What is wrong with this Picture?

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 23, 2014 3:14 AM PST
     Screen grab from a movie so bad I won't mention the title.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 23, 2014 3:50 AM PST
    Uniform from "Wrong Patches R Us" :-)
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 23, 2014 4:03 AM PST
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    Uniform from "Wrong Patches R Us" :-)

    Right there Rev....So stupid an error. 

    • 1 posts
    November 24, 2014 4:08 PM PST
    his name badge is on the wrong side for a start..
  • November 25, 2014 12:36 AM PST
    Army Uniform, US Navy tape, Air Force unit patch, No name tape, collar secured....Jonesy 1340 the Branch tape is on the correct side, just wrong branch for the uniform.
    • 2 posts
    December 3, 2014 10:50 PM PST
    It is funny to see folks doing this. I hate they try to get special treatment when out by wearing these things. I retired almost 20 years ago and well, I hate to see it and I have been at an event where a person was wearing ,, SPECIAL CLOTHES" and I let a friend of mine who is with the local PD about it and he escorted the person out of the event. Yes was great to see and well during the outside chat,, there was an issue and yep ,, someone to a ride in the backseat to the lockup!!!