ME.

    I've been down many a long road. Hard, bumpy, gut-wrenching, back-breakin' roads....
    and I'm tired. So...I've turned it over. It's His world, not mine. I'm only rentin' space here.

    And I've got more important things to do RIGHT NOW, than the next ride.
    I know, I'll ride Heaven's Highway...
    So, imma do, what I gotta do, right now.

    Ride Free, Ya'll
    Just keep

    • 1 posts
    March 1, 2015 9:16 AM PST
    Rescued a lot of rides from The Penny-Saver & loved them all, the Ulysses is the first store bought ride and even it was a demo
    • 3006 posts
    March 6, 2015 5:31 AM PST
    One of my favorite scoot's growing up was a 64 Honda 90.
    My sisters b/f sold it to me.It had sat for years in his garage.
    Used to get about 100 miles to the gallon.
    Sold it to another friend,who plowed it right into a neighbors car.
    Totaled it.Wish I still had her.Some old metrics are nice collector items.

    • 1 posts
    March 8, 2015 7:48 PM PDT
    well Edge you've hit the nail on the head, yet again..On my 2 trips to the States I could afford a Triumph and on the 2nd the deal of the century for a Kawasaki cruiser..I ride a Harley down home..and have had 3 now all EVO's..cause So far I haven't felt the need for speed. My next will probably be another EVO but in the flh style..mainly as i can work on them myself. Presently to meet my own agenda I'm bringing back to life 2 Kawasaki's a z750 and a z 1000mk2....both should enable me to get what I require for my next bike..one that the cheese and I aren't so squeezy on.. Riding the states I found out on the Hwy's that you wave and usually more often than not someone going the opposite way with wave back..So in essence" Yes "no one cares what you ride..as long as you do....You wanna cause a shit stir..bike fire your bike on purpose at a gas station full of Sons...like i did at Murdo in SD. Guys reached into jackets others ducked for cover....and I along with the lot roared with laughter...once they calmed down.
  • March 20, 2015 4:30 PM PDT
    I like what Blurplebuzz said:
    "When I was shopping for my ride, a few buddies were constantly telling me what model Harley to buy & not to buy, how to buy it (all cash) and when (early spring) !!! and what ever I decided never ever get that ugly 883 Hugger !!! Or a Sportster it was really justa glorified sissy ride!"

    I rebuilt an 883 Sportster hugger that was hit. It didn't cost much and it was an easy fix. Straightened it, raised it a bit, shocks, springs,brakes, rebuilt the carb, pipes, Michelins. Great bike, well balanced, handles real well. In an 1/8 of a mile the 883 is hard to beat.
    I hear all sorts of Sportster jokes, I don't take offense, I have funny comebacks that add to the fun! 

    • 10 posts
    March 21, 2015 3:36 AM PDT
    Skyhorse wrote...
    I like what Blurplebuzz said:
    "When I was shopping for my ride, a few buddies were constantly telling me what model Harley to buy & not to buy, how to buy it (all cash) and when (early spring) !!! and what ever I decided never ever get that ugly 883 Hugger !!! Or a Sportster it was really justa glorified sissy ride!"

    I rebuilt an 883 Sportster hugger that was hit. It didn't cost much and it was an easy fix. Straightened it, raised it a bit, shocks, springs,brakes, rebuilt the carb, pipes, Michelins. Great bike, well balanced, handles real well. In an 1/8 of a mile the 883 is hard to beat.
    I hear all sorts of Sportster jokes, I don't take offense, I have funny comebacks that add to the fun! 

    When you put a bike together from pieces, like Skyhorse did, it becomes part of your soul.

  • April 3, 2015 7:07 AM PDT
    Panheadgeorge get's it and that's cool.

    I guess if someone has insecurities or needs for external validation the biking world is full of candy apple and chrome covered goodies that please the eye. There is no limit to the time and money that can be invested in a bike. I enjoy seeing the new bikes, the customs and the old stuff too.

    If someone wants to put down my bike, I'll beat 'em to the chase. The folks that hang out with us, have some of life's experiences under their belts and know that it's not the toys, the house, the cars or the crap that makes a person, It's who you are inside that counts.
  • April 3, 2015 1:20 PM PDT
    Skyhorse wrote...
    Panheadgeorge get's it and that's cool.

    I guess if someone has insecurities or needs for external validation the biking world is full of candy apple and chrome covered goodies that please the eye. There is no limit to the time and money that can be invested in a bike. I enjoy seeing the new bikes, the customs and the old stuff too.

    If someone wants to put down my bike, I'll beat 'em to the chase. The folks that hang out with us, have some of life's experiences under their belts and know that it's not the toys, the house, the cars or the crap that makes a person, It's who you are inside that counts.

    Well said Skyhorse....Well Said !
    Night Dragon

    • 9 posts
    April 10, 2015 9:35 AM PDT
    If ya neez iz inda breeze...
    (pardon me, Lord)

    but what the hell difference do it make???
