60 Years Ago, Edgewalker was born

    • 611 posts
    July 2, 2014 6:39 AM PDT
     Well Brothers and Sisters and all the rest of you, my Lady Dove and I had a great B-Day! Good times, good friends, excellent food and a great fire in the pit! It got a little 'Drunk' out that night but I have learned a thing or three in the last 60 years, so kept it on the 'Fun-Drunk' side! Was given the most awesome battery charger that has settings for lead/acid, Gas Matt and Gel Cell plus it has a 'Jump' function, 2 metal HD signs to hang in my garage and some other cool swag... All things counted, it was a great 60th birthday! Thanx for all the good B-Day wishes from all of y'all. 
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    July 2, 2014 7:45 AM PDT
    Happy Birthday my friend, glad you had a good one. :-)
    • 5420 posts
    July 2, 2014 7:48 AM PDT
    Happy Birthday Edgewalker! If you hold off on birthdays for 4 years I'll catch you at 60 :-)
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 2, 2014 9:19 AM PDT
    Glad it was a fun and safe day for you! Many more for you!
  • July 2, 2014 3:32 PM PDT
    Edge "Birthday" Walker, sounds like you had a great day.  Here's to many more.

    • 1855 posts
    July 3, 2014 2:39 AM PDT
    Belated but Happy Birthday "old timer".......LOL I think 60 qualifies.

    • 846 posts
    July 3, 2014 5:05 AM PDT
    Belated Happy Birthday, Sounds like a good one.
    • 3006 posts
    July 3, 2014 6:27 AM PDT
    Happy Birthday & I would wish you another 60, if thats possible,tho I cant see anyone riding a scoot at 120)
    • 84 posts
    July 3, 2014 7:29 AM PDT
    Congrats on joining the 60+ club.  I'd love to tell ya the 60s are better than the 50s but truth be told.....................they ain't.  In my early 50s I was still getting lucky with younger women (yeah, OK, younger was 35-45) but when I turned 60 I turned invisible.   

    Happy Birthday & I would wish you another 60, if thats possible,tho I cant see anyone riding a scoot at 120

    We have a guy here that rides a 750 Honda and he's 87.  Been riding 69 yearsl.  He's been here all his life and is kind of a local legend.  Also has a Deux Cheval that he bought new in the 60s and he still drives it to rallys.  He'll be riding a while longer as, hopefully, will we all.
  • July 3, 2014 11:30 AM PDT
    Hey there ya old Geezer ya look pretty good for 60. Looks like ya have a very nice looking lady that cares about ya a lot. Glad you had the best of days.
    Stay safe and we will see another picture in a year.
    Night Dragon
    • 1 posts
    July 6, 2014 11:15 AM PDT
    You done well. That is all, carry on.