While Riding stories

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 6, 2009 11:18 PM PDT

    We all have at least one while the wheels are rolling’ story to tell. It must have happened while still moving. It can be funny, inspirational or just weird. Please no tragedies.

    Here is my favorite. Riding point, I was pulling on to I90 just outside of Deadwood SD heading to Spearfish. On the merge ramp this truck, already on the highway and not going real fast, was equal with me. I could have easily accelerated and pulled ahead but I decided to let him go and merge behind since there were other riders behind me. Then I realized the truck was hauling a full 40 foot trailer of poultry in those open wooden cages.  At about 60mph or so the feathers started flying.  It got real intense around 70mph and outright crazy by 75plus mph. Man, I mean a frickin’ feather storm. One of the riders in the group was new and on a smaller bike so I didn’t try to pass. We were getting off in a couple miles anyway. Easing back a little we followed him until the Spearfish exit. All the while I was trying to grab one of those damn feathers and never caught one, and there were thousands of them. I did find some clinging to my bike when we parked though.  Ever since this I have John Anderson’s “Chicken Truck” song on my MP3 player.  "Chicken Truck, Chicken Truck, Behind it I'm Stuck..."


  • May 7, 2009 4:21 AM PDT
    sounds like that Aflac commercial where the duck is driving the race car blinding all the drivers behind him with feathers.
  • May 7, 2009 5:19 PM PDT
    While riding today (yes today, Thursday) I went ice skating with my motorcycle.  I froze my butt off and it took 12 hours to thaw.  My trip to the Smoke Out Run in Arizona was canceled.  But I did make it home safe considering what I rode through.

  • March 1, 2011 8:18 PM PST
    Coming home from Sparks America Bike Run a few years ago my throw-over leather saddlebag blew up.
    When I got home I lifted my butt off the seat and 1/2 of the saddlebag fell to the ground. WTF!!... Other 1/2 was there when I got off the highway...?... Back-tracked and found it all burned up on the side of the road. Apparently I had my Zippo lighter fluid in the bag on the exhaust side of the bike and it exploded & burned long enough to burn the stitches where the bag was sewn to the throw-over strap.
    This story was worthy enough to get a write-up in our local Thunder Roads Magazine..
    • 3006 posts
    March 3, 2011 2:54 AM PST
    rolling south on local freeway,trying to make time to my honeys house,I'm in the fast lane coming up on a pickup truck that seems to be driving a bit erractically, I am thinking its an easy pass n leave the truck behind me,as I pass to his rite,I glance over to my left as I am passing him,apparently he had company,yep a head on his lap &
    she was working it..LOL..I nearly crashed as my eyes bugged outta my head..the smile on his face as he looked over at me was priceless..ahhh the hazards of driving..!!!
  • March 6, 2011 10:39 PM PST
    Riding east this weekend on the 8 freeway heading toward Arizona when me and the mrs. came across a group of young riders on sportbikes doing stunts and wheelies. Nothing unusual was happening and after a few miles of watching them I decided to accelerate and pass the whole bunch of them in the fastlane. Well after getting about a half mile ahead of them they must have decided to get to Arizona in a hurry because when the group of 8to10 bikes passed by us they had to have been going 140 to 160 mph. We were riding along at 85 mph with the cruise on an they screamed by us and were gone in a few seconds, scared the shit out of me because I was daydreaming about baseball and the ride to the spring training sites.