November 20, 2014 4:00 PM PST
The sad part about racism is how it can always be justified by one person or another or as means to control others thru their fears & ignorance of other cultures and belief systems.Sort of like brainwashing people. Which the media does to the degree that people let it.
The fact is people will take advantage of other people irregardless of skin/belief/sexuality and use the "racist/belief/sex card" when it suits them to their advantage.Leaders or followers alike.
The Presidents actions those are his to decide upon,whether I like them or not. I am loyal to my country and my leaders not when it only suits my political taste or racial bias,always loyal.The president of the USA is not a chump or any other racist sort of slur or description.He is our President & I for one respect the man who has the ability to achieve his dream and become the president of this country. While I do not agree with a lot of his actions, I will stand ready to defend him and my country from fascist tyranny & anarchy.
As for the immigrants they have their rights too, and treating them harshly for the crime of trying to better their lives is one thing that bears close examination in the mirror.Better to be too merciful rather than too heavy handed with others lives at stake.