Healthy is as healthy does.

    • 1855 posts
    December 19, 2014 5:07 AM PST

    I know there's been a post or two about colonoscopys here.  When the time comes don't make any excuses.  Don't put it off.  For years the VA asked if I wanted one.  I said, "No".   They never pressed the issue.  It was only when my family doctor scared the bejesus out of me that I relented.  Today I discovered that I was "just in time".  For all practical purposes the doctor said he didn't feel the two polyps he removed were malignant but that because one was pretty big, I'm going to have to have another procedure next year.  While preparing the day/night before is a bit uncomfortable, the procedure itself is absolutely painless and well worth any inconvenience.   Plus your arse is surrounded by some pretty nice looking nurses.

    After my family physician told me, "when you have pain your survival rate is less than 20%" I was really apprehensive and worrying what they might find.  I wasn't having any pain but I do think I developed an ulcer while waiting for the test.  Again, get it done when it's time; before worry.

    • 284 posts
    December 19, 2014 5:50 AM PST
    I have been under the weather for about 4 months now. Lots of little things.

    Went to the VA last Friday afternoon and ended up in an ambulance with congestive Heart Failure headed to St Joseph Hospital. I am one of these unless I am dying I am not seeing a doctor. Spent 6 hours taking tests and sleeping in the ER. Glad to be home again.

    I had to suffer the indignity of the camera up my rear a few years ago. They took out a few non-threatening polyps. But cause there were more than one they want to do it again.

    No kiddin the night before sucks. Drink that stuff and have everything inside you run out like crap thru a goose.

    VA here is so understaffed my followup from the last Friday is a month and a half away. Over the last few years I have kind of changed my mind and try to see my VA Doc when I am having issues.

    Older I get the slower I heal and the faster it gets worse.

    Thoughts of Silver Sporty
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    December 20, 2014 3:49 PM PST
    Yes, the totally depressing low down mind messin', but quite necessary Colonoscopy blues.
    • 3006 posts
    December 20, 2014 5:51 PM PST
    Glad to hear you made it thru okay !!!
    Never had that procedure.Yet I haven't seen a doctor in over 3 years,
    and that was for arthritis which had me crawling in pain.
    stay safe & enjoy the ride & have a Merry Xmas !!!
    • 611 posts
    December 21, 2014 5:47 AM PST
    Well Jimmy... I understand. Was married to an RN for 25 years and she knew how to scare the 'crap' outta ya. So I scheduled one and went thru the 'prep steps'. Wouldn't ya know it? 9 of those lil bastids... 2 precancerous, all removed. Went back for a year at a time, then it was every 2, then 3 now I'm at 5 years apart.
    Don't let anyone tell ya "Oh, yer not eating right!" Sure, that helps but I do eat right, it's just some folks bodies get 'em, some don't. Besides, the consequences of bowel cancer are too horrible to contemplate (or to write in this forum) and so easily dealt with. If you are 50 or over, call your Dr and schedule an appt... Bet your ass I did!
    Edge 'UpTheButt' Walker (heheh, couldn't resist)
    • 57 posts
    December 23, 2014 7:00 AM PST
    Happy to hear you are well,I think we need to load the bikes in a trailer and go soak our old bones the warm Gulf waters,Lol. Hope you have a Happy Holiday
    • 1855 posts
    December 23, 2014 10:36 AM PST
    Hunter55 wrote...
    Happy to hear you are well,I think we need to load the bikes in a trailer and go soak our old bones the warm Gulf waters,Lol. Hope you have a Happy Holiday

    Tomorrow morning I have arthro on my right knee.  Some time in January I'll have my left knee replaced.  And then brother I am heading to Perdido Bay in Alabama while our kitchen gets remodelled.  Puttting the house up for sale soon after and then moving south.   Well, that's the scenario so far.  I may forgoe the left knee thing and just go south.   You being in Illinois, not too far away, maybe we can hook up come spring.


    • 57 posts
    December 23, 2014 1:38 PM PST
    Good Luck with the knees Jimmy,man that picture says it all.We really like that area of the Gulf we rented a home on West Beach last spring and had a really hard time going home.If you are still in Lima when spring gets here we'll have to get together.Best Wishes and Happy Holidays